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Created February 1, 2013 08:18
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Save PollRobots/4690074 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let checkForLeftRecursion (rules:Map<string,Expression>) =
let rec leftRules = function
| Terminal _ | TerminalOneOf _ | TerminalUnicode _ | TerminalWildcard | Epsilon -> []
| NonTerminal x -> [x]
| ZeroOrMore x | OneOrMore x | Optional x | Not x | And x -> leftRules x
| Choice x ->
List.concat <| leftRules x
| Sequence x ->
let rec processList = function
| [] -> []
| (head :: tail) ->
match head with
| Optional _ | Not _ | And _ | ZeroOrMore _ | OneOrMore _ -> List.append (leftRules head) (processList tail)
| x -> leftRules head
processList x
| Rule _ -> failwith "Internal error"
let rec checkRule name prior =
if List.exists ((=) name) prior then
failwithf "Left recursion calling %s" <| List.reduce (fun a b -> (b + " -> " + a)) (name :: prior)
match Map.tryFind name rules with
| None -> failwithf "Unknown rule %s" name
| Some x ->
let leftchoices = leftRules x
let sp = (name :: prior)
for rule in leftchoices do checkRule rule sp done
Map.iter (fun k _ -> checkRule k []) rules
| ex -> eprintfn "Grammar error: %s" ex.Message
failwith "Invalid Grammar"
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