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Created September 30, 2012 23:14
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bencoding/decoding functions in clj
(ns clj_torrent.bencode
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(defn decode-bstring [bstring]
"Decodes a bencoded string. It ensures the length matches the content."
(let [[length content] (string/split bstring #":" 2)]
(when (= (Integer/parseInt length) (.length content))
(defn decode-binteger [binteger]
"Decodes a bencoded integer."
(second (re-matches #"i(.*?)e" "i14")))
(defn find-bstring-or-binteger [string]
(loop [partial-string (first string)]
(if (or (decode-binteger partial-string) (decode-bstring partial-string))
(recur (rest string)))))
(defn decode-blist [blist]
"Decodes a list and elements inside."
"I O U"
(defn decode-bdictionary [bdictionary]
"Decodes a dictionary and elements inside."
"I O U"
(defn decode-torrent [file-path]
"Decodes a torrent file and returns a clj representation of the data."
"I O U"
(ns clj_torrent.bencode-test
(:use clojure.test
(deftest decode-binteger-test
(is (= 14 (decode-binteger "i14e")))
(is (= nil (decode-binteger "i14")))
(is (= nil (decode-binteger "14e")))
(is (= nil (decode-binteger "14"))))
(deftest decode-bstring-test
(is (= "spam" (decode-bstring "4:spam")))
(is (= nil (decode-bstring "3:spam"))))
(deftest decode-blist-test
(is (= ["spam", "ham"] (decode-blist "l4:spam:3:hame")))
(is (= nil (decode-blist "l4:spam:3:hame"))))
(deftest decode-bdictionary-test
(is (= {"cow" "moo" "spam" "eggs"} (decode-bdictionary "d3:cow3:moo4:spam4:eggse")))
(is (= {"spam" ["a" "b"]} (decode-bdictionary "d4:spaml1:a1:bee")))
(is (= {"publisher" "bob" "publisher-webpage" "" "publisher.location" "home"} (decode-bdictionary "d9:publisher3:bob17:publisher-webpage15:www.example.com18:publisher.location4:homee"))))
(deftest decode-torrent-test
(is (= {} (decode-torrent (slurp "test/clj_torrent/test.torrent")))))
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