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<# | |
Meta | |
Date: 2022 March 28th | |
Updated: 2023 October 6th | |
Authors: Dray Agha (Twitter @purp1ew0lf), Dipo Rodipe (Twitter @dipotwb) | |
Company: Huntress Labs | |
Purpose: Automate setting up Sysmon and pulling Ippsec's sysmon IoC streamliner. Great for malware lab. | |
#> | |
################################################################################################################ | |
#The section below contains the architecture detection code, kudos to Remko (twitter @RemkoWeijnen) | |
$source = @" | |
using System; | |
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; | |
using System.Diagnostics; | |
using System.ComponentModel; | |
public static class WinApi | |
{ | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN = 0; | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TARGET_HOST = 0x0001; // Useful for indicating we want to interact with the host and not a WoW guest. | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 = 0x014c; // Intel 386. | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R3000 = 0x0162; // MIPS little-endian, = 0x160 big-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000 = 0x0166; // MIPS little-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R10000 = 0x0168; // MIPS little-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2 = 0x0169; // MIPS little-endian WCE v2 | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA = 0x0184; // Alpha_AXP | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3 = 0x01a2; // SH3 little-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP = 0x01a3; | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3E = 0x01a4; // SH3E little-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4 = 0x01a6; // SH4 little-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5 = 0x01a8; // SH5 | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM = 0x01c0; // ARM Little-Endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB = 0x01c2; // ARM Thumb/Thumb-2 Little-Endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT = 0x01c4; // ARM Thumb-2 Little-Endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33 = 0x01d3; | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC = 0x01F0; // IBM PowerPC Little-Endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP = 0x01f1; | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 = 0x0200; // Intel 64 | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16 = 0x0266; // MIPS | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA64 = 0x0284; // ALPHA64 | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU = 0x0366; // MIPS | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16 = 0x0466; // MIPS | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TRICORE = 0x0520; // Infineon | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEF = 0x0CEF; | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC = 0x0EBC; // EFI Byte Code | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 = 0x8664; // AMD64 (K8) | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R = 0x9041; // M32R little-endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 = 0xAA64; // ARM64 Little-Endian | |
public const ushort IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEE = 0xC0EE; | |
public const UInt32 S_OK = 0; | |
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] | |
public static extern UInt32 IsWow64GuestMachineSupported(ushort WowGuestMachine, out bool MachineIsSupported); | |
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] | |
public static extern bool IsWow64Process2(IntPtr hProcess, out ushort pProcessMachine, out ushort pNativeMachine); | |
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] | |
public static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess(); | |
} | |
"@ | |
Add-Type $source | |
################################################################################################################ | |
function admin_check{ | |
if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(` | |
[Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { | |
Write-Warning "Insufficient permissions. Run this Powershell script as Admin please" | |
Break | |
} | |
# if we're all good, let's fire it off | |
else {Install_various} | |
} | |
function install_various{ | |
#Ensure errors don't ruin anything for us | |
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" | |
$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue' | |
# Create and work from specific directory | |
new-item "C:\users\$env:USERNAME\Desktop\SysmonLab" -ItemType "directory" | |
Set-Location "C:\users\$env:USERNAME\Desktop\SysmonLab" | |
#Download sysmon stuff | |
wget -UseBasicParsing https://download.sysinternals.com/files/Sysmon.zip -outfile "Sysmon.zip" | |
Expand-archive "Sysmon.zip" -DestinationPath . | |
wget -UseBasicParsing https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Neo23x0/sysmon-config/master/sysmonconfig-export.xml -outfile "sysmonconfig.xml" | |
#If you want to swap the sysmon ruleset from Florian's to another's swap the address above | |
# SwiftOnSecurity's : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config/master/sysmonconfig-export.xml | |
# Olaf's : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olafhartong/sysmon-modular/master/sysmonconfig.xml | |
# Sophos apparently have one but it seems dedicated to malware analysis : https://support.sophos.com/support/s/article/KB-000038882?language=en_US | |
#install sysmon's stuff | |
[UInt16]$processMachine = 0; | |
[UInt16]$nativeMachine = 0; | |
[WinApi]::IsWow64Process2([WinApi]::GetCurrentProcess(), [ref]$processMachine, [ref]$nativeMachine); | |
if ($nativeMachine -eq [WinApi]::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64) { | |
.\Sysmon64.exe -i sysmonconfig.xml -accepteula | |
} | |
if ($nativeMachine -eq [WinApi]::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64) { | |
.\Sysmon64a.exe -i sysmonconfig.xml -accepteula | |
} | |
#Ippsec's stuff | |
wget -UseBasicParsing https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IppSec/PowerSiem/69a575e7dc55b6f91acd0094bd1afa5d251d347a/PowerSiem.ps1 -outfile "PowerSiem.ps1" | |
#Clean up | |
remove-item .\"sysmon.zip", .\"sysmon.exe", .\"eula.lnk", .\"Eula.txt" | |
} | |
#Execute main function in silence | |
Admin_Check | out-null | |
#Message | |
write-host "`n`nSysmon is " -nonewline; write-host (get-service sysmon*).status -ForegroundColor magenta | |
Write-host "`nRun " -nonewline; Write-Host "C:\users\$env:USERNAME\Desktop\SysmonLab\PowerSiem.ps1" -foregroundcolor Magenta -NoNewline; Write-host " and then detonate your malware to gather IoCs from Sysmon log`n" | |
exit |
Mar 28, 2022
may I guess that this admin check may fail on localised windows installations? in german the group is called "Administratoren" ... maybe, maybe not.
may I guess that this admin check may fail on localised windows installations? in german the group is called "Administratoren" ... maybe, maybe not.
Probably will fail @MoppelMat, unfortunately my scripting skills are limited to English
You can use the requires keyword in your script to check that it is running as administrator:
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
Hey @Purp1eW0lf , I made a fork of this gist and added the ability to detect and run the correct sysmon executable for the right processor architecture (of ARM or amd64 for Windows 10/11). Would love to get this merged in some form if it suits?
Hey @Purp1eW0lf , I made a fork of this gist and added the ability to detect and run the correct sysmon executable for the right processor architecture (of ARM or amd64 for Windows 10/11). Would love to get this merged in some form if it suits?
Updated my friend