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Last active October 23, 2024 04:00
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A PyTorch function that matches the histogram of one image to another image, and should hopefully be helpful for individuals with use cases like astronomy & neural style transfer
from typing import Tuple
import torch
def color_transfer(
input: torch.Tensor,
source: torch.Tensor,
mode: str = "pca",
eps: float = 1e-5,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Transfer the colors from one image tensor to another, so that the target image's
histogram matches the source image's histogram. Applications for image histogram
matching includes neural style transfer and astronomy.
The source image is not required to have the same height and width as the target
image. Batch and channel dimensions are required to be the same for both inputs.
Gatys, et al., "Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer", arXiv, 2017.
input (torch.Tensor): The NCHW or CHW image to transfer colors from source
image to from the source image.
source (torch.Tensor): The NCHW or CHW image to transfer colors from to the
input image.
mode (str): The color transfer mode to use. One of 'pca', 'cholesky', or 'sym'.
Default: "pca"
eps (float): The desired epsilon value to use.
Default: 1e-5
matched_image (torch.tensor): The NCHW input image with the colors of source
image. Outputs should ideally be clamped to the desired value range to
avoid artifacts.
assert input.dim() == 3 or input.dim() == 4
assert source.dim() == 3 or source.dim() == 4
input = input.unsqueeze(0) if input.dim() == 3 else input
source = source.unsqueeze(0) if source.dim() == 3 else source
assert input.shape[:2] == source.shape[:2]
# Handle older versions of PyTorch
torch_cholesky = (
torch.linalg.cholesky if torch.__version__ >= "1.9.0" else torch.cholesky
def torch_symeig_eigh(x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
torch.symeig() was deprecated in favor of torch.linalg.eigh()
if torch.__version__ >= "1.9.0":
L, V = torch.linalg.eigh(x, UPLO="U")
L, V = torch.symeig(x, eigenvectors=True, upper=True)
return L, V
def get_mean_vec_and_cov(
x_input: torch.Tensor, eps: float
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Convert input images into a vector, subtract the mean, and calculate the
covariance matrix of colors.
x_mean = x_input.mean(3).mean(2)[:, :, None, None]
# Subtract the color mean and convert to a vector
B, C = x_input.shape[:2]
x_vec = (x_input - x_mean).reshape(B, C, -1)
# Calculate covariance matrix
x_cov = torch.bmm(x_vec, x_vec.permute(0, 2, 1)) / x_vec.shape[2]
# This line is only important if you get artifacts in the output image
x_cov = x_cov + (eps * torch.eye(C, device=x_input.device)[None, :])
return x_mean, x_vec, x_cov
def pca(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Perform principal component analysis"""
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = torch_symeig_eigh(x)
e = torch.sqrt(torch.diag_embed(eigenvalues.reshape(eigenvalues.size(0), -1)))
# Remove any NaN values if they occur
if torch.isnan(e).any():
e = torch.where(torch.isnan(e), torch.zeros_like(e), e)
return torch.bmm(torch.bmm(eigenvectors, e), eigenvectors.permute(0, 2, 1))
# Collect & calculate required values
_, input_vec, input_cov = get_mean_vec_and_cov(input, eps)
source_mean, _, source_cov = get_mean_vec_and_cov(source, eps)
# Calculate new cov matrix for input
if mode == "pca":
new_cov = torch.bmm(pca(source_cov), torch.inverse(pca(input_cov)))
elif mode == "cholesky":
new_cov = torch.bmm(
torch_cholesky(source_cov), torch.inverse(torch_cholesky(input_cov))
elif mode == "sym":
p = pca(input_cov)
pca_out = pca(torch.bmm(torch.bmm(p, source_cov), p))
new_cov = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(torch.inverse(p), pca_out), torch.inverse(p))
raise ValueError(
"mode has to be one of 'pca', 'cholesky', or 'sym'."
+ " Received '{}'.".format(mode)
# Multiply input vector by new cov matrix
new_vec = torch.bmm(new_cov, input_vec)
# Reshape output vector back to input's shape &
# add the source mean to our output vector
return new_vec.reshape(input.shape) + source_mean
# Example for standard PyTorch images with value ranges of [0-1]
matched_image = color_transfer(target_image, source_image).clamp(0, 1)
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ProGamerGov commented May 1, 2022

I shared this function here: pytorch/vision#598 a while back, but I figured I'd post it here as well. It's similar to the histogram matching from my neural-tools project, but it works in PyTorch with all the bells and whistles like autograd.

The inner functions can be eliminated easily for TorchScript / JIT compatibility, and it's fully autograd compatible.

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