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Created March 15, 2024 17:04
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Summation of cardinal of uniform partitions of finite type in Lean4.
import Mathlib
The `Partition α` is a `partitions : Set (Set α)` such that:
* `⋃₀ partitions = Set.univ`,
* every distinct pair `A B ∈ partitions` are disjoint.
A `Partition α` is called **uniform** if all of its `S ∈ partitions` have the same cardinal.
Existence of `Fin n ≃ α ` equivalently means `Nat.card α = n`, for any finite type `α`.
The last theorem in this file, `join_finite_uniform`, states that a type `α` is of cardinal `m * n`,
if there are exactly `m` uniform partitions of `α`, each of cardinal `n`.
This looks trivial at first, but eventually cost me more than one day to complete the proof,
as it envolves manipulation of dependent objects.
def Set.Disjoint (A B : Set X) : Prop := (∃ t, t ∈ A ∧ t ∈ B) → False
structure Partition (α : Type*) where
partitions : Set (Set α)
disjoint : ∀ A ∈ partitions, ∀ B ∈ partitions, A ≠ B → Set.Disjoint A B
union : ⋃₀ partitions = Set.univ
namespace Partition
variable {p : Partition α}
private lemma aux_0 {a b c : Prop} : (a → c) → ((¬ a ∧ b) → c) → (a ∨ b) → c := by
intro h1 h2 h3
rcases h3 with h | h
. apply h1 h
. if h' : a
then apply h1 h'
else apply h2 (And.intro h' h)
private lemma aux_1 : (¬ (a ∧ b)) = (¬ a ∨ ¬ b) := by
apply propext
. intro h
simp at h
if c : a then apply Or.inr (h c)
else apply Or.inl c
. simp
intro h c
rcases h with h | h
. contradiction
. exact h
private lemma aux_2 {x y : α × β} : ¬ x = y ↔ x.1 ≠ y.1 ∨ x.2 ≠ y.2 := by
. intro h
rw [← aux_1]
intro hn
apply h
ext <;> simp [hn]
. intro h hn
match x, y with
| (a, b), (c, d) =>
simp at h hn
rcases h with h | h
. apply h hn.1
. apply h hn.2
private lemma aux_3 {C : Sort u} : Fin 0 → C := by
intro h
have := h.2
private lemma aux_4 : 0 < m → x < m → y < n → x * n + y < m * n := by
intro h1 h3 h4
rw [Nat.lt_iff_le_pred h1] at h3
apply Nat.lt_of_lt_of_le (m := x * n + n)
. simp
exact h4
. have : m = m - 1 + 1 := by
rw [Nat.sub_add_cancel]
apply Nat.le_of_pred_lt
exact h1
rw [this, Nat.add_mul]
apply Nat.mul_le_mul_right n h3
theorem join_finite_uniform : Fin m ≃ p.partitions → (∀ x ∈ p.partitions, Fin n ≃ x) → Fin (m * n) ≃ α := by
intro u v
let t : Fin m × Fin n → α := λ (x, y) =>
let k := u x
(v k.1 k.2) y |>.1
have d (x y : p.partitions) : x.1 ≠ y.1 → ∀ a ∈ x.1, ∀ b ∈ y.1, a ≠ b := by
intro h a ha b hb
have := p.disjoint x.1 x.2 y.1 y.2 h
unfold Set.Disjoint at this
intro h'
apply this
use a
apply And.intro ha
rw [h']
exact hb
have d' (x y : p.partitions) : x.1 = y.1 → ∀ a b : Fin n, a ≠ b → ((v x.1 x.2) a).1 ≠ ((v y.1 y.2) b).1 := by
intro h a b hab
have h' := Subtype.ext_iff_val.mpr h
rw [← h']
intro hn
rw [← Subtype.ext_iff_val] at hn
apply hab
apply (v x.1 x.2).bijective.injective hn
have inj : Function.Injective t := by
intro x y h
simp at h
have c1 : ↑(u x.1) ∈ p.partitions := (u x.1).2
have c2 : ↑(u y.1) ∈ p.partitions := (u y.1).2
have h : ((v ↑(u x.1) c1) x.2).1 = ((v ↑(u y.1) c2) y.2).1 := h
intro hn
rw [aux_2] at hn
apply aux_0 ?_ ?_ hn
. intro hn
have pn : (u x.1).1 ≠ (u y.1).1 := by
intro h'
apply hn
rw [← Subtype.ext_iff_val] at h'
exact u.bijective.injective h'
have dis := p.disjoint (u x.1) ?_ (u y.1) ?_ pn
unfold Disjoint at dis
have := d (u x.1) (u y.1) pn (↑((v (↑(u x.1)) c1) x.2)) ?_ (↑((v (↑(u y.1)) c2) y.2)) ?_
all_goals simp
. intro hn
simp at hn
have : ((v (↑(u x.1)) c1) x.2).1 ≠ ((v (↑(u y.1)) c2) y.2).1 := by
apply d'
. rw [hn.1]
. apply hn.2
have surj : Function.Surjective t := by
intro y
have univ := p.3
rw [Set.sUnion_eq_univ_iff] at univ
have ⟨s, hs⟩ := univ y
let x1 := u.symm ⟨s, hs.1⟩
let x2 := (v s hs.1).symm ⟨y, hs.2⟩
use (x1, x2)
simp only []
have k : u x1 = ⟨s, hs.1⟩ := by simp
rw [k]
have t := Equiv.ofBijective t ⟨inj, surj⟩
if c1 : n = 0
rw [c1]
let t' : Fin 0 → (Fin m × Fin 0) := λ a => aux_3 a
apply Equiv.trans (β := Fin m × Fin n) ?_ t
rw [c1]
exact Equiv.ofBijective t' ⟨λ x _ _ => aux_3 x, λ y => aux_3 y.2⟩
if c2 : m = 0
rw [c2]
let t' : Fin 0 → (Fin 0 × Fin n) := λ a => aux_3 a
apply Equiv.trans (β := Fin m × Fin n) ?_ t
rw [c2]
exact Equiv.ofBijective t' ⟨λ x _ _ => aux_3 x, λ y => aux_3 y.1⟩
have c1 := c1
have c2 := c2
let t' : Fin (m * n) → (Fin m × Fin n) := λ v =>
let x := v / n
let y := v % n
(⟨x, by simp; apply (Nat.div_lt_iff_lt_mul c1).mpr v.2⟩,
⟨y, by simp; apply Nat.mod_lt; simp; exact c1⟩)
apply Equiv.trans (β := Fin m × Fin n) ?_ t
apply Equiv.ofBijective t' ⟨?_, ?_⟩
. intro x y
intro h1 h2
rw [Fin.eq_iff_veq, ← Nat.div_add_mod x.1 n,
h1, h2, Nat.div_add_mod y.1 n]
. intro (x, y)
use ⟨x.1 * n + y.1, by apply aux_4 c2 x.2 y.2⟩
rw [Fin.eq_iff_veq]
rw [Fin.eq_iff_veq]
. rw [Nat.add_div_eq_of_add_mod_lt]
. rw [(Nat.div_eq_zero_iff (a := y.1) c1).mpr y.2]
rw [Nat.mul_div_cancel x.1 c1]
. simp
apply Nat.mod_lt
exact c1
. rw [Nat.add_mod]
rw [Nat.mul_mod]
rw [Nat.mod_eq_iff_lt]
exact y.2
end Partition
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