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Created June 6, 2019 08:39
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Demo protractor configuration file with `jasmine-spec-reporter` intergation.
var SpecReporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter').SpecReporter;
exports.config = {
// The address of a running selenium server.
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
// Capabilities to be passed to the webdriver instance.
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'firefox'
// Spec patterns are relative to the location of the spec file. They may
// include glob patterns.
suites: {
login: 'tests/e2e/home/login.spec.js'
// Options to be passed to Jasmine-node.
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true, // Use colors in the command line report.
baseUrl: "!/",
logLevel: 'WARN',
/******************** jasmine-spec-reporter */
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
summary: {
displayDuration: false
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