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Created December 13, 2018 14:36
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Increase number of data sources in RRD files created by PNP4Nagios (and possible other tools)
#! /bin/bash
set -e
if [[ -z ${rrd_file} ]] || [[ -z ${required_ds} ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <rrd file> <no required data sources>"
exit 1
rm -f ${rrd_file}.chg
current_ds=$(rrdtool info ${rrd_file} | grep ^ds | cut -d "[" -f 2 | cut -d "]" -f 1 | sort -n | tail -n 1)
additional_ds=$((required_ds - current_ds))
new_ds=$((current_ds + additional_ds))
if [[ ${additional_ds} -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Error: RRD file already has ${current_ds} data sources"
exit 1
start_ds=$((current_ds + 1))
echo "Increasing data sources from ${current_ds} to ${new_ds} data sources"
cp -p ${rrd_file} ${rrd_file}.bak
/usr/lib/pnp4nagios/libexec/ ${rrd_file} insert ${start_ds},${additional_ds} && chown ${file_owner}: ${rrd_file} && mv ${rrd_file}.chg ${rrd_file}
if [[ $(rrdtool info ${rrd_file} | grep ^ds | cut -d "[" -f 2 | cut -d "]" -f 1 | tail -n 1) != ${new_ds} ]]; then
echo "Error: Last data source index in RRD file does not match expected data source index! Reverting..."
mv ${rrd_file}.bak ${rrd_file}
exit 1
echo "RRD file successfully updated"
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