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Created December 11, 2024 18:20
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Slow Inverse Square Root
## there are simpler ways to do this in R. See
## for example
## contains a reasonable way to do this unreasonable thing.
## What follows is an unreasonable way to do an unreasonable thing.
doubleTofloatBits <- function(x) {
# Convert double to character in scientific notation
x_char <- format(x, scientific = TRUE)
# Parse the character representation
parts <- strsplit(x_char, "e")[[1]]
mantissa <- as.numeric(parts[1])
exponent <- as.integer(parts[2])
# Normalize the mantissa to be within [1, 2) as per IEEE 754
while (abs(mantissa) >= 2) {
mantissa <- mantissa / 2
exponent <- exponent + 1
while (abs(mantissa) < 1 && mantissa != 0) {
mantissa <- mantissa * 2
exponent <- exponent - 1
# Calculate sign, exponent, and fraction bits
sign_bit <- as.integer(x < 0)
exp_bits <- bitwShiftL(exponent + 127, 23)
frac_bits <- bitwAnd(as.integer((abs(mantissa) - 1) * 2^23), 0x7FFFFF)
# Combine all bits
float_bits <- bitwOr(bitwOr(bitwShiftL(sign_bit, 31), exp_bits), frac_bits)
# Return raw vector
packBits(intToBits(float_bits), type="raw")
floatBitsToDouble <- function(raw_bits) {
# Convert raw vector to unsigned 32-bit integer
bits <- sum(as.integer(raw_bits) * 256^(0:3))
# Extract sign, exponent, and fraction
sign <- ifelse(bits >= 2^31, -1, 1)
exponent <- bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(bits, 23), 0xFF)
fraction <- bitwAnd(bits, 0x7FFFFF)
if (exponent == 0) {
# Denormalized number (including zero)
unbiased_exp <- -126
significand <- fraction / 2^23
} else if (exponent == 255) {
# Infinity or NaN
return(if (fraction == 0) sign * Inf else NaN)
} else {
# Normalized number
unbiased_exp <- exponent - 127
significand <- 1 + fraction / 2^23
# Return reconstructed value: (-1)^sign * 2^unbiased_exp * significand
sign * 2^unbiased_exp * significand
slow_inv_sqrt <- function(input) {
# Hard-code 0x5f3759df
magic_int <- 1597463007L
# Convert input to integer for bit manipulation
input_int <- packBits(rawToBits(doubleTofloatBits(input)), type="integer")
# Perform subtraction and right shift by 1 bit
result_int <- magic_int - bitwShiftR(input_int, 1)
# Convert result back to raw
result_raw <- packBits(intToBits(result_int), type="raw")
# Convert raw result back to double
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