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Created February 22, 2024 15:30
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international trucks
you ever wanted to download the models from international trucks? no? well here you go anyways
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import requests
default_series = "hv_series"
materials_data = None
file_cache = {}
def get_data_url(series):
return f"{series}/data.json"
def get_materials_data_url():
return ""
def get_validation_rules_url(series):
return f"{series}/validation_rules.json"
def get_file_url(series, file):
return f"{series}/{file}"
def get_material_url(material, t):
for shadows, pass shadows as the material
return f"{material}/{t}.png"
def download_file(url, path):
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
open(path, "wb").write(r.content)
def get_series_data(series):
data_url = get_data_url(series)
r = requests.get(data_url)
return r.json()[0]
def get_validation_rules(series):
validation_rules_url = get_validation_rules_url(series)
r = requests.get(validation_rules_url)
return r.json()
def get_available_series(data):
Gets a list of the series we can configure
features = data["features"]
group = next((feature for feature in features if feature["group_name"] == "group_series"), None)
if not group:
exit("No group_series found in data.json")
section = next((option for option in group["sections"] if option["group"] == "series"), None)
if not section:
exit("No series section found in data.json")
options = section["options"]
return list(map(lambda x: x["value"], options))
def get_materials():
global materials_data
r = requests.get(get_materials_data_url())
materials_data = r.json()
def process_series(series):
print(f"Processing series {series}")
if not series in file_cache:
file_cache[series] = []
series_data = get_series_data(series)
validation_rules = get_validation_rules(series)
vehicles = series_data["vehicles"]
for vehicle in vehicles:
vehicle_name = vehicle["name"].strip().replace(" ", "")
print(f" Processing vehicle {vehicle_name} ({vehicles.index(vehicle) + 1}/{len(vehicles)})")
series_path = Path(os.getcwd(), series, vehicle_name)
series_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
skeleton_file_name = vehicle["skeleton_filename"]
skeleton_file_path = Path(series_path, skeleton_file_name)
if not skeleton_file_path.exists():
skeleton_file_url = get_file_url(series, skeleton_file_name)
download_file(skeleton_file_url, skeleton_file_path)
print(f" Vehicle skeleton file exists, skipping")
default_parts = vehicle["default_parts"]
if default_parts:
for part in default_parts:
part_file = part["file"].strip().replace(" ", "")
if part_file in file_cache[series]:
print(f" File {part_file} already processed, skipping")
print(f" Processing default part {part_file} ({default_parts.index(part) + 1}/{len(default_parts)}")
part_file_path = Path(series_path, part_file)
if part_file_path.exists():
print(f" Part file exists, skipping.")
part_file_url = get_file_url(series, part_file)
download_file(part_file_url, part_file_path)
print(" No default parts found, skipping")
parts_path = Path(series_path, "parts")
parts_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for rule in validation_rules:
group_name = rule["group_name"].strip().replace(" ", "")
if group_name == "":
continue # skip empty rules
rule_path = Path(parts_path, group_name)
print(f" Processing validation rule {group_name} ({validation_rules.index(rule)}/{len(validation_rules)})")
cases = rule["cases"]
# result_bones = rule["result_bones"]
for case in cases:
print(f" Processing case {cases.index(case) + 1} of {len(cases)} for rule {group_name}")
result_files = case["result_files"]
if len(result_files) == 0:
print(f" No result files found for rule {group_name}, probably a bone thing, skipping")
rule_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
case_cases = case["case"]
for case_case in case_cases:
case_case_index = case_cases.index(case_case)
print(f" Processing sub case {case_case_index + 1} of {len(case_cases)}")
pick = case_case["pick"].strip().replace(" ", "")
equals = case_case["equals"].strip().replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "")
case_name = f"{pick}_{equals}_"
for file in result_files:
file_name = case_name + file.strip().replace(" ", "")
if file_name in file_cache[series]:
print(f" File {file_name} already processed, skipping")
print(f" Processing file {file_name}")
file_path = Path(rule_path, file_name)
if file_path.exists():
print(f" File {file_name} exists, skipping")
file_url = get_file_url(series, file)
download_file(file_url, file_path)
def process_materials():
print("Processing Materials")
materials_path = Path(os.getcwd(), "materials")
materials_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
materials = list(filter(lambda x: "folder" in x and x["folder"] != "fluid_dynamic" and x["hasAnyMaps"] is True, materials_data))
for material in materials:
folder = material["folder"].strip().replace(" ", "")
print(f" Processing material {folder} ({materials.index(material) + 1}/{len(materials)})")
material_path = Path(materials_path, folder)
material_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for t in ["basecolor", "metallic", "opacity", "normal", "roughness", "height"]:
file_name = f"{t}.png".strip().replace(" ", "")
print(f" Processing file {file_name}")
file_path = Path(material_path, file_name)
if file_path.exists():
print(f" File {file_name} exists for material {folder}, skipping")
file_url = get_material_url(folder, t)
download_file(file_url, file_path)
# some maps may not exist
print(f" File {file_name} does not exist for material {folder}, skipping")
# exit(0)
def main():
# start by getting the default series data
series_data = get_series_data(default_series)
series_list = get_available_series(series_data)
# print("Fetching Materials")
# get_materials()
# process_materials()
for series in series_list:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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