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Forked from nossidge/NoisyCrossesShapedPixelsGlitch
Created February 18, 2013 08:01
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Save PostArchitekt/4975779 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Create a symmetrical diamond shaped (sideways square) "snowflake".
// This can be rotated 45° to make a square.
// Create 1/8th of the shape and reflect that for the remaining 7/8ths.
// Make it a repeatable function with a parameter for the center XY.
// New pattern generated on key press.
// Animated GIF generated and saved on form unload.
// ToDo: Store as class? Then it would be copyable...
// Keys:
// R - Redraw to get a new random pattern.
// S - Save the current pattern as a frame in the output GIF.
// (The GIF will finalise and save when the program is closed.)
// Save as animated GIF
// Requires gifAnimation Processing Library
import gifAnimation.*;
GifMaker gifExport;
boolean saveToGif = true;
// The time between GIF frames
int frameDelay = 1000;
// Rotation. 0 and 45 work best for symmetry.
int rotationInDegrees = 45;
// No of cells between the centre and edge DIAGONALLY
// It's kind of confusing, but it makes sense in the code
// Works nicely between 4 to 6
int triangleRadius = 4;
//int triangleDiameter = (triangleRadius*4) - 1;
// This specifies how much the shape should resemble a "star"
// == 1 makes a cross
// == 2 makes a square (or diamond)
// >= 2 makes a star
float starness = 2;
// Cell will be drawn if the RNG is below 1
// So a value of 3 will draw about 1/3 of the cells
float randomUpperLimit = 1.8;
// The dimensions of each cell
int cellW = 32;
int cellH = cellW;
// The ideal pixel size for the canvas
int yPixelIdeal = 256*2;
int xPixelIdeal = int(yPixelIdeal * 1);
// Has to be an odd number to make sure we have a central cell
int xCells = (xPixelIdeal / cellW) + 1;
int yCells = (yPixelIdeal / cellH) + 1;
// Find central cell
int centreCellX = (xCells - 1) / 2;
int centreCellY = (yCells - 1) / 2;
void setup(){
newPattern(centreCellX , centreCellY);
if (saveToGif) {
gifExport = new GifMaker(this, System.currentTimeMillis() + ".gif");
void draw() {}
void keyPressed(){
println("pressed " + int(key) );
switch( int(key) ) {
case 114: background(0); newPattern(centreCellX , centreCellY);; break; // _R_andomise
case 115: addToGif(); break; // _S_ave
void stop() {
if (saveToGif) {
void addToGif() {
if (saveToGif) {
void newPattern(int centreCellX, int centreCellY) {
color fillColour;
// Rotate 45°
if (rotationInDegrees != 0) {
translate(width/2, height/2);
translate(-width/2, -height/2);
for(int i=0;i<triangleRadius;i++){
for(int j=0;j<( (triangleRadius*2) - (starness*i) );j++){
//// Colours /////////////////////////////////
// White
// fillColour = color(255);
// Grey
// fillColour = color(255-i*60, 255-i*60, 255-i*60);
// Dark red
// fillColour = color(210-(150/triangleRadius)*i, 20, 0);
// Cross red (makes a more pronounced "cross" effect)
// fillColour = color(220-(220/triangleRadius)*i, 0, 0);
// Red cross
// fillColour = color(255-i*60, 0, 0);
// Dark blue
// fillColour = color(0, 0, 255-(255/triangleRadius)*i );
// Lighter blue
// fillColour = color(0, 0, random(100,255));
// Blue cross
// fillColour = color(0, 0, 255-i*60);
// Green cross
// fillColour = color(0, 255-i*60, 0);
// Yellow cross
// fillColour = color(255-i*60, 255-i*60, 0);
// Pink
/* int[] ratioRGB = {239, 48, 36};
fillColour = color(ratioRGB[0]-(ratioRGB[0]/triangleRadius)*i,
ratioRGB[2]-(ratioRGB[2]/triangleRadius)*i );
// Completely random (stained glass window / rag rug effect)
// fillColour = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
fillColour = color(random(255), random(255), random(255), 110+(100/triangleRadius)*i);
// fillColour = color(random(255)-i*60, random(255)-i*60, random(255)-i*60);
// Split the square into eighths, and have each square in each eighth behave the same
if (random(randomUpperLimit)<1) {
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX+i)*cellW, (centreCellY+j+i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX-i)*cellW, (centreCellY+j+i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX+i)*cellW, (centreCellY-j-i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX-i)*cellW, (centreCellY-j-i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX+j+i)*cellW, (centreCellY+i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX-j-i)*cellW, (centreCellY+i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX+j+i)*cellW, (centreCellY-i)*cellH, fillColour);
drawRandomQuadBugged( (centreCellX-j-i)*cellW, (centreCellY-i)*cellH, fillColour);
void drawRandomQuadBugged(float TopLeftX, float TopLeftY, color fillColour) {
float TopRightX = TopLeftX+cellW;
float TopRightY = TopLeftY;
float BottomLeftX = TopLeftX;
float BottomLeftY = TopLeftY+cellH;
float BottomRightX = BottomLeftX+cellW;
float BottomRightY = BottomLeftY;
// Select a random point along each side.
float TopPointX = random(TopLeftX,TopRightX);
float BottomPointX = random(BottomLeftX,BottomRightX);
// This code produces the glitch.
float LeftPointY = random(TopLeftX,BottomLeftX);
float RightPointY = random(TopRightX,BottomRightX);
// This was what I MEANT to type. (I flipped the Xs & Ys)
//float LeftPointY = random(TopLeftY,BottomLeftY);
//float RightPointY = random(TopRightY,BottomRightY);
// Cool stuff happens if you change the stroke.
//strokeWeight( cellW/2 );
//strokeWeight( 2 );
strokeWeight( random(2,cellW/2) );
// Create the quad
vertex(TopPointX,TopLeftY); //Top
vertex(TopRightX,RightPointY); //Right
vertex(BottomPointX,BottomLeftY); //Bottom
vertex(TopLeftX,LeftPointY); //Left
// Create the circle
ellipse(TopLeftX, TopLeftY, cellW, cellH);
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