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Using Boto 3 to list out AWS EC2 instance information
import boto3
from termcolor import colored
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
for i in ec2.instances.all():
print("Id: {0}\tState: {1}\tLaunched: {2}\tRoot Device Name: {3}".format(
colored(, 'cyan'),
colored(i.state['Name'], 'green'),
colored(i.launch_time, 'cyan'),
colored(i.root_device_name, 'cyan')
print("\tArch: {0}\tHypervisor: {1}".format(
colored(i.architecture, 'cyan'),
colored(i.hypervisor, 'cyan')
print("\tPriv. IP: {0}\tPub. IP: {1}".format(
colored(i.private_ip_address, 'red'),
colored(i.public_ip_address, 'green')
print("\tPriv. DNS: {0}\tPub. DNS: {1}".format(
colored(i.private_dns_name, 'red'),
colored(i.public_dns_name, 'green')
print("\tSubnet: {0}\tSubnet Id: {1}".format(
colored(i.subnet, 'cyan'),
colored(i.subnet_id, 'cyan')
print("\tKernel: {0}\tInstance Type: {1}".format(
colored(i.kernel_id, 'cyan'),
colored(i.instance_type, 'cyan')
print("\tRAM Disk Id: {0}\tAMI Id: {1}\tPlatform: {2}\t EBS Optimized: {3}".format(
colored(i.ramdisk_id, 'cyan'),
colored(i.image_id, 'cyan'),
colored(i.platform, 'cyan'),
colored(i.ebs_optimized, 'cyan')
print("\tBlock Device Mappings:")
for idx, dev in enumerate(i.block_device_mappings, start=1):
print("\t- [{0}] Device Name: {1}\tVol Id: {2}\tStatus: {3}\tDeleteOnTermination: {4}\tAttachTime: {5}".format(
colored(dev['DeviceName'], 'cyan'),
colored(dev['Ebs']['VolumeId'], 'cyan'),
colored(dev['Ebs']['Status'], 'green'),
colored(dev['Ebs']['DeleteOnTermination'], 'cyan'),
colored(dev['Ebs']['AttachTime'], 'cyan')
for idx, tag in enumerate(i.tags, start=1):
print("\t- [{0}] Key: {1}\tValue: {2}".format(
colored(tag['Key'], 'cyan'),
colored(tag['Value'], 'cyan')
print("\tProduct codes:")
for idx, details in enumerate(i.product_codes, start=1):
print("\t- [{0}] Id: {1}\tType: {2}".format(
colored(details['ProductCodeId'], 'cyan'),
colored(details['ProductCodeType'], 'cyan')
print("Console Output:")
# Commented out because this creates a lot of clutter..
# print(i.console_output()['Output'])
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