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Forked from fpsunflower/nanof2a.cpp
Created May 8, 2024 19:19
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Tiny float to ascii conversion (with lossless roundtrip, based on the Ryu algorithm)
// c++ -O3 -o nanof2a nanof2a.cpp && ./nanof2a
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
namespace { // anonymous namespace to encourage inlining
struct f2a {
char str[16];
f2a(float f) { // example usage: printf("%s", f2a(f).str)
// Based on Copyright 2018 Ulf Adams
// Added decimal format support to match double-conversion library output
// The contents of this file may be used under the terms of the Apache License,
// Version 2.0. (See copy at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software
// KIND, either express or implied.
static const uint32_t POW5[10] = { 1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125 }; static const uint64_t TABLE[78] = {
576460752303423489u , 461168601842738791u , 368934881474191033u , 295147905179352826u , 472236648286964522u , 377789318629571618u ,
302231454903657294u , 483570327845851670u , 386856262276681336u , 309485009821345069u , 495176015714152110u , 396140812571321688u ,
316912650057057351u , 507060240091291761u , 405648192073033409u , 324518553658426727u , 519229685853482763u , 415383748682786211u ,
332306998946228969u , 531691198313966350u , 425352958651173080u , 340282366920938464u , 544451787073501542u , 435561429658801234u ,
348449143727040987u , 557518629963265579u , 446014903970612463u , 356811923176489971u , 570899077082383953u , 456719261665907162u ,
365375409332725730u , 1152921504606846976u, 1441151880758558720u, 1801439850948198400u, 2251799813685248000u, 1407374883553280000u,
1759218604441600000u, 2199023255552000000u, 1374389534720000000u, 1717986918400000000u, 2147483648000000000u, 1342177280000000000u,
1677721600000000000u, 2097152000000000000u, 1310720000000000000u, 1638400000000000000u, 2048000000000000000u, 1280000000000000000u,
1600000000000000000u, 2000000000000000000u, 1250000000000000000u, 1562500000000000000u, 1953125000000000000u, 1220703125000000000u,
1525878906250000000u, 1907348632812500000u, 1192092895507812500u, 1490116119384765625u, 1862645149230957031u, 1164153218269348144u,
1455191522836685180u, 1818989403545856475u, 2273736754432320594u, 1421085471520200371u, 1776356839400250464u, 2220446049250313080u,
1387778780781445675u, 1734723475976807094u, 2168404344971008868u, 1355252715606880542u, 1694065894508600678u, 2117582368135750847u,
1323488980084844279u, 1654361225106055349u, 2067951531382569187u, 1292469707114105741u, 1615587133892632177u, 2019483917365790221u };
uint32_t bits; memcpy(&bits, &f, sizeof(float));
char* p = str; *p = '-'; p += bits >> 31;
const uint32_t ieeeMantissa = bits & 0x7fffff, ieeeExponent = (bits >> 23) & 255;
if (ieeeExponent == 0 && ieeeMantissa == 0) { strcpy(p, "0"); return; }
if (ieeeExponent == 255 ) { strcpy(p, ieeeMantissa ? "nan" : "inf"); return; }
const int32_t e2 = (ieeeExponent ? ieeeExponent : 1) - 152;
const uint32_t m2 = (ieeeExponent ? 0x800000u : 0) | ieeeMantissa, mms = ieeeMantissa != 0 || ieeeExponent <= 1;
const uint32_t mv = 4 * m2, mp = mv + 2, mm = mv - 1 - mms;
uint32_t vr, vp, vm, output;
int32_t e10, lastRemovedDigit = 0;
bool vmIsTrailingZeros = false, vrIsTrailingZeros = false;
if (e2 >= 0) {
const int32_t q = e10 = (e2 * 78913) >> 18, k = 59 + ((q * 1217359) >> 19), i = -e2 + q + k;
vr = mulShift(mv, TABLE[q], i);
vp = mulShift(mp, TABLE[q], i);
vm = mulShift(mm, TABLE[q], i);
if (q != 0 && (vp - 1) / 10 <= vm / 10)
lastRemovedDigit = mulShift(mv, TABLE[q - 1], -e2 + q + 58 + (((q - 1) * 1217359) >> 19)) % 10;
if (q <= 9) {
if (mv % 5 == 0)
vrIsTrailingZeros = mv % POW5[q] == 0;
else if ((m2 & 1) == 0)
vmIsTrailingZeros = mm % POW5[q] == 0;
vp -= mp % POW5[q] == 0;
} else {
const uint32_t q = (uint32_t(-e2) * 732923) >> 20; e10 = q + e2;
const int32_t i = -e2 - q, k = ((uint32_t(i) * 1217359) >> 19) - 60, j = q - k;
vr = mulShift(mv, TABLE[i + 31], j);
vp = mulShift(mp, TABLE[i + 31], j);
vm = mulShift(mm, TABLE[i + 31], j);
if (q != 0 && (vp - 1) / 10 <= vm / 10)
lastRemovedDigit = mulShift(mv, TABLE[i + 32], q - 1 - ((((uint32_t(i + 1)) * 1217359) >> 19) - 60)) % 10;
if (q <= 1) {
vrIsTrailingZeros = true;
vmIsTrailingZeros = (m2 & 1) == 0 && mms == 1;
vp -= m2 & 1;
} else if (q < 31) {
vrIsTrailingZeros = (mv & ((1u << (q - 1)) - 1)) == 0;
if (vmIsTrailingZeros || vrIsTrailingZeros) {
while (vp / 10 > vm / 10) {
vmIsTrailingZeros &= vm % 10 == 0;
vrIsTrailingZeros &= lastRemovedDigit == 0;
lastRemovedDigit = vr % 10;
vr /= 10;
vp /= 10;
vm /= 10;
if (vmIsTrailingZeros) {
while (vm % 10 == 0) {
vrIsTrailingZeros &= lastRemovedDigit == 0;
lastRemovedDigit = vr % 10;
vr /= 10;
vp /= 10;
vm /= 10;
if (vrIsTrailingZeros && lastRemovedDigit == 5 && vr % 2 == 0)
lastRemovedDigit = 4;
output = vr + ((vr == vm && ((m2 & 1) || !vmIsTrailingZeros)) || lastRemovedDigit >= 5);
} else {
while (vp / 10 > vm / 10) {
lastRemovedDigit = vr % 10;
vr /= 10;
vp /= 10;
vm /= 10;
output = vr + (vr == vm || lastRemovedDigit >= 5);
const int ndig = (output >= 100000000) ? 9 : (output >= 10000000) ? 8 : (output >= 1000000) ? 7 :
(output >= 100000) ? 6 : (output >= 10000) ? 5 : (output >= 1000) ? 4 :
(output >= 100 ) ? 3 : (output >= 10) ? 2 : 1, exp = e10 + ndig - 1;
if (exp < -4 || exp > 8) { // exponential form
for (int i = 0; i < ndig - 1; ++i, output /= 10) p[ndig - i] = '0' + output % 10;
*p++ = '0' + output; if (ndig > 1) { *p = '.'; p += ndig; } *p++ = 'e';
if (exp < -9) { *p++ = '-'; *p++ = '0' - exp / 10; *p++ = '0' - exp % 10; }
else if (exp < -4) { *p++ = '-'; *p++ = '0' - exp; }
else if (exp > 9) { *p++ = '0' + exp / 10; *p++ = '0' + exp % 10; }
else { *p++ = '9'; }
} else { // decimal form
const int nint = ndig + e10, ndec = -e10; char d[9];
for (int i = ndig; i--; output /= 10) d[i] = '0' + output % 10;
if (nint > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < nint; i++) *p++ = i < ndig ? d[i] : '0';
*p = '.'; p += ndec > 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ndec; i++) *p++ = d[i + nint];
} else {
*p++ = '0'; *p++ = '.';
for (int i = 0; i < -nint; i++) *p++ = '0';
for (int i = 0; i < ndig; i++) *p++ = d[i];
*p = 0;
static inline uint32_t mulShift(uint64_t m, uint64_t f, int s) {
return (((m * uint32_t(f)) >> 32) + (m * uint32_t(f >> 32))) >> (s - 32);
} // anonymous namespace
// Demo / unit-test:
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <limits>
int main() {
float a[] = {
0.0f, -0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.12f, 0.123f, 0.1234f, 0.12345f, 0.123456f, 0.1234567f,
0.12345678f, 0.123456789f, 3.0540412e5f, 8.0990312e3f, 3.4028235e38f, 1e-45f,
2.4414062e-4f, 2.4414062e-3f, 4.3945312e-3f, 6.3476562e-3f, 6.7108864e17f,
for (int i = 0, n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(float); i < n; i++)
printf("%-14.9g -> %s\n", a[i], f2a(a[i]).str);
printf("checking all positive bit patterns:\n");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 0x7f800000; i++) {
float f; memcpy(&f, &i, sizeof(float));
float p = strtof(f2a(f).str, nullptr);
if (f != p)
return printf("float %.9g parsed back to %.9g\n", f, p);
if ((i & 0x3FFFFF) == 0)
printf("\r%5.1f%%", 100.0 * i / 0x7f800000), fflush(stdout);
printf("\rall ok!\n");
return 0;
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