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Last active June 4, 2024 02:31
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SimDashboard Map Decryptor

SimDashboard Map Decryptor

decrypts simdashboards .sdmap files, just a xor cipher. the decrypted files are zips


uh, i felt like it... idk

def xor_arr(chunk, bytes_read):
chunk = bytearray(chunk)
key_len = len(key)
chunk_size = len(chunk)
if chunk_size > 0:
for byte_index in range(0, chunk_size, 2):
chunk[byte_index] ^= key[(byte_index + bytes_read) % key_len]
chunk[byte_index + 1] ^= key[(byte_index + 1 + bytes_read) % key_len]
except Exception as e:
if chunk_size & 1:
# handles the last byte
chunk[0] ^= key[(0 + bytes_read) % key_len]
return chunk
j8 = 0
with open("ats_hd_9.sdmap", "rb") as f:
with open("out.obb", "wb") as f2:
total_bytes_read = 0
prev_progress = -1
# read in chunks of 2048
while True:
chunk =
bytes_read = len(chunk)
if bytes_read != 0:
chunk = xor_arr(chunk, total_bytes_read)
total = total_bytes_read + bytes_read
if total > 0:
# update the progress
total_bytes_read = total
progress = int(min(95, ((((total_bytes_read * 100.0) / 56180771) / 100.0) * 95.0)))
if progress != prev_progress:
print("Progress: %d%%" % progress)
prev_progress = progress
total_bytes_read = total
de.stryder_it.simdashboard.model.MapInfo -> de.stryder_it.simdashboard.model.MapInfo:
void <init>(int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String) -> <init>
void <init>(int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) -> <init>
java.lang.String constructLocalFileName(int,java.lang.String) -> constructLocalFileName
l4.z0$h -> l4.z0$h:
boolean d( -> removeFile
l5.d4 -> l5.MapUtils:
q4.w0 d(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) -> ToMapData
java.lang.String e(android.content.Context) -> getExternalFilesDirAbsolute
java.lang.String f(java.lang.String) -> getMapfileVersionStringURI
boolean g(java.lang.String) -> isUHDFile
q4.w0 -> q4.MapData:
int a -> version
boolean b -> isLegacyMapInfo
boolean c -> isValid
int d -> minAppVersion
int e -> infoFormat
int f -> gameId
java.lang.String g -> modName
java.lang.String h -> mapName
java.lang.String i -> description
java.lang.String a() -> getDescription
int b() -> getGameId
int c() -> getInfoFormat
java.lang.String d() -> getMapName
int e() -> getMinAppVersion
java.lang.String f() -> getModName
int g() -> getVersion
boolean h() -> getIsLegacyMapInfo
boolean i() -> getIsValid
void k(java.lang.String) -> setDescription
void l(int) -> setGameId
void m(int) -> setInfoFormat
void n(boolean) -> setIsLegacyMapInfo
void o(java.lang.String) -> setMapName
void p(int) -> setMinAppVersion
void q(java.lang.String) -> setModName
void r(boolean) -> setIsValid
void s(int) -> setVersion
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