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Last active December 20, 2015 04:39
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  • Save Pulover/6072358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Pulover/6072358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom Properties Sheet control for AutoHotkey.
; Class Properties
; Author: Pulover [Rodolfo U. Batista]
; [email protected]
; AHK version:
; Release date: 24 July 2013
; Depends on: Class_Rebar <>
; Custom Properties Sheet control for AutoHotkey.
Class Properties
__New(gLabel, W=400, H=23, X=0, Y=0, Gui=1)
If !(IsLabel(gLabel))
return False
this.Label := gLabel, this.Gui := Gui
this.Width := W, this.Height := H
this.PosX := X, this.PosY := Y
, this.Count := 0, this.Handles := []
Add(CtrlType, BandText="", CtrlValue="")
this.Count += 1, ID := this.Count
, Gui := this.Gui, Label := this.Label
, W := this.Width, H := this.Height, HalfW := W//2
, X := this.PosX, Y := this.PosY, HalfW := W//2
Gui, %Gui%:Add, Custom, ClassReBarWindow32 hwndhRebar%ID% g%Label% 0x044C x%X% y%Y% w%W% h%H%
Gui, %Gui%:Add, %CtrlType%, hwndhCtr%ID%, %CtrlValue%
GuiControlGet, cValue,, % hCtr%ID%
RB%ID% := New Rebar(hRebar%ID%)
, RB%ID%.InsertBand("", 0, "NoGripper Hidden", 0, BandText, HalfW)
, RB%ID%.InsertBand(hCtr%ID%, 0, "NoGripper Hidden", 0, "", HalfW, 0, "", H)
, RB%ID%.InsertBand("", 0, "NoGripper", 0, BandText, HalfW)
, RB%ID%.InsertBand("", 0, "NoGripper", 0, cValue, HalfW, 0, "", H)
, this.Handles.Insert({Ptr: RB%ID%, hRebar: hRebar%ID%, hCtr: hCtr%ID%})
, this.PosY += this.Height
nCode := NumGet(A_EventInfo + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "Int")
If (nCode = -16)
rbHwnd := NumGet(A_EventInfo + 0, 0, "UPtr")
Loop, % this.Handles.MaxIndex()
If (this.Handles[A_Index].hRebar = rbHwnd)
ID := A_Index
GuiControlGet, ctrlValue,, % this.Handles[ID].hCtr
this.Handles[ID].Ptr.GetBand(1, "", "", "", "", "", Style)
, SetProp := (Style & 0x0008) ? 1 : 0
, this.Handles[ID].Ptr.ModifyBand(4, "Text", (ctrlValue = "") ? A_Space : ctrlValue)
, this.Handles[ID].Ptr.ShowBand(1, SetProp)
, this.Handles[ID].Ptr.ShowBand(2, SetProp)
, this.Handles[ID].Ptr.ShowBand(3, !SetProp)
, this.Handles[ID].Ptr.ShowBand(4, !SetProp)
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