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Last active November 2, 2020 11:14
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  • Save Prasanna-Poonacha/b038ed8ffe96c58dc95e6784ca654ab2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Create a table
* getColumnsHeader only returns columns that user is wanting to see
function getColumnsHeader() {
// async request
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const headers = [
key: 'name.first',
label: 'First name',
key: 'name.last',
label: 'Last name',
key: 'tags',
label: 'Tags',
key: 'balance',
label: 'Balance',
status: 200,
}, 10);
function getData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const payload = [
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isActive: true,
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index: 4,
isActive: false,
balance: '$2,812.66',
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isActive: true,
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index: 7,
isActive: true,
balance: '$2,298.04',
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index: 10,
isActive: false,
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index: 11,
isActive: false,
balance: '$3,529.20',
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first: 'Casey',
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index: 12,
isActive: true,
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index: 13,
isActive: true,
balance: '$2,903.01',
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index: 14,
isActive: false,
balance: '$2,898.84',
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first: 'Gloria',
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index: 15,
isActive: true,
balance: '$3,160.52',
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index: 16,
isActive: true,
balance: '$3,741.77',
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first: 'Valerie',
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index: 17,
isActive: true,
balance: '$2,550.35',
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index: 18,
isActive: false,
balance: '$3,346.95',
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index: 19,
isActive: true,
balance: '$3,863.76',
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index: 20,
isActive: true,
balance: '$3,926.29',
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index: 21,
isActive: true,
balance: '$3,632.95',
picture: '',
name: {
first: 'Mona',
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index: 22,
isActive: true,
balance: '$2,018.91',
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name: {
first: 'Fuentes',
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index: 23,
isActive: false,
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index: 24,
isActive: true,
balance: '$1,228.56',
picture: '',
name: {
first: 'Galloway',
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tags: ['nisi', 'cupidatat', 'officia', 'anim', 'voluptate'],
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index: 25,
isActive: false,
balance: '$1,323.17',
picture: '',
name: {
first: 'Jimmie',
last: 'Dejesus',
company: 'Synkgen',
tags: ['deserunt', 'tempor', 'sint', 'cillum', 'ex'],
favoriteFruit: 'apple',
_id: '5d3601a66a0cbd7ba95c354f',
index: 26,
isActive: false,
balance: '$2,725.14',
picture: '',
name: {
first: 'Landry',
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favoriteFruit: 'strawberry',
_id: '5d3601a619f6a4bc5a240acc',
index: 27,
isActive: true,
balance: '$1,011.15',
picture: '',
name: {
first: 'Victoria',
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index: 28,
isActive: true,
balance: '$1,989.57',
picture: '',
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first: 'Janna',
last: 'Ferguson',
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tags: ['nostrud', 'ex', 'est', 'ullamco', 'commodo'],
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index: 29,
isActive: true,
balance: '$2,852.66',
picture: '',
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first: 'Delacruz',
last: 'Dodson',
company: 'Virxo',
tags: ['occaecat', 'sunt', 'velit', 'proident', 'pariatur'],
favoriteFruit: 'apple',
status: 200,
}, 11);
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