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Last active January 24, 2023 00:20
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  • Save Pulover/6340749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Pulover/6340749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Function: CreateIconsDll
; Description: Creates an Icon Resources Dll from ico files in a folder.
; Author: Pulover [Rodolfo U. Batista] ([email protected])
; Credits: DllCreateEmpty() by SKAN
; ReplaceIcon() based on ReplaceAhkIcon() by fincs
; Usage example:
; CreateIconsDll("MyDll.dll", "C:\MyIcons")
CreateIconsDll(File, Folder)
IfNotExist, %File%
Index := 1, Counter := 0
module := DllCall("BeginUpdateResource", "str", File, "uint", 0, "ptr")
Loop, %Folder%\*.ico
Counter++, Index := ReplaceIcon(module, A_LoopFileLongPath, Index)
If (Counter = 20)
DllCall("EndUpdateResource", "ptr", module, "uint", 0)
, module := DllCall("BeginUpdateResource", "str", File, "uint", 0, "ptr")
, Counter := 0
DllCall("EndUpdateResource", "ptr", module, "uint", 0)
return Index - 1
ReplaceIcon(re, IcoFile, iconID)
f := FileOpen(IcoFile, "r")
if !IsObject(f)
return false
VarSetCapacity(igh, 8), f.RawRead(igh, 6)
if NumGet(igh, 0, "UShort") != 0 || NumGet(igh, 2, "UShort") != 1
return false
wCount := NumGet(igh, 4, "UShort")
, VarSetCapacity(rsrcIconGroup, rsrcIconGroupSize := 6 + wCount*14)
, NumPut(NumGet(igh, "Int64"), rsrcIconGroup, "Int64") ; fast copy
, ige := &rsrcIconGroup + 6
Loop, %wCount%
thisID := (iconID-1) + A_Index
, f.RawRead(ige+0, 12) ; read all but the offset
, NumPut(thisID, ige+12, "UShort")
, imgOffset := f.ReadUInt()
, oldPos := f.Pos
, f.Pos := imgOffset
, VarSetCapacity(iconData, iconDataSize := NumGet(ige+8, "UInt"))
, f.RawRead(iconData, iconDataSize)
, f.Pos := oldPos
, DllCall("UpdateResource", "ptr", re, "ptr", 3, "ptr", thisID, "ushort", 0x409, "ptr", &iconData, "uint", iconDataSize, "uint")
, ige += 14
return thisID + 1, DllCall("UpdateResource", "ptr", re, "ptr", 14, "ptr", iconID, "ushort", 0x409, "ptr", &rsrcIconGroup, "uint", rsrcIconGroupSize, "uint")
DllCreateEmpty(F := "empty.dll") { ;
;Creates Empty Resource-Only DLL (1536 bytes) / CD:05-Sep-2010 | LM:25-Oct-2010 - by SKAN
IfNotEqual,A_Tab, % TS:=A_NowUTC, EnvSub,TS,1970,S ;
Src := "0X5A4DY3CXB8YB8X4550YBCX2014CYCCX210E00E0YD0X7010BYD8X400YE4X1000YE8X1000YECX78A"
. "E0000YF0X1000YF4X200YF8X10005YFCX10005Y100X4Y108X3000Y10CX200Y114X2Y118X40000Y11CX200"
. "0Y120X100000Y124X1000Y12CX10Y140X1000Y144X10Y158X2000Y15CX8Y1B0X7273722EY1B4X63Y1B8X1"
. "0Y1BCX1000Y1C0X200Y1C4X200Y1D4X40000040Y1D8X6C65722EY1DCX636FY1E0X8Y1E4X2000Y1E8X200Y"
. "1ECX400Y1FCX42000040", VarSetCapacity(Trg,1536,0), Numput(TS,Trg,192),AC := 0x40000000
Loop, Parse, Src, XY
Mod(A_Index,2) ? O := "0x" A_LoopField : NumPut("0x" A_LoopField, Trg, O)
If (hF := DllCall("CreateFile", Str,F, UInt,AC,UInt,2,Ptr,0,UInt,2,Int,0,Int,0)) > 0
B := DllCall("_lwrite", Ptr,hF,Ptr,&Trg,UInt,1536), DllCall("CloseHandle",Ptr,hF)
Return B ? F :
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