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Last active May 11, 2023 13:41
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Markdown Template for Daily Scrum meetings

Daily Scrum Template

When taking part of a Daily Scrum as Scrum Master, I find it handy to take notes. This makes sure I can hand over the role, if need be. It also means I don't have to rememeber everything as I can look things up in my notes later.

Below is the structure I use as format or "template" for taking notes.

Some things of importance:

  • It helps to have a list of team members so it can be noted who is present (those absent might need to be informed later)
  • As the role of PO or SM might be chaired by another person (during illness or vacation) they should be noted
  • You might want to note whose is in location and who is calling in remote, so you can follow up with remote callers to make sure everything is clear for them (sometimes network failure or lag makes things hard. Not everyone speaks up if they miss out).
  • The most important thing are impediments, as these slow the team down and diminish productivity and happiness
  • Any impediment should lead to an action point.
  • Make sure each action point has an owner and/or ticket
  • Any announcements can be notes for reference but are (usually) not that important. They can be useful to repeat at later Daily Scrums, if the announcement is for a later date or for a period of time
  • Anything that is mentioned during the Daily Scrum that contains (tacit) knowledge is worth noting, as that might indicate it should become documented in your knowledge base. especially if a topic is mentioned more often.
  • Anything else can be placed in the "Other" section. This can be anything that stands out to you. The mood, recurring topics, a in-joke. Anything that triggers your intuition.

Usually, you rarely look back in your Daily Scrum notes, with one exception: it can be helpful to read back all notes in a single scrum before the Sprint Retrospective.

The Template

# 2022-00-00 (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday)

- [ ] Ben Peachey (SM)
- [ ] John Doe (remote)
- [ ] Jane Doe (PO)
- [ ] Nomen Nescio 
- [ ]## Actions

1.## Announcements

-## Impediments

-## Knowledge

-## Other


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

If this is useful for you, feel free to use however you please. Just mention my name when you make changes, so people can find my original work 👍

2022-00-00 (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday)

  • Ben Peachey (SM)
  • John Doe (remote)
  • Jane Doe (PO)
  • Nomen Nescio






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