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Created August 29, 2024 09:20
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#![feature(error_generic_member_access)] // for provide API
#![feature(try_trait_v2)] // for MainResult to use ? syntax
use errful::{Error, MainResult, Span};
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
display = "something unexpected happened",
exit_code = 123, // if this is returned from `main`
url = "",
code = "MY_ERROR",
severity = errful::Severity::Warning,
struct MyError {
inner: std::num::ParseIntError, // any std::error::Error will do
input: String, // the input which caused the error
#[error(label = "this should be a number")]
whole_location: Span<u8>, // label a location within the input
#[error(label = inner)] // can also use an error field as a label
error_location: Span<u8>,
fn main() -> MainResult<MyError> {
fn failing_function() -> Result<(), MyError> {
let input = "123x5".to_string();
let inner = input.parse::<i32>().unwrap_err();
let err = MyError {
error_location: Span::new(3.into(), 1.into()),
whole_location: Span::new(0.into(), 5.into()),
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