There are two ways to handle these in web applications.
method orjwt
tokenized way to handle the auth and auth.
express module with built in cookies based session management system and also integrate with stores to save the sessions. -
for managing the authentication and session management, it is stateless. -
for managing the session with local strategy and asessionslso OAuth
Consist of three parts
- Header(Algorithm & token type)
- Payload(data)
- Signature(Verification Sign)
- Cookies are set in the server on the login request and sent to the client using the
header in the response and there after sent from the client for all the requests to identify the user.
=> Used to tell the browser to send cookies over https only.HttpOnly
=> Makes the cookies accesible only in the server, client side js cannot access it using document.cookie.SameSite
=> Blocks cross origin requestDomain and Path
=> These can be changes accordingly for securityExpires or Max-Age
=> This is used to persist the cookie for the specified time