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Last active August 18, 2024 11:00
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Switch DDG Controller to Arrow key
#SingleInstance Force
; Set default delay between key presses
keyDelay1 := 40
keyDelay2 := 40
; Axis 1 positions mapped to levels
levels := Map(100, "P5", 90, "P4", 80, "P3", 71, "P2", 61, "P1", 50, "N",
39, "B1", 34, "B2", 28, "B3", 23, "B4", 18, "B5",
12, "B6", 7, "B7", 2, "B8", 0, "EB")
; Reverse lookup for easy access
positions := Map("P5", 15, "P4", 14, "P3", 13, "P2", 12, "P1", 11, "N", 10,
"B1", 9, "B2", 8, "B3", 7, "B4", 6, "B5", 5, "B6", 4, "B7", 3, "B8", 2, "EB", 1)
; Initialize last position
lastPosition := "N"
; Timer to check Axis 1 position
SetTimer(CheckAxis, 100)
CheckAxis() {
global levels, positions, lastPosition, keyDelay
axis1 := GetKeyState("JoyY")
; print axis1 value for debugging
; MsgBox(axis1)
; Find the closest position
closestPos := ""
closestDist := 2 ; larger than any possible distance
for pos, level in levels {
dist := Abs(axis1 - pos)
if dist < closestDist {
closestDist := dist
closestPos := level
; Compare to last position and send key presses
if closestPos != lastPosition {
diff := positions[closestPos] - positions[lastPosition]
if diff > 0 {
SendKeys("Down", Abs(diff))
} else if diff < 0 {
SendKeys("Up", Abs(diff))
lastPosition := closestPos
SendKeys(key, count) {
global keyDelay
Loop count {
Send("{" . key . " down}")
Send("{" . key . " up}")
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Do you know which versions of DDG this'd work on?

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Prurite commented Aug 18, 2024

Do you know which versions of DDG this'd work on?

Any version that supports arrow keys to change the gears.

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