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Dutch Smart Meter (DSM) P1 to InfluxDB 2.0 and
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# Store DSMR telegrams from P1 into influxdb 2.0 and | |
# EN-IEC 62056-21, Part 21: direct local data exchange, 2002-05 | |
# WARNING: influxdb will crash/become a memory hog after collecting a few months of data !!! | |
#- Requires python2+ | |
#- Install deps | |
# # pacman -S python-requests python-pytz | |
#- Create script | |
# # nano /root/ && chmod +x /root/ | |
#- Create config | |
# # echo "auth_token='abcdefg'" > /root/ | |
# ToDo: handle influxPi4B socat[137394]: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /service/ | |
import logging | |
import os | |
import re | |
import sys | |
import threading | |
import time | |
import requests | |
import urllib3 | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from pytz import timezone, utc | |
from dsm_reader_config import auth_token, pvoutput_token_6, pvoutput_sid_6 | |
print_output = 0 | |
url = '' | |
urlpv = '' | |
fp = sys.stdin | |
urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) | |
table = [ | |
0x0000, 0xc0c1, 0xc181, 0x0140, 0xc301, 0x03c0, 0x0280, 0xc241, | |
0xc601, 0x06c0, 0x0780, 0xc741, 0x0500, 0xc5c1, 0xc481, 0x0440, | |
0xcc01, 0x0cc0, 0x0d80, 0xcd41, 0x0f00, 0xcfc1, 0xce81, 0x0e40, | |
0x0a00, 0xcac1, 0xcb81, 0x0b40, 0xc901, 0x09c0, 0x0880, 0xc841, | |
0xd801, 0x18c0, 0x1980, 0xd941, 0x1b00, 0xdbc1, 0xda81, 0x1a40, | |
0x1e00, 0xdec1, 0xdf81, 0x1f40, 0xdd01, 0x1dc0, 0x1c80, 0xdc41, | |
0x1400, 0xd4c1, 0xd581, 0x1540, 0xd701, 0x17c0, 0x1680, 0xd641, | |
0xd201, 0x12c0, 0x1380, 0xd341, 0x1100, 0xd1c1, 0xd081, 0x1040, | |
0xf001, 0x30c0, 0x3180, 0xf141, 0x3300, 0xf3c1, 0xf281, 0x3240, | |
0x3600, 0xf6c1, 0xf781, 0x3740, 0xf501, 0x35c0, 0x3480, 0xf441, | |
0x3c00, 0xfcc1, 0xfd81, 0x3d40, 0xff01, 0x3fc0, 0x3e80, 0xfe41, | |
0xfa01, 0x3ac0, 0x3b80, 0xfb41, 0x3900, 0xf9c1, 0xf881, 0x3840, | |
0x2800, 0xe8c1, 0xe981, 0x2940, 0xeb01, 0x2bc0, 0x2a80, 0xea41, | |
0xee01, 0x2ec0, 0x2f80, 0xef41, 0x2d00, 0xedc1, 0xec81, 0x2c40, | |
0xe401, 0x24c0, 0x2580, 0xe541, 0x2700, 0xe7c1, 0xe681, 0x2640, | |
0x2200, 0xe2c1, 0xe381, 0x2340, 0xe101, 0x21c0, 0x2080, 0xe041, | |
0xa001, 0x60c0, 0x6180, 0xa141, 0x6300, 0xa3c1, 0xa281, 0x6240, | |
0x6600, 0xa6c1, 0xa781, 0x6740, 0xa501, 0x65c0, 0x6480, 0xa441, | |
0x6c00, 0xacc1, 0xad81, 0x6d40, 0xaf01, 0x6fc0, 0x6e80, 0xae41, | |
0xaa01, 0x6ac0, 0x6b80, 0xab41, 0x6900, 0xa9c1, 0xa881, 0x6840, | |
0x7800, 0xb8c1, 0xb981, 0x7940, 0xbb01, 0x7bc0, 0x7a80, 0xba41, | |
0xbe01, 0x7ec0, 0x7f80, 0xbf41, 0x7d00, 0xbdc1, 0xbc81, 0x7c40, | |
0xb401, 0x74c0, 0x7580, 0xb541, 0x7700, 0xb7c1, 0xb681, 0x7640, | |
0x7200, 0xb2c1, 0xb381, 0x7340, 0xb101, 0x71c0, 0x7080, 0xb041, | |
0x5000, 0x90c1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53c0, 0x5280, 0x9241, | |
0x9601, 0x56c0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95c1, 0x9481, 0x5440, | |
0x9c01, 0x5cc0, 0x5d80, 0x9d41, 0x5f00, 0x9fc1, 0x9e81, 0x5e40, | |
0x5a00, 0x9ac1, 0x9b81, 0x5b40, 0x9901, 0x59c0, 0x5880, 0x9841, | |
0x8801, 0x48c0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4b00, 0x8bc1, 0x8a81, 0x4a40, | |
0x4e00, 0x8ec1, 0x8f81, 0x4f40, 0x8d01, 0x4dc0, 0x4c80, 0x8c41, | |
0x4400, 0x84c1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47c0, 0x4680, 0x8641, | |
0x8201, 0x42c0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81c1, 0x8081, 0x4040 | |
] | |
obis_objects = { | |
'1-3:0.2.8': 'version_info', | |
'0-0:1.0.0': 'datetime_stamp', # '210404113641S' | |
'0-0:96.1.1': 'equipment_id_electricity', # '4530303331303033303031363939353135' ___tag | |
'1-0:1.8.1': 'mr_toclient_t1', # '000009.691' uint _________________________________fields | |
'1-0:1.8.2': 'mr_toclient_t2', # '000014.551' uint | |
'1-0:2.8.1': 'mr_byclient_t1', # '002502.491' uint | |
'1-0:2.8.2': 'mr_byclient_t2', # '005920.901' uint | |
'0-0:96.14.0': 'tariff_indicator', # '0001' uint | |
'1-0:1.7.0': 'actual_power_delivered', # '00.000' * 1000 uint | |
'1-0:2.7.0': 'actual_power_received', # '10.806' * 1000 uint | |
'0-0:96.7.21': 'total_pf', # '00220' uint | |
'0-0:96.7.9': 'total_long_pf', # '00034' uint | |
'1-0:99.97.0': 'pf_event_log', | |
'1-0:32.32.0': 'volt_sag_l1', # '00024' uint | |
'1-0:52.32.0': 'volt_sag_l2', # '00024' uint | |
'1-0:72.32.0': 'volt_sag_l3', # '00024' uint | |
'1-0:32.36.0': 'volt_swell_l1', # '00000' uint | |
'1-0:52.36.0': 'volt_swell_l2', # '00000' uint | |
'1-0:72.36.0': 'volt_swell_l3', # '00000' uint | |
'0-0:96.13.1': 'text_message_codes', | |
'0-0:96.13.0': 'text_message', # [] | |
'1-0:32.7.0': 'inst_volt_l1', # '231.0' float | |
'1-0:52.7.0': 'inst_volt_l2', # '232.0' float | |
'1-0:72.7.0': 'inst_volt_l3', # '231.0' float | |
'1-0:31.7.0': 'inst_current_l1', # '015' uint | |
'1-0:51.7.0': 'inst_current_l2', # '015' uint | |
'1-0:71.7.0': 'inst_current_l3', # '016' uint | |
'1-0:21.7.0': 'inst_power_l1_p', # '00.000' * 1000 uint | |
'1-0:41.7.0': 'inst_power_l2_p', # '00.000' * 1000 uint | |
'1-0:61.7.0': 'inst_power_l3_p', # '00.000' * 1000 uint | |
'1-0:22.7.0': 'inst_power_l1_m', # '03.543' * 1000 uint | |
'1-0:42.7.0': 'inst_power_l2_m', # '03.552' * 1000 uint | |
'1-0:62.7.0': 'inst_power_l3_m', # '03.710' * 1000 uint | |
'0-1:96.1.0': 'equipment_id_gas', | |
'0-1:24.2.1': 'gas_toclient', | |
'0-1:24.1.0': 'device_type', | |
} | |
def crc16(s): | |
crc = 0x00 | |
for ch in s: | |
crc = (crc >> 8) ^ table[(crc ^ ord(ch)) & 0xff] | |
return crc | |
def obis_map(ref, value): | |
if ref in obis_objects: | |
ref = obis_objects[ref] | |
return ref, value | |
def parse(buf): | |
values = {} | |
for line in buf.split(): | |
mo = re.findall('^([0-9.:-]+)(.+)', line.rstrip()) | |
# example mo=[('1-0:62.7.0', '(04.003*kW)')] | |
for match in mo: | |
pair = obis_map(*match) | |
values.update([pair]) | |
if print_output == 2: | |
print('%s: %s' % pair) | |
return values | |
def verify_and_parse(buf): | |
crc = int(buf[-1][1:5], 16) | |
data = ''.join(buf[:-1]) + '!' | |
if crc == crc16(data): | |
return parse(data) | |
def parse_value(s): | |
t = re.findall('\(([0-9.-]+[SW]?).*?\)', s) | |
if'^[0-9]+[.][0-9][0-9][0-9]$', t[0]): | |
t[0] = str(int(float(t[0]) * 1000)) + 'u' | |
elif'^[0-9]{1,33}$', t[0]): | |
t[0] = str(int(t[0])) + 'u' | |
return t | |
def parse_ts(s): | |
tm, tz = s[:-1], s[-1] | |
is_dst = (tz == 'S') | |
#if tm.startswith('23'): | |
# tm = '16' + tm[2:] | |
date = datetime.strptime(tm, '%y%m%d%H%M%S') | |
ams_tz = timezone('Europe/Amsterdam') | |
date = ams_tz.localize(date, is_dst=is_dst) | |
#date = date.astimezone(utc) | |
unix = time.mktime(date.timetuple()) | |
return int(unix) | |
def handle(values): | |
global arr_vals, pts, hivolt | |
pts = parse_value(values['datetime_stamp'])[0] | |
ts = parse_ts(pts) | |
equip_id_elec = parse_value(values['equipment_id_electricity'])[0] | |
keys = ['mr_toclient_t1', 'mr_toclient_t2', 'mr_byclient_t1', 'mr_byclient_t2', 'tariff_indicator', 'actual_power_delivered', 'actual_power_received', 'total_pf', 'total_long_pf', 'volt_sag_l1', 'volt_sag_l2', 'volt_sag_l3', 'volt_swell_l1', 'volt_swell_l2', 'volt_swell_l3', 'inst_volt_l1', 'inst_volt_l2', 'inst_volt_l3', 'inst_current_l1', 'inst_current_l2', 'inst_current_l3', 'inst_power_l1_p', 'inst_power_l2_p', 'inst_power_l3_p', 'inst_power_l1_m', 'inst_power_l2_m', 'inst_power_l3_m'] | |
#gas_ts, gas_value = parse_value(values['gas_toclient']) | |
#gas_ts = parse_ts(gas_ts) | |
arr_vals = lambda v: ','.join('%s=%s' % (k, parse_value(values[k])[0]) for k in v) | |
# remember highest voltage of any phase | |
for t in range (1, 3): | |
hivolt = max(hivolt, float(arr_vals(['inst_volt_l' + str(t)])[13:])) | |
# post selected keys | |
postdata = '%s %s %d\n' % ('measurement,equipment_id_electricity=' + equip_id_elec, arr_vals(keys), ts) | |
#postdata += '%s gas_toclient=%s %d\n' % ('gas', gas_value, gas_ts) | |
if print_output: | |
print(postdata) | |
# use InfluxDB 1.x compatibility API - Line protocol // db = bucket, precision = seconds | |
try: | |
r =, | |
params={'org': 'Organization', 'bucket': 'dsm', 'precision': 's'}, | |
data=postdata, | |
headers={'Authorization': 'Token ' + auth_token}, | |
timeout=0.9) | |
except requests.exceptions.Timeout: | |
# Log request to file | |
filename = '/root/' | |
try: | |
with open(filename, 'r') as file: | |, os.SEEK_END) | |
filesize = file.tell() | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
filesize = 0 | |
with open(filename, 'a') as file: | |
if filesize == 0: | |
file.write('#!/bin/sh' + "\n") | |
file.write('curl -X POST "' + url + '?org=Organization&bucket=dsm&precision=s" ' + \ | |
'-H "Authorization: Token ' + auth_token + '" ' + \ | |
'-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ' + \ | |
'-d "' + postdata.replace('\n','') + '"' + "\n") | |
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: | |
print('Connection refused') | |
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: | |
print(str(e)) | |
else: | |
if print_output: | |
print(str(r)) | |
def post_pvoutput(): | |
global arr_vals, pts, hivolt | |
threading.Timer(300.0, post_pvoutput).start() | |
if pts: | |
d = 'd=20' + pts[:6] | |
t = 't=' + pts[6:8] + ':' + pts[8:10] | |
v1 = 'v1=' + str(int(arr_vals(['mr_byclient_t1'])[15:-1]) + int(arr_vals(['mr_byclient_t2'])[15:-1])) | |
v3 = 'v3=' + str(int(arr_vals(['mr_toclient_t1'])[15:-1]) + int(arr_vals(['mr_toclient_t2'])[15:-1])) | |
v6 = 'v6=' + str(hivolt) | |
hivolt = 0.0 | |
postdata = "&".join([d, t, v1, v3, v6, 'c1=1']) | |
# Try posting data 9 times | |
for i in range(1, 9): | |
try: | |
r = | |
urlpv, | |
data=postdata, | |
headers={ | |
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', | |
'X-Pvoutput-Apikey': pvoutput_token_6, | |
'X-Pvoutput-SystemId': pvoutput_sid_6, | |
'Accept': 'text/plain' | |
}, | |
timeout=30) | |
if print_output: | |
print(r.text) | |
#print(postdata) | |
if r.status_code == 200: | |
return | |
if 400 <= r.status_code < 500: | |
warningMsg = ("Unable to connect to - Reason: " + r.reason) | |
logging.warning(warningMsg) | |
return | |
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: | |
print(str(e)) | |
else: | |
if print_output: | |
print(str(r)) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
buf = [] | |
hivolt = 0.0 | |
called_once = False | |
while True: | |
line = fp.readline().strip('\x00') | |
if line.startswith('/'): | |
buf = [line] | |
else: | |
buf.append(line) | |
if line.startswith('!'): | |
values = verify_and_parse(buf) | |
if values: | |
handle(values) | |
if called_once == False: | |
called_once = True | |
post_pvoutput() # threaded |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
# nano /lib/systemd/system/dsm_reader.service | |
[Unit] | |
Description=Read smart meter P1 data and store the numeric values in Influxdb and pvoutput | |
Requires=influxdb2-bin | |
After=influxdb2-bin | |
[Install] | | | |
[Service] | |
ExecStart=/usr/bin/socat -u FILE:/dev/ttyUSB0,b115200,crtscts,cfmakeraw EXEC:/root/ | |
Restart=always | |
RestartSec=3 |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
EN-IEC 62056-21, Part 21: direct local data exchange, 2002-05 | |
- Requires python2+ | |
- Install deps | |
# pacman -S python-requests python-pytz | |
- Create script | |
# nano /root/ && chmod +x /root/ | |
- Create config | |
# echo "auth_token='abcdefg'" > /root/ | |
- Start | |
# systemctl enable dsm_reader.service && systemctl start dsm_reader | |
- ToDo: | |
1. modify service file to a template unit file ([email protected]), where the serial device becomes variable | |
2. use this name@ to create a separate backlog file per serial device? | |
3. auto insert backlog to influxdb | |
4. implement retries, with backoff? like | |
- solution 4 from | |
- | |
5. also backlog pvoutput temp. errors, note: The date parameter must not be older than 14 days from the current date | |
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