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Last active December 5, 2018 10:57
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PROBLEM STATEMENT: You're given a string consisting solely of (, ), and *. * can represent either a (, ), or an empty string. Determine whether the parentheses are balanced.
var str = "((*(*)))"; // User Input.
var arr = str.split(''); // Make array from user string.
var stack = {}; // Make an empty stack.
var balance = true; // Let given string has balanced parentheses.
// Loop through the arr array.
for (let count = 0; count < arr.length; count++) {
if (!setVal(arr[count])) {
balance = false;
if (balance) {
balance = checkStack();
console.log(`Given String is ${balance ? 'balanced' : 'not balanced'}`);
* addChar function add 1 to each stack as we see '(' character.
function addChar() {
if (Object.keys(stack).length == 0) {
// run very first time.
stack['0'] = 1;
} else {
for (key in stack) {
return true;
* removeChar function subtract 1 from each stack as we see ')' character.
function removeChar() {
if (Object.keys(stack).length == 0) {
// run when there we see ')' as very first character.
return false;
} else {
for (key in stack) {
// Check all the stacks are empty or not.
// If any stack has a value equal or greater than 0 it means we can procces further.
for (key in stack) {
if (stack[key] >= 0) {
return true;
// if each stack has less than 0 i.e. there is no '(' character corresponding to ')' character.
return false;
* addAsterisk function add '2*currentStacks' stack into currentStacks.
function addAsterisk() {
let currentStackLength = Object.keys(stack).length;
let keyPos = currentStackLength;
if (currentStackLength == 0) {
stack['0'] = 1;
} else {
for (let count = 0; count < currentStackLength; count++) {
// If * is treated as '(' character.
stack[keyPos] = stack[count] + 1;
// If * is treated as ')' character.
stack[keyPos] = stack[count] - 1;
return true;
* setVal function call the character corresponding function.
function setVal(char) {
if (char == '(') {
return addChar();
} else if (char == ')') {
return removeChar();
} else {
// this will run for '*' character.
return addAsterisk();
function checkStack() {
// Check any stacks is empty or not.
// If any stakc is empty i.e given string is balanced.
for (key in stack) {
if (stack[key] == 0) {
return true;
return false;
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