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Created February 27, 2025 01:39
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Go like defer in Dart
import 'dart:async' show Future, Zone, scheduleMicrotask;
final Object _deferredPushKey = Object();
/// Defers the given [callback] function to be executed after the current zone.
/// The callback will be executed in the reverse order of their registration.
void defer(void Function() callback) {
final push = Zone.current[_deferredPushKey];
if (push is void Function(void Function() callback)) {
} else {
throw StateError('defer() can only be called within runWithDefer()');
/// Runs the given [body] function in a new zone with deferred execution support.
T runWithDefer<T>(T Function() body, {bool microtask = false}) {
void Function()? stack;
void push(void Function() callback) {
final prev = stack;
stack = () {
try {
} finally {
void execute() {
final call = stack;
if (call == null) {
} else if (microtask) {
} else {
return Zone.current.fork(specification: null, zoneValues: <Object?, Object?>{_deferredPushKey: push}).run<T>(() {
var handled = false;
try {
final value = body();
assert(value is! Stream<Object?>, 'Stream is not supported by runWithDefer()');
if (value is Future<Object?>) {
handled = true;
return value..whenComplete(execute);
return value;
} on Object {
} finally {
if (!handled) execute();
import 'dart:async';
import 'defer.dart';
class Client {
Client() {
print('Client created');
Future<void> fetch(Object url) =>
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 250), () => print('Client fetched $url'));
void close() => print('Client closed');
void main(List<String> arguments) => runWithDefer<void>(() async {
final client = Client();
defer(() => print('Program finished'));
await client.fetch('');
await client.fetch('');
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