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Created September 25, 2024 13:38
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Script that converts Sanying train controller input to key press for Teknoparrot.
#SingleInstance Force
; Set a timer to check joystick input every 60ms
SetTimer(CheckJoystickInput, 80)
lastKey := ""
CheckJoystickInput() {
; Read the joystick buttons (assuming you have a joystick connected)
joystick6 := GetKeyState("Joy7")
joystick7 := GetKeyState("Joy8")
joystick8 := GetKeyState("Joy9")
joystick9 := GetKeyState("Joy10")
global lastKey
; Default key to press (empty initially)
keyToPress := ""
; Determine the combination of pressed buttons
if (joystick6 && joystick7 && joystick8 && joystick9) {
keyToPress := "Numpad5"
} else if (joystick6 && joystick7 && joystick8) {
keyToPress := "Numpad4"
} else if (joystick6 && joystick7 && joystick9) {
keyToPress := "Numpad3"
} else if (joystick6 && joystick7) {
keyToPress := "Numpad2"
} else if (joystick6 && joystick8 && joystick9) {
keyToPress := "Numpad1"
} else if (joystick6 && joystick8) {
keyToPress := "0"
} else if (joystick9 && joystick6) {
keyToPress := "1"
} else if (joystick6) {
keyToPress := "2"
} else if (joystick9 && joystick8 && joystick7) {
keyToPress := "3"
} else if (joystick8 && joystick7) {
keyToPress := "4"
} else if (joystick7 && joystick9) {
keyToPress := "5"
} else if (joystick7) {
keyToPress := "6"
} else if (joystick8 && joystick9) {
keyToPress := "7"
} else if (joystick8) {
keyToPress := "8"
} else if (joystick9) {
keyToPress := "9"
; If a key is determined, send it
if keyToPress != lastKey {
Send("{" . keyToPress . " down}") ; Send the key press based on joystick combination
lastKey := keyToPress
Send("{" . keyToPress . " up}")
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