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Last active August 2, 2018 23:40
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GestureEventArgs Spec

Additional telemetery data that will be added to Updated events.

Note: Nothing in this specification is guaranteed to be final; all features, implementations, and interfaces are subject to change.


public class Touch
	public int TouchId { get; set; }
	public Point ViewPosition { get; set; }
	public Point PagePosition { get; set; }
	public Point ScreenPosition { get; set; }
	public GestureStatusType StatusType { get; set; }
	View Target { get; }


API Description
TouchId A unique identifier for a specific finger in contact with the screen.
ViewPosition The relative Position of this touch for the given view the gesture is attached to.
PagePosition The relative Position of this touch to the parent page
ScreenPosition The absolute Position of the touch on the screen.
GestureStatusType The state of the touch. This is mainly used when inspecting ChangedTouches to see how said touches have changed
Target The view associated with this Gesture.


public class TouchEvent
	public IReadOnlyList<Touch> Touches { get; set; }
	public IReadOnlyList<Touch> ChangedTouches { get; set; }
	public IReadOnlyList<Touch> TargetTouches { get; set; }
	View Target { get; }


API Description
Touches All active touches and their positions. This will include touches that are happening outside this view
ChangedTouches All touches that changed from the last event.
TargetTouches All touches affecting this view


Eventually all of the gestures eventargs will inherit from GestureEventArgs. Initially it'll just be LongPressGestureRecognizer

public class GestureEventArgs : EventArgs
	public TouchEvent TouchEvent { get; private set; }


API Description
TouchEvent Information about the touch event that caused an update on a gesture.


public class LongPressContainer : ContentView
  BoxView touchView;
  public LongPressContainer ()
    var longPressGesture = new LongPressGestureRecognizer ();
    longPressGesture.LongPressUpdated += OnLongPressUpdated;
    GestureRecognizers.Add (longPressGesture);
    touchView = new BoxView {WidthRequest = 20, HeightRequest = 20, Color = Color.Red};

  void OnLongPressUpdated (object sender, LongPressUpdatedEventArgs e)
    TouchEvent data = e.TouchEvent;
    if(e.StatusType == GestureStatus.Started || e.StatusType == GestureStatus.Running)
    	var touch = data.TargetTouches[0].ViewPosition;
	AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds (touchView, new Rectangle (touch.X, touch.Y, 20, 20));
	touchView.Color = Color.Red;
	touchView.IsVisible = true;
    	touchView.IsVisible = false;

This example demonstrates a user long pressing a ContentView which will cause a red BoxView to appear under the finger. Now as the user moves their finger around on the screen the box will follow the finger. Once they lift their finger the BoxView will vanish.

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