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Elastic Pull To Refresh Concept
<div class="phone">
<div class="phone__screen">
<div class="demo__top">
<p class="demo__text">Pull down content part</p>
<p class="demo__text half">Activities</p>
<p class="demo__text half">Saved</p>
<svg class="demo__svg" viewBox="0 0 375 37">
<path class="demo__svg__line" stroke-width="3" fill="none" d="M0,1 187,1 a18,18 0 0,1 0,36 a18,18 0 0,1 -12.6,-30.6"/>
<path class="demo__svg__smile" stroke-width="3" fill="none" d="M176.61,25 Q187,14 197.39,25" />
<div class="demo__body">
<svg class="demo__svg-bg" viewBox="0 0 375 667">
<path class="demo__svg-bg__path" d="M0,0 C125,0 250,0 375,0 S375,0 375,0 L375,667 0,667z" />
<div class="demo__content">
<div class="demo__el"></div>
<div class="demo__el"></div>
<div class="demo__el"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var animating = false;
var $body = $(".demo__body");
var $content = $(".demo__content");
var $line = $(".demo__svg__line");
var $smile = $(".demo__svg__smile");
var $bgPath = $(".demo__svg-bg__path");
var resetD = "M0,0 C125,0 250,0 375,0 S375,0 375,0 L375,667 0,667z";
var smileInit = "M176.61,25 Q187,19 197.39,25";
var smileMid = "M176.61,25 Q187,25 197.39,25";
var smileEnd = "M176.61,25 Q187,34 197.39,25";
var totalLen = $line[0].getTotalLength();
var upperLen = 187;
var circleLen = totalLen - upperLen;
var minLineLen = 60;
var lineDragBoundries = upperLen - minLineLen;
var pullDeltaY = 0;
var pullSlowCoef = 1.2;
var maxPullY = 150;
var minReleaseY = 120;
var contentYCoef = 0.4;
var maxContentY = maxPullY*contentYCoef;
var bodyOffsetX = 0;
var bodyW = $body.outerWidth();
var resetAT = 500;
var releaseStep1AT = 800;
var releaseWaitTime = 3000;
var easings = {
elastic: function(t,b,c,d) {
var ts = (t/=d)*t;
var tc = ts*t;
return b+c*(33*tc*ts + -106*ts*ts + 126*tc + -67*ts + 15*t);
inCubic: function(t,b,c,d) {
var tc = (t/=d)*t*t;
return b+c*(tc);
function SvgAddClass(el, cl) {
var regEx = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)'+cl+'(?!\\S)', "gi");
if (regEx.test(el.attr("class"))) return;
el.attr("class", el.attr("class") + " " + cl);
function SvgRemoveClass(el, cl) {
var regEx = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)'+cl+'(?!\\S)', "gi");
el.attr("class", el.attr("class").replace(regEx, ""));
function SvgPathTween(from, to, time, easing) {
var regex = /\d+(\.\d{1,2})?/g;
var fromD = from.attr("d");
var fm = fromD.match(regex);
var tm = to.match(regex);
var diff = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fm.length; i++) {
diff.push(+fm[i] - (+tm[i]));
var time = time || 600;
var curFrame = 0;
var frames = time / 1000 * 60;
var easing = easing || "elastic";
function animate() {
if (curFrame > frames) return;
var i = 0;
var newD = fromD.replace(regex, function(m) {
if (+m === 0 || // if nothing changed - skip
i % 2 === 0) { // in this demo I want to animate only y values
return m;
return +easings[easing](curFrame, +fm[i], 0 - diff[i++], frames).toFixed(2);
from.attr("d", newD);
function pullChange(y, x) {
var pullY = (y <= maxPullY) ? y : maxPullY;
if (pullY < 0) pullY = 0;
var pullCoef = pullY / maxPullY;
var sdo = circleLen + pullCoef * lineDragBoundries;
var pullYCont = +(pullY*contentYCoef).toFixed(2);
var bodyX = parseInt(x - bodyOffsetX, 10);
if (bodyX < 0) bodyX = 0;
if (bodyX > bodyW) bodyX = bodyW;
var leftX = bodyX - 50;
if (leftX < 0) leftX = 0;
var rightX = bodyX + 50;
if (rightX > bodyW) rightX = bodyW;
$body.css("transform", "translate3d(0,"+ pullY +"px,0)");
$content.css("transform", "translate3d(0,"+ pullYCont +"px,0)");
$line.css("stroke-dashoffset", sdo);
$bgPath.attr("d", "M0,0 C"+(leftX-25)+",0 "+(leftX)+","+pullYCont+" "+bodyX+","+pullYCont+" S"+(rightX+25)+",0 375,0 L375,667 0,667z");
function reset() {
SvgAddClass($line, "reset");
SvgPathTween($bgPath, resetD);
setTimeout(function() {
$body.removeClass("reset").attr("style", "");
$content.removeClass("reset").attr("style", "");
SvgRemoveClass($line, "reset");
$line.attr("style", "");
animating = false;
}, resetAT);
function performMagic() {
SvgAddClass($line, "show-circle");
SvgPathTween($bgPath, resetD);
setTimeout(function() {
SvgAddClass($line, "rotating");
}, releaseStep1AT*0.32);
setTimeout(function() {
$content.removeClass("reset").attr("style", "");
SvgAddClass($smile, "active");
setTimeout(function() {
SvgPathTween($smile, smileMid, 300, "inCubic");
setTimeout(function() {
SvgPathTween($smile, smileEnd, 300, "inCubic");
SvgAddClass($smile, "minified");
}, 500);
}, 700);
}, resetAT);
setTimeout(function() {
SvgRemoveClass($line, "rotating");
SvgRemoveClass($line, "show-circle");
SvgAddClass($line, "reset");
setTimeout(function() {
$body.removeClass("reset").attr("style", "");
SvgRemoveClass($line, "reset");
$line.attr("style", "");
SvgRemoveClass($smile, "minified");
SvgRemoveClass($smile, "active");
SvgPathTween($smile, smileInit, 50, "inCubic");
animating = false;
}, resetAT);
}, releaseWaitTime);
function release() {
animating = true;
if (pullDeltaY < minReleaseY) {
} else {
$(document).on("mousedown touchstart", ".demo__body", function(e) {
if (animating) return;
var startY = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
bodyOffsetX = $body.offset().left;
$(document).on("mousemove touchmove", function(e) {
var y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
var x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
pullDeltaY = (y - startY) / pullSlowCoef;
if (!pullDeltaY) return;
pullChange(pullDeltaY, x);
$(document).on("mouseup touchend", function() {
$(document).off("mousemove touchmove mouseup touchend");
if (!pullDeltaY) return;
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