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Created October 9, 2017 02:46
steps to build arm64 version of xnu-4570.1.46
Following are my steps to build the ARM64 version of xnu-4570.1.46, hope this is helpfull for saving time.
1. Use Xcode 9.0
2. Preparation is same as macOS, and there is a guide:
3. There is an ARM64 version libfirehose:
4. Copy and edit the ARM64 config(CFLAGS, LDFLAGS) from darwin-on-arm/xnu to your target project
5. Example CFLAGS: -Darm64 -DARM64 -D__arm64__ -D__ARM64__ -DLP64 -DCONFIG_EMBEDDED -mkernel -DARM64_BOARD_CONFIG_T8011=1
6. Fix compiling stage errors by directly importing the missing headers or editing the code
7. Fix linking stage errors by implementing place holder funcitons for: chudxnu_cpu_alloc, etc
8. If missing symbol __divti3 in linking stage, get the runtime from llvm.
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