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Intuicio++ language syntax
#ifndef __GRAMMAR_H__
#define __GRAMMAR_H__
#include "std_extension.h"
#include <pegtl.hh>
namespace IntuicioPlusPlus
namespace Grammar
struct expression;
struct statement;
struct statements;
struct block;
struct variable;
struct identifier;
struct access_struct;
struct access_type;
struct cast_suffix;
struct type_specifier;
namespace ControlFlow
struct inlined_condition;
namespace Function
struct definition_anonymous;
namespace Call
struct arguments;
struct call;
namespace Class
struct type;
namespace MetaAttribute
struct meta_instance;
struct definition;
struct semicolons : pegtl::plus< pegtl::one< ';' > > {};
namespace Comment
struct inlined : pegtl::seq< pegtl::two< '/' >, pegtl::until< pegtl::eolf > > {};
struct block : pegtl::seq< pegtl::string< '/', '*' >, pegtl::until< pegtl::string< '*', '/' > > > {};
struct comment : pegtl::sor< Comment::inlined, Comment::block > {};
struct whitespaces : pegtl::plus< pegtl::sor< pegtl::space, comment > > {};
struct whitespaces_any : pegtl::star< pegtl::sor< pegtl::space, comment > > {};
struct static_keyword : pegtl::string< 's', 't', 'a', 't', 'i', 'c' > {};
struct using_keyword : pegtl::string< 'u', 's', 'i', 'n', 'g' > {};
struct namespace_keyword : pegtl::string< 'n', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e' > {};
struct namespace_block : pegtl::seq< namespace_keyword, whitespaces, identifier, pegtl::star< access_struct >, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct using_namespace_statement : pegtl::seq< using_keyword, whitespaces, namespace_keyword, whitespaces, identifier, pegtl::star< access_struct >, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct public_keyword : pegtl::string< 'p', 'u', 'b', 'l', 'i', 'c' > {};
struct private_keyword : pegtl::string< 'p', 'r', 'i', 'v', 'a', 't', 'e' > {};
struct protected_keyword : pegtl::string< 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'e', 'c', 't', 'e', 'd' > {};
struct internal_keyword : pegtl::string< 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', 'n', 'a', 'l' > {};
struct access_mode : pegtl::sor< public_keyword, private_keyword, protected_keyword, internal_keyword > {};
struct identifier : pegtl::identifier {};
struct array_specifier : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '[' >, whitespaces_any, expression, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ']' > > {};
struct alias_keyword : pegtl::string< 'a', 'l', 'i', 'a', 's' > {};
struct alias_statement : pegtl::seq< alias_keyword, whitespaces, identifier, type_specifier, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};;
struct default_keyword : pegtl::string< 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't' > {};
struct default_value : pegtl::seq< default_keyword, whitespaces, Class::type, pegtl::star< access_type > > {};
struct new_keyword : pegtl::string< 'n', 'e', 'w' > {};
struct delete_keyword : pegtl::string< 'd', 'e', 'l', 'e', 't', 'e' > {};
struct object_create : pegtl::seq< new_keyword, whitespaces, pegtl::sor< Function::call, pegtl::seq< identifier, pegtl::star< access_struct > > >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< array_specifier > > {};
struct object_destroy_statement : pegtl::seq< delete_keyword, whitespaces, expression, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
namespace Number
struct integer_literal : pegtl::seq< pegtl::opt< pegtl::one< '+', '-' > >, pegtl::plus< pegtl::digit > > {};
struct float_literal : pegtl::seq< pegtl::opt< pegtl::one< '+', '-' > >, pegtl::plus< pegtl::digit >, pegtl::one< '.' >, pegtl::plus< pegtl::digit > > {};
struct hex_literal : pegtl::seq< pegtl::string< '0', 'x' >, pegtl::plus< pegtl::xdigit > > {};
struct number : pegtl::sor< Number::hex_literal, Number::float_literal, Number::integer_literal > {};
namespace String
struct unicode : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< 'u' >, pegtl::rep< 4, pegtl::must< pegtl::xdigit > > > {};
struct escaped_character : pegtl::one< '"', '\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't' > {};
struct escaped : pegtl::sor< escaped_character, unicode > {};
struct unescaped : pegtl::utf8::range< 0x20, 0x10FFFF > {};
struct character : pegtl::if_then_else< pegtl::one< '\\' >, pegtl::must< escaped >, unescaped > {};
struct string : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '"' >, pegtl::until< pegtl::one< '"' >, String::character > > {};
struct access_struct : pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '.' >, whitespaces_any, identifier > {};
struct access_type : pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '.' >, whitespaces_any, Class::type > {};
struct access_array : pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '[' >, whitespaces_any, expression, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ']' > > {};
struct access : pegtl::sor< access_struct, access_type, access_array > {};
struct value : pegtl::seq< pegtl::sor< default_value, object_create, Function::definition_anonymous, Function::call, ControlFlow::inlined_condition, identifier, number, string >, pegtl::star< access >, pegtl::opt< cast_suffix > > {};
struct type_data : pegtl::seq< Class::type, pegtl::star< access_type > > {};
struct type_object : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '^' >, whitespaces_any, Class::type, pegtl::star< access_type > > {};
struct type_pointer : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '*' >, whitespaces_any, Class::type, pegtl::star< access_type > > {};
struct type_specifier : pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ':' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< type_pointer, type_object, type_data > > {};
struct cast_suffix : pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, pegtl::string< '-', '>' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< pegtl::sor< type_pointer, type_object, type_data > > > {};
namespace Operators
struct add : pegtl::one< '+' > {};
struct subtract : pegtl::one< '-' > {};
struct multiply : pegtl::one< '*' > {};
struct divide : pegtl::one< '/' > {};
struct assign : pegtl::one< '=' > {};
struct add_assign : pegtl::string< '+', '=' > {};
struct subtract_assign : pegtl::string< '-', '=' > {};
struct multiply_assign : pegtl::string< '*', '=' > {};
struct divide_assign : pegtl::string< '/', '=' > {};
struct negate_assign : pegtl::string< '~', '=' > {};
struct increment : pegtl::two< '+' > {};
struct decrement : pegtl::two< '-' > {};
struct logical_and : pegtl::two< '&' > {};
struct logical_or : pegtl::two< '|' > {};
struct logical_not : pegtl::one< '!' > {};
struct bitwise_and : pegtl::one< '&' > {};
struct bitwise_or : pegtl::one< '|' > {};
struct bitwise_xor : pegtl::one< '^' > {};
struct bitwise_not : pegtl::one< '~' > {};
struct bitwise_lshift : pegtl::two< '<' > {};
struct bitwise_rshift : pegtl::two< '>' > {};
struct conditional_equal : pegtl::two< '=' > {};
struct conditional_not_equal : pegtl::sor< pegtl::string< '!', '=' >, pegtl::string< '<', '>' > > {};
struct conditional_less : pegtl::one< '<' > {};
struct conditional_greater : pegtl::one< '>' > {};
struct conditional_less_or_equal : pegtl::string< '<', '=' > {};
struct conditional_greater_or_equal : pegtl::string< '>', '=' > {};
struct array_access_operator : pegtl::string< '[', ']' > {};
struct operation_prefix : pegtl::sor< subtract, logical_not, bitwise_not, increment, decrement > {};
struct operation_suffix : pegtl::sor< increment, decrement > {};
struct binary_operation : pegtl::sor< add, subtract, multiply, divide > {};
struct logical_operation : pegtl::sor< logical_and, logical_or > {};
struct bitwise_operation : pegtl::sor< bitwise_and, bitwise_or, bitwise_xor, bitwise_lshift, bitwise_rshift > {};
struct conditional_operation : pegtl::sor< conditional_equal, conditional_not_equal, conditional_less_or_equal, conditional_greater_or_equal, conditional_less, conditional_greater > {};
struct operation : pegtl::sor< conditional_operation, binary_operation, logical_operation, bitwise_operation > {};
struct assignment : pegtl::sor< assign, add_assign, subtract_assign, multiply_assign, divide_assign, negate_assign > {};
namespace ControlFlow
struct return_keyword : pegtl::string< 'r', 'e', 't', 'u', 'r', 'n' > {};
struct return_statement : pegtl::seq< return_keyword, whitespaces_any, expression, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct continue_keyword : pegtl::string< 'c', 'o', 'n', 't', 'i', 'n', 'u', 'e' > {};
struct continue_statement : pegtl::seq< continue_keyword, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct break_keyword : pegtl::string< 'b', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'k' > {};
struct break_statement : pegtl::seq< break_keyword, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct if_keyword : pegtl::string< 'i', 'f' > {};
struct else_keyword : pegtl::string< 'e', 'l', 's', 'e' > {};
struct if_statement : pegtl::seq< if_keyword, whitespaces_any, expression, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< block, statement > > {};
struct else_if_statement : pegtl::seq< else_keyword, whitespaces_any, if_statement > {};
struct else_statement : pegtl::seq< else_keyword, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< block, statement > > {};
struct condition_statement : pegtl::seq< if_statement, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< else_if_statement, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< else_statement > > {};
struct inlined_condition_test : pegtl::sor< expression > {};
struct inlined_condition_true : pegtl::sor< expression > {};
struct inlined_condition_false : pegtl::sor< expression > {};
struct inlined_condition : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '?' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '(' >, whitespaces_any, inlined_condition_test, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ';' >, whitespaces_any, inlined_condition_true, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ';' >, whitespaces_any, inlined_condition_false, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ')' > > {};
struct for_keyword : pegtl::string< 'f', 'o', 'r' > {};
struct for_stage_init : pegtl::opt< pegtl::sor< variable, expression > > {};
struct for_stage_condition : pegtl::opt< expression > {};
struct for_stage_iteration : pegtl::opt< expression > {};
struct for_stages : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '(' >, whitespaces_any, for_stage_init, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ';' >, whitespaces_any, for_stage_condition, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ';' >, whitespaces_any, for_stage_iteration, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ')' > > {};
struct for_statement : pegtl::seq< for_keyword, whitespaces_any, for_stages, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< block, statement > > {};
struct foreach_keyword : pegtl::string< 'f', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'c', 'h' > {};
struct foreach_stage : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '(' >, whitespaces_any, variable, whitespaces_any, pegtl::string< 'i', 'n' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< value, expression >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ')' > > {};
struct foreach_statement : pegtl::seq< foreach_keyword, whitespaces_any, foreach_stage, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< block, statement > > {};
struct while_keyword : pegtl::string< 'w', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'e' > {};
struct while_statement : pegtl::seq< while_keyword, whitespaces_any, expression, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< block, statement > > {};
namespace Variable
struct assignment;
struct declaration : pegtl::seq< pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, pegtl::opt< static_keyword, whitespaces >, identifier, type_specifier > {};
struct assignment_expression : pegtl::sor< assignment, expression > {};
struct declaration_assignment : pegtl::seq< declaration, whitespaces_any, Operators::assign, whitespaces_any, assignment_expression > {};
struct declaration_instantiation : pegtl::seq< declaration, whitespaces_any, Function::Call::arguments > {};
struct assignment : pegtl::seq< identifier, pegtl::star< access >, pegtl::opt< cast_suffix >, whitespaces_any, Operators::assignment, whitespaces_any, assignment_expression > {};
struct variable : pegtl::sor< Variable::declaration_assignment, Variable::declaration_instantiation, Variable::declaration, Variable::assignment > {};
struct variable_statement : pegtl::seq< variable, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct block : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '{' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< statements >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '}' > > {};
namespace Function
namespace Definition
struct argument_list : pegtl::opt< Variable::declaration, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< pegtl::one< ',' >, whitespaces_any, Variable::declaration > > {};
struct arguments : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '(' >, whitespaces_any, argument_list, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ')' > > {};
struct definition_statement : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, pegtl::opt< static_keyword, whitespaces >, identifier, whitespaces_any, Definition::arguments, type_specifier, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct definition_anonymous : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '@' >, whitespaces_any, Definition::arguments, type_specifier, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct definition_operator_statement : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, pegtl::opt< static_keyword, whitespaces >, pegtl::sor< Operators::operation, Operators::array_access_operator >, whitespaces_any, Definition::arguments, type_specifier, whitespaces_any, block > {};
namespace Call
struct argument_list : pegtl::opt< expression, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< pegtl::one< ',' >, whitespaces_any, expression > > {};
struct arguments : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '(' >, whitespaces_any, argument_list, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ')' > > {};
struct call : pegtl::seq< identifier, pegtl::star< access_struct >, whitespaces_any, Call::arguments > {};
struct call_statement : pegtl::seq< call, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
namespace Class
struct template_parameters;
struct keyword : pegtl::string< 'c', 'l', 'a', 's', 's' > {};
struct get_keyword : pegtl::string< 'g', 'e', 't' > {};
struct set_keyword : pegtl::string< 's', 'e', 't' > {};
struct type : pegtl::seq< identifier, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< template_parameters > > {};
struct template_parameters : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '<' >, whitespaces_any, type, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< pegtl::one< ',' >, whitespaces_any, type, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::one< '>' > > {};
struct inheritance : pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ':' >, whitespaces_any, type, pegtl::star< whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ',' >, whitespaces_any, type > > {};
struct constructor : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, identifier, whitespaces_any, Function::Definition::arguments, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct destructor : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, pegtl::one< '~' >, identifier, whitespaces_any, Function::Definition::arguments, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct property_getter : pegtl::seq< pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, get_keyword, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct property_setter : pegtl::seq< pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, set_keyword, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct property : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, pegtl::opt< static_keyword, whitespaces >, Variable::declaration, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '{' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< property_getter >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< property_setter >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< '}' > > {};
struct body : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '{' >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< pegtl::sor< destructor, constructor, property, variable_statement, Function::definition_operator_statement, Function::definition_statement >, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::one< '}' > > {};
struct definition_statement : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, keyword, whitespaces, identifier, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< template_parameters, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< inheritance, whitespaces_any >, body > {};
namespace Enumeration
struct keyword : pegtl::string< 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm' > {};
struct field : pegtl::seq< identifier, pegtl::opt< whitespaces_any, Operators::assign, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< value, expression > > > {};
struct body : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '{' >, whitespaces_any, field, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< pegtl::one< ',' >, whitespaces_any, field, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::one< '}' > > {};
struct definition_statement : pegtl::seq< pegtl::star< MetaAttribute::definition, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::opt< access_mode, whitespaces >, keyword, whitespaces, identifier, pegtl::opt< type_specifier >, whitespaces_any, body > {};
namespace MetaAttribute
struct meta_instance : pegtl::seq< identifier, pegtl::star< access_struct >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::opt< Function::Call::arguments > > {};
struct definition : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '[' >, whitespaces_any, meta_instance, whitespaces_any, pegtl::star< pegtl::one< ',' >, whitespaces_any, meta_instance, whitespaces_any >, pegtl::one< ']' > > {};
namespace Parallel
struct keyword : pegtl::string< 'p', 'a', 'r', 'a', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'l' > {};
struct local_mode : pegtl::string< 'l', 'o', 'c', 'a', 'l' > {};
struct parent_mode : pegtl::string< 'p', 'a', 'r', 'e', 'n', 't' > {};
struct global_mode : pegtl::string< 'g', 'l', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'l' > {};
struct with_keyword : pegtl::string< 'w', 'i', 't', 'h' > {};
struct mode : pegtl::sor< local_mode, parent_mode, global_mode > {};
struct hardware_repeats : pegtl::string< 'h', 'a', 'r', 'd', 'w', 'a', 'r', 'e' > {};
struct repeats : pegtl::sor< hardware_repeats, Number::integer_literal > {};
struct block_statement : pegtl::seq< keyword, whitespaces, mode, whitespaces, repeats, whitespaces_any, block > {};
struct group_statement : pegtl::seq< keyword, whitespaces, mode, whitespaces_any, block, pegtl::star< whitespaces_any, with_keyword, whitespaces_any, block > > {};
struct parallel : pegtl::sor< Parallel::block_statement, Parallel::group_statement > {};
struct expression_bracket : pegtl::seq< pegtl::one< '(' >, whitespaces_any, expression, whitespaces_any, pegtl::one< ')' > > {};
struct expression_atomic : pegtl::seq< pegtl::opt< Operators::operation_prefix >, whitespaces_any, pegtl::sor< expression_bracket, value >, pegtl::opt< whitespaces_any, Operators::operation_suffix >, pegtl::opt< cast_suffix > > {};
struct expression : pegtl::seq< expression_atomic, pegtl::star< whitespaces_any, Operators::operation, whitespaces_any, expression_atomic > > {};
struct expression_statement : pegtl::seq< expression, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct isc_inlined_statement : pegtl::seq< pegtl::string< 'i', 's', 'c' >, pegtl::plus< whitespaces_any, string >, whitespaces_any, semicolons > {};
struct statement : pegtl::sor< comment, block, namespace_block, parallel, using_namespace_statement, alias_statement, object_destroy_statement, variable_statement, ControlFlow::while_statement, ControlFlow::for_statement, ControlFlow::foreach_statement, ControlFlow::condition_statement, ControlFlow::return_statement, ControlFlow::continue_statement, ControlFlow::break_statement, Function::call_statement, Function::definition_statement, Function::definition_operator_statement, Enumeration::definition_statement, Class::definition_statement, isc_inlined_statement, expression_statement > {};
struct statements : pegtl::plus< pegtl::seq< whitespaces_any, statement, whitespaces_any > > {};
struct grammar : pegtl::must< pegtl::opt< statements >, pegtl::eof > {};
[65]-------------(string)"string automatically wrapped in managed object"
[1089]--------------(string)"test string"
[1558]----------(string)"pidx $index"
// namespaces keeps identifiers in named scopes.
namespace Some.Test.Namespace
// class with MetaAttribute attribute instance will be available as meta-attribute.
class Something
// constructor is called on meta-attribute instantiation.
name = n;
// name variable of managed string type.
// managed object is just reference counted wrapper of any type.
// (managed objects works with smart pointers behind the scene).
name:^string = null;
// meta-attributes can be instantiated with one or more meta-info blocks.
[Something("string automatically wrapped in managed object")]
[Fuckin.Amazin.Attribute, And.Another.Attribute]
// internal class is visible only in whole module, it's not public.
internal class Test // class definition.
// default access mode is: public.
// static variable named 'default' will be marked as default type value.
// if static 'default' variable is not specified, parameterless constructor
// will be used.
static default:Test = Test(0);
// public is visible for whole application.
public Test(v:int)
V = v;
// private member is visible only in instance scope.
private ~Test()
V = 0;
// this is static operator method definition.
public static +(a:Test, b:Test):Test
return Test(a.V + b.V); // access to structure fields is done by dot.
// meta-attributes can be applied to: classes, methods, properties and functions.
// properties are defined like variables but have specified getter and setter.
public V:int
get { return m_v; }
internal set { m_v = value; }
// protected member is visible for class and inheritance scope.
protected m_v:int = 0;
// class template (not a generic!).
class Array<T>
values = new T(default T)[c];
count = c;
delete values;
values = null;
return values[v];
// meta-attribute to mark property as for-each-loop iteration (by index) start index.
get { return 0; }
// meta-attribute to mark property as for-each-loop iteration (by index) stop index.
get { return count; }
values:*T = null;
count:int = 0;
// TestArray is alias for Template<Test>.
alias TestArray:Template<Test>;
// some template usage.
t1:TestArray = TestArray(1);
t2:TestArray = TestArray(1);
t1[0] += t2[0];
// class inheritance.
class MutableArray<T> : Array<T>
values = new T(default T)[c];
count = c;
delete values;
values = null;
// enumeration (default values type is: int).
enum DefaultEnum
E0, // it's the same as: E0 = default int.
E2 = 2,
// enumeration can have specified values type.
enum StringEnum:string
SOME = "some",
PRETTY = "pretty",
SHIT = "shit"
// variables in global scope.
b2:float = 2.3;
d:*byte = new byte[2]; // create new object with specified items count as pointer.
d[0] = d[1]; // array access.
delete d; // delete object at pointer location.
d = null;
// from here we will use Some.Test namespace.
using namespace Some.Test;
test1:*Namespace.Test = new Namespace.Test;
test2:*Some.Test.Namespace.Test = new Some.Test.Namespace.Test;
// casting to another type is done by '->' operator, after which you specify target type.
// if you does not specify target type, it will cast to value (from pointer or object).
test1-> += test2->;
delete test1; test1 = null;
delete test2; test2 = null;
// inlined condition.
// i know: this is very ugly syntax, but hey - at least it's works and it's simple :>
wat:bool = ?(t1[0] > t2[0]; true; false);
// entry point.
main(argv:*string, argc:int):int
// functions (can be defined inside another function).
sum(a:int, b:int):int
return a + b;
// variables.
a2:int = 1;
a3:int = a2;
b3:float = b2;
{ // scope block.
c1: // inlined comments.
c2:string = "test string";
c3:string = c2;
c3 = c2;
// delegates (anonymous functions).
sum2:function = @(v:int):int { return sum(v, v); };
// arithmetics.
a3 = a1 = -1 + /* ignored */ ((-a2 * b1) - 2) / b3;
a2 += sum2(a1) - a3;
// function call.
a3 = sum(a1, a2);
// control flow: conditions.
if(a1 > a2)
a1 = a2;
else if(a2 == a3)
a2 = sum2(a3);
a3 = sum(a2, a1);
// control flow: for-loop.
a1 = 1;
for(i:int = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
if(i > 5) continue;
a1 *= i;
// control flow: for-each-loop.
a1 = 0;
foreach(v:int in data)
a1 *= v;
// control flow: while-loop.
if(a1 < 0) break;
// parallel block.
// you specify jumping scope mode (local, parent, global)
// and threads count (hardware or any integer).
// local jumping scope: there cannot be any function/method calls.
// parent jumping scope: there can be calls to function/method in parent thread code scope.
// global jumping scope: there can be any function/method calls.
// this code block will be executed on every hardware thread.
// while parallel code is executed, main thread is paused.
parallel local hardware
isc "pidx $index"; // inlined intuicio assembler code.
size:int = 1000;
start:int = index * size;
result:int = 0;
for(i:int = start; i < start + size; ++i)
result = result + i;
// parallel group.
// group is specified by separated code blocks delimited by 'with' keyword.
// this code blocks will be executed on separated threads.
parallel local
result:int = 0;
for(i:int = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
result = result - i;
result:int = 0;
for(i:int = 1000; i < 2000; ++i)
result = result + i;
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