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Last active October 14, 2023 21:41
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RAUI immediate mode experiments
// Example of immediate mode UI on top of RAUI.
// It's goal is to bring more ergonomics to RAUI by hiding
// declarative interface under simple nested function calls.
// As with retained mode, immediate mode UI can be mixed with
// declarative mode and retained mode widgets.
use raui_immediate::{make_widgets, ImmediateContext};
use raui_quick_start::RauiQuickStartBuilder;
const FONT: &str = "./demos/hello-world/resources/verdana.ttf";
mod gui {
use raui_core::Scalar;
use raui_immediate::*;
use raui_immediate_widgets::prelude::*;
// app function widget, we pass application state there.
pub fn app(value: &mut usize) {
let props = WrapBoxProps {
margin: 20.0.into(),
fill: true,
wrap_box(props, || {
// we can use any "immedietified" RAUI widget we want.
// we can pass Props to parameterize RAUI widget in first param.
// BTW. we should make sure to use any `nav_*` container widget
// somewhere in the app root to make app interactive.
nav_vertical_box((), || {
let layout = FlexBoxItemLayout {
basis: Some(48.0),
grow: 0.0,
shrink: 0.0,
// we can also apply props on all produced widgets in the scope.
apply_props(layout, || {
let props = HorizontalBoxProps {
separation: 50.0,
horizontal_box(props, || {
// we can react to button-like behavior by reading what
// button-like widgets return of their tracked state.
if text_button("Increment").trigger_start() {
*value += 1;
if text_button("Decrement").trigger_start() {
*value = value.saturating_sub(1);
fn text_button(text: &str) -> ImmediateButton {
// buttons use `use_state` hook under the hood to track
// declarative mode button state, that's copy of being
// returned from button function and passed into its
// group closure for children widgets to use.
// BTW. don't forget to apply `NavItemActive` props on
// button if you want to have it enabled for navigation.
button(NavItemActive, |state| {
content_box((), || {
image_box(ImageBoxProps::colored(Color {
r: if state.state.selected { 1.0 } else { 0.75 },
g: if state.state.trigger { 1.0 } else { 0.75 },
b: if state.state.context { 1.0 } else { 0.75 },
a: 1.0,
text_box(TextBoxProps {
text: text.to_string(),
font: TextBoxFont {
name: crate::FONT.to_owned(),
size: 32.0,
color: Color {
r: 0.0,
g: 0.0,
b: 0.0,
a: 1.0,
fn counter(value: &mut usize) {
// counter widget is a text box wrapped in an input field.
// it works like combination of button (can be focused by
// selection/navigation) and text field (collects keyboard
// text characters when focused).
let props = (
// if we want to override `input_field` text value,
// do it with String props.
let result = input_field(props, |state, button| {
text_box(TextBoxProps {
text: if state.text.trim().is_empty() {
} else if state.focused {
if state.cursor_position < state.text.len() {
} else {
format!("{}|", state.text)
} else {
font: TextBoxFont {
name: crate::FONT.to_owned(),
size: 32.0,
color: Color {
r: Scalar::from(button.state.trigger),
g: Scalar::from(button.state.selected),
b: Scalar::from(state.focused),
a: 1.0,
if let Ok(result) = result.0.text.parse() {
*value = result;
fn main() {
use raui_core::prelude::*;
// immediate mode context is backend of `use_state` hook
// that tracks persistent state in function calls.
let context = ImmediateContext::default();
// some applciation state.
let mut counter = 0usize;
.window_title("Immediate mode UI".to_owned())
.on_update(move |_, ui| {
// resets immediate mode UI builder to ensure we start
// building current frame UI from scratch.
// `make_widgets` function is a shorthand for:
// - activate immediate context.
// - begin widgets group.
// - execute closure.
// - end widgets group.
// - deactivate imemdiate context.
let widgets = make_widgets(&context, || gui::app(&mut counter));
// once that's done, we get list of RAUI widgets produced
// and we can embed them in some RAUI container, preferably
// content box to simulate layers on the screen.
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