Vodafone K3565-Z (ZTE K3565-Z) is listed in MikroTik wiki [1], but this page doesn't specify any settings.
1. Setup ppp-out1
. Specify modem parameters in Advanced Mode:
- Data Channel = 3
- Info Channel = 3
Disable Dial On Demand to have the connection always on.
Enable interface ppp-out1
2. Setup DNS as specified in instructions to another 3G USB modem [2].
Open IP -> DNS and enable Allow Remote Requests.
3. Setup NAT.
Open IP -> Fireall -> NAT, select Add New and chose the following parameters:
- Chain =
- Out Interface =
- Action =
- MikroTik Wiki: Supported Hardware - https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Supported_Hardware#3G_cards
- https://www.technotrade.com.ua/Articles/mikrotik_3g-modem_setup.php