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Last active December 8, 2024 09:11
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Sets the default video quality for videos on iOS YouTube.
#import <YouTubeHeader/MLAVPlayer.h>
#import <YouTubeHeader/MLHAMPlayerItem.h>
#import <YouTubeHeader/MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint.h>
int targetResolution = 1440;
int targetFPS = 60;
static NSString *getClosestQualityLabel(NSArray <MLFormat *> *formats) {
int minDiff = INT_MAX;
NSString *closestQualityLabel;
for (MLFormat *format in formats) {
int width = [format width];
int height = [format height];
int resolution = width > height ? height : width;
int fps = [format FPS];
int resolutionDiff = abs(resolution - targetResolution);
int fpsDiff = abs(fps - targetFPS);
int totalDiff = resolutionDiff + fpsDiff;
if (totalDiff < minDiff) {
minDiff = totalDiff;
closestQualityLabel = [format qualityLabel];
return closestQualityLabel;
static MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint *getConstraint(NSString *qualityLabel) {
MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint *constraint;
@try {
constraint = [[%c(MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint) alloc] initWithVideoQualitySetting:3 formatSelectionReason:2 qualityLabel:qualityLabel];
} @catch (id ex) {
constraint = [[%c(MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint) alloc] initWithVideoQualitySetting:3 formatSelectionReason:2 qualityLabel:qualityLabel resolutionCap:0];
return constraint;
%hook MLHAMPlayerItem
- (void)onSelectableVideoFormats:(NSArray <MLFormat *> *)formats {
NSString *qualityLabel = getClosestQualityLabel(formats);
MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint *constraint = getConstraint(qualityLabel);
self.videoFormatConstraint = constraint;
%hook MLAVPlayer
- (void)streamSelectorHasSelectableVideoFormats:(NSArray <MLFormat *> *)formats {
NSString *qualityLabel = getClosestQualityLabel(formats);
MLQuickMenuVideoQualitySettingFormatConstraint *constraint = getConstraint(qualityLabel);
self.videoFormatConstraint = constraint;
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