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Last active July 21, 2024 08:39
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Elixir benchmark of different implementations of the 'subarray sum' problem
{:okasaki, "~> 1.0"}, # <- used by Qqwy's Okasaki solution
:nx, # <- used by Qqwy's Nx solution
{:exla, "~> 0.5"}, # <- used by Qqwy's Nx solution
config: [nx: [default_backend: EXLA.Backend]] # <- used by Qqwy's Nx solution
inputs = %{
"100" => {100,, fn _ -> Enum.random(0..10) end)},
"10_000" => {1000,, fn _ -> Enum.random(0..100) end)},
"1_000_000" => {10_000,, fn _ -> Enum.random(0..10_000) end)}
defmodule Nikiiv do
@moduledoc """
* Implement a method that will determinate if exists a range of
* non-negative elements in an array that sum up to a specific non-
* negative number
* Example 1 - targetSum 3, numbers = [1,7,1,1,1,5,6,1] - output true (the sum of the elements in range 2 to 4 is 3
* Example 2 - targetSum 7, numbers = [0,4,5,1,8,9,12,3,1] - output false (no range sums to 7)
def solution([h | t], target_sum) do
find_solution([h], t, h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, _, target_sum, target_sum) when target_sum > 0, do: :OK
defp find_solution(_, [0 | _], _, 0), do: :OK
defp find_solution(arr, [h | t], current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum < target_sum do
current_sum = current_sum + h
find_solution(arr ++ [h], t, current_sum, target_sum)
defp find_solution([h | t], right, current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum > target_sum do
current_sum = current_sum - h
find_solution(t, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp find_solution([], [h | t], _, target_sum), do: find_solution([h], t, h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, [], current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum != target_sum do
defp find_solution([], [], _, _), do: :KO
defmodule Nikiiv2 do
def solve_problem(arr, target_sum) do
tarr = List.to_tuple(arr)
size = Kernel.length(arr)
current_sum = elem(tarr, 0)
left = 0
right = 0
solve(tarr, size, left, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp solve(_, _, left, right, target_sum, target_sum) when left <= right, do: :ok
defp solve(tarr, size, left, right, _current_sum, target_sum) when left > right do
right = left
current_sum = elem(tarr, left)
solve(tarr, size, left, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp solve(tarr, size, left, right, current_sum, target_sum)
when current_sum < target_sum and right < size - 1 do
right = right + 1
current_sum = current_sum + elem(tarr, right)
solve(tarr, size, left, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp solve(tarr, size, left, right, current_sum, target_sum)
when current_sum > target_sum and left <= right and left < size - 1 do
current_sum = current_sum - elem(tarr, left)
left = left + 1
solve(tarr, size, left, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp solve(_, _, _, _, current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum != target_sum, do: nil
defmodule Tomekowal do
@moduledoc """
* Implement a method that will determinate if exists a range of
* non-negative elements in an array that sum up to a specific non-
* negative number
* Example 1 - targetSum 3, numbers = [1,7,1,1,1,5,6,1] - output true (the sum of the elements in range 2 to 4 is 3
* Example 2 - targetSum 7, numbers = [0,4,5,1,8,9,12,3,1] - output false (no range sums to 7)
def solution([h | t], target_sum) do
# start by taking first element as the current sublist
find_solution([h], t, h, target_sum)
# defp find_solution(current_sublist, rest_of_list, current_sum, target_sum)
# if target sum is zero, we require zero number somewhere
# it is not enough to simply say that zero element sublist has zero length
# NOTE: that edge case should be clarified because it complicates simple recursion
# in which empty range sums up to zero (even if there no zeros)
# we've found the sublist!
# NOTE: previous solution where `target_sum` was twice in parameters was perfectly fine and idiomatic
# However, in this particular example, I wanted to see three `when` clauses with `==`, `<` and `>`
defp find_solution(current_sublist, _rest_of_list, current_sum, target_sum)
when current_sum == target_sum and length(current_sublist) > 0,
do: :OK
# we need more, so we take add first element from the reset to the current sublist
# NOTE: this merges a case where the current sum is too low AND where current_sublist has zero elements and both current_sum and target_sum are 0
defp find_solution(current_sublist, [h | t] = _rest_of_list, current_sum, target_sum)
when current_sum <= target_sum do
find_solution(current_sublist ++ [h], t, current_sum + h, target_sum)
# we are over target, so we drop first item from the current sublist
defp find_solution([h | t] = _current_sublist, rest_of_list, current_sum, target_sum)
when current_sum > target_sum do
find_solution(t, rest_of_list, current_sum - h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, _, _, _), do: :KO
defmodule Stefanluptak do
@doc """
iex> Sublist.find([1, 2, 3], 3)
iex> Sublist.find([1, 7, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 1], 3)
iex> Sublist.find([0, 4, 5, 1, 8, 9, 12, 3, 1], 7)
def find(list, sum, offset \\ 0)
def find([], _sum, _offset), do: nil
def find([_head | tail] = list, sum, offset) do
|> Enum.scan(0, &Kernel.+/2)
|> Enum.find_index(&(&1 == sum))
|> case do
nil ->
find(tail, sum, offset + 1)
index ->, index + offset)
defmodule M100phlecs do
def solution([num | rst], target) do
q =
find(rst,, q), num, target)
defp find([], _, _, _), do: nil
defp find([num | rst], q, sum, target) when sum == target do
if :queue.is_empty(q), do: find(rst,, q), num, target), else: :ok
defp find([num | rest], q, sum, target) when sum < target,
do: find(rest,, q), sum + num, target)
defp find(lst, q, sum, target) when sum > target do
{{:value, prev}, q} = :queue.out(q)
find(lst, q, sum - prev, target)
defmodule Eksperimental do
@moduledoc """
Implement a function that will determinate if exists a range consecutive of
non-negative elements in an list, that sum up to a specific non-negative number.
@type element :: non_neg_integer()
@type element_list :: nonempty_list(element())
@type sum :: non_neg_integer()
defguardp is_non_neg_integer(term) when is_integer(term) and term >= 0
@doc """
Determinate whether consecutive number of non-negative integers in an list
sum up to a specific non-negative number. Returns `true` if this condition is
met, otherwise returns `false`.
## Examples
# The sum of the elements in range 2 to 4 is 3
iex> Coding.valid?([1,7,1,1,1,5,6,1], 3)
# No range sums to 7
iex> Coding.valid?([0,4,5,1,8,9,12,3,1], 7)
@spec valid?(element_list(), sum()) :: boolean()
def valid?(list, target_sum)
when is_list(list) and list != [] and is_non_neg_integer(target_sum) and target_sum >= 0 do
result =
Enum.reduce_while(list, [], fn
# If element is target_sum, we immediately return
^target_sum, _acc ->
{:halt, true}
element, acc ->
case sum_list(acc, element, target_sum) do
true ->
{:halt, true}
new_list ->
{:cont, [element | new_list]}
case result do
true -> true
list when is_list(list) -> false
@spec sum_list(
) :: true | list()
defp sum_list(list, element, target_sum)
when is_list(list) and is_non_neg_integer(element) and is_non_neg_integer(target_sum) do
Enum.reduce_while(list, [], fn sum, acc ->
case sum(sum, element, target_sum) do
{:halt, true} ->
# We abort inmediately
{:halt, true}
{:halt, _sum} ->
# We do not include this result
{:cont, acc}
# This is an optimization.
# We don't need to store 0
{:cont, 0} ->
{:cont, acc}
{:cont, sum} ->
# We add this result
{:cont, [sum | acc]}
@spec sum(
) :: true | list()
defp sum(sum, element, target_sum) when sum + element == target_sum,
do: {:halt, true}
defp sum(sum, element, target_sum) when sum + element < target_sum,
do: {:cont, sum + element}
defp sum(sum, element, _target_sum),
do: {:halt, sum + element}
defmodule Wanton7 do
@moduledoc """
* Implement a method that will determinate if exists a range of
* non-negative elements in an array that sum up to a specific non-
* negative number
* Example 1 - targetSum 3, numbers = [1,7,1,1,1,5,6,1] - output true (the sum of the elements in range 2 to 4 is 3
* Example 2 - targetSum 7, numbers = [0,4,5,1,8,9,12,3,1] - output false (no range sums to 7)
def solution([h | t], target_sum) do
find_solution(1, [h], t, h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, _, _, target_sum, target_sum) when target_sum > 0, do: :OK
defp find_solution(_, _, [0 | _], _, 0), do: :OK
defp find_solution(size, arr, [h | t], current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum < target_sum do
current_sum = current_sum + h
find_solution(size + 1, [h | arr], t, current_sum, target_sum)
defp find_solution(size, arr, right, current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum > target_sum do
size = size - 1
current_sum = current_sum -, size)
find_solution(size, arr, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp find_solution(0, _, [h | t], _, target_sum), do: find_solution(1, [h], t, h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, _, [], current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum != target_sum, do: :KO
defp find_solution(0, _, [], _, _), do: :KO
defmodule Wanton72 do
def solution([h | t] = arr, target_sum) do
find_solution(1, arr, t, h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, _, _, target_sum, target_sum) when target_sum > 0, do: :OK
defp find_solution(_, _, [0 | _], _, 0), do: :OK
defp find_solution(size, arr, [h | t], current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum < target_sum do
current_sum = current_sum + h
find_solution(size + 1, arr, t, current_sum, target_sum)
defp find_solution(size, [h | t], right, current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum > target_sum do
current_sum = current_sum - h
find_solution(size - 1, t, right, current_sum, target_sum)
defp find_solution(0, _, [h | t] = right, _, target_sum) do
find_solution(1, right, t, h, target_sum)
defp find_solution(_, _, [], current_sum, target_sum) when current_sum != target_sum, do: :KO
defp find_solution(0, _, [], _, _), do: :KO
defmodule Qqwy do
def valid?(list, target) do
do_valid?(target, list, list, 0, 0)
defp do_valid?(target, _, _, current, length) when current == target and length > 0, do: true
defp do_valid?(_, [], _, _, _), do: false
defp do_valid?(_, _, [], _, _), do: false
defp do_valid?(target, [h | hs], [l | ls], current, length) do
cond do
current <= target ->
do_valid?(target, hs, [l | ls], current + h, length + 1)
current >= target ->
do_valid?(target, [h | hs], ls, current - l, length - 1)
defmodule QqwyOkasaki do
@moduledoc """
A straight-up 1:1 port of 100phlecs' solution but using queues from Okasaki library
instead of Erlang's `:queue` module.
Unfortunately, benchmarking shows that there is (a constant time) overhead,
probably because of the extra Elixir struct wrapping the queue, and dispatching happening through protocols.
def solution([num | rst], target, queue_implementation \\ Okasaki.Implementations.ConstantQueue) do
q = Okasaki.Queue.empty(implementation: queue_implementation)
find(rst, Okasaki.Queue.insert(q, num), num, target)
defp find(lst, q, sum, target) when sum == target do
case {lst, Okasaki.Queue.empty?(q)} do
{[], true} ->
{[num | rst], true} ->
find(rst, Okasaki.Queue.insert(q, num), num, target)
{_, false} ->
defp find([num | rest], q, sum, target) when sum < target,
do: find(rest, Okasaki.Queue.insert(q, num), sum + num, target)
defp find(lst, q, sum, target) when sum > target do
{:ok, {prev, q}} = Okasaki.Queue.remove(q)
find(lst, q, sum - prev, target)
defp find([], _, _, _), do: nil
defmodule QqwyNx do
import Nx.Defn
@moduledoc """
A fun implementation using Nx tensors.
Not actually fast, since the problem is not SIMD-friendly and JIT-compilation
has a significant overhead when used on small input collections.
def valid?(list, target) do
found =
do_valid?(target, Nx.tensor([0 | list], backend: EXLA.Backend))
|> Nx.to_number
found == 1
defn do_valid?(target, tensor) do
sums = Nx.cumulative_sum(tensor)
{_, _, _, _, found} =
while {target, sums, lower_index = 0, higher_index = 1, found = 0},
(not found) and higher_index < Nx.flat_size(sums)
h = sums[higher_index]
l = sums[lower_index]
cond do
h - l == target and lower_index < higher_index ->
# Answer found: short-circuit
found = 1
{target, sums, lower_index, higher_index, found}
h - l <= target ->
# Below target: add next element to window
higher_index = higher_index + 1
{target, sums, lower_index, higher_index, found}
h - l >= target ->
# Above target: remove oldest element from window
lower_index = lower_index + 1
{target, sums, lower_index, higher_index, found}
true ->
# Unreachable but Nx compiler requires it
{target, sums, lower_index, higher_index, found}
"nikiiv" => fn {sum, list} -> Nikiiv.solution(list, sum) end,
"nikiiv2" => fn {sum, list} -> Nikiiv2.solve_problem(list, sum) end,
"tomekowal" => fn {sum, list} -> Tomekowal.solution(list, sum) end,
"stefanluptak" => fn {sum, list} -> Stefanluptak.find(list, sum) end,
"100phlecs" => fn {sum, list} -> M100phlecs.solution(list, sum) end,
"eksperimental" => fn {sum, list} -> Eksperimental.valid?(list, sum) end,
"qqwy_okasaki_constant" => fn {sum, list} -> QqwyOkasaki.solution(list, sum, Okasaki.Implementations.ConstantQueue) end,
"qqwy_okasaki_amortized" => fn {sum, list} -> QqwyOkasaki.solution(list, sum, Okasaki.Implementations.AmortizedQueue) end,
"qqwy_okasaki_erlang" => fn {sum, list} -> QqwyOkasaki.solution(list, sum, Okasaki.Implementations.ErlangQueue) end,
"qqwy_nx" => fn {sum, list} -> QqwyNx.valid?(list, sum) end,
"qqwy" => fn {sum, list} -> Qqwy.valid?(list, sum) end,
"wanton7" => fn {sum, list} -> Wanton7.solution(list, sum) end,
"wanton72" => fn {sum, list} -> Wanton72.solution(list, sum) end,
inputs: inputs,
warmup: 0.5,
time: 1,
memory_time: 1,
reduction_time: 1
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Qqwy commented Sep 6, 2023

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Qqwy commented Sep 6, 2023

➜   elixir benchmarks.exs
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Apple M1 Pro
Number of Available Cores: 10
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.15.0
Erlang 25.0

Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 500 ms
time: 1 s
memory time: 1 s
reduction time: 1 s
parallel: 1
inputs: 100, 10_000, 1_000_000
Estimated total run time: 2.27 min

Benchmarking 100phlecs with input 100 ...
Benchmarking 100phlecs with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking 100phlecs with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking eksperimental with input 100 ...
Benchmarking eksperimental with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking eksperimental with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking nikiiv with input 100 ...
Benchmarking nikiiv with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking nikiiv with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking nikiiv2 with input 100 ...
Benchmarking nikiiv2 with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking nikiiv2 with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy with input 100 ...
Benchmarking qqwy with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_nx with input 100 ...

14:33:07.171 [info] TfrtCpuClient created.
Benchmarking qqwy_nx with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_nx with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_amortized with input 100 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_amortized with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_amortized with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_constant with input 100 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_constant with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_constant with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_erlang with input 100 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_erlang with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking qqwy_okasaki_erlang with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking stefanluptak with input 100 ...
Benchmarking stefanluptak with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking stefanluptak with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking tomekowal with input 100 ...
Benchmarking tomekowal with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking tomekowal with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking wanton7 with input 100 ...
Benchmarking wanton7 with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking wanton7 with input 1_000_000 ...
Benchmarking wanton72 with input 100 ...
Benchmarking wanton72 with input 10_000 ...
Benchmarking wanton72 with input 1_000_000 ...

##### With input 100 #####
Name                             ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
qqwy                       4272.33 K        0.23 μs    ±52.28%        0.25 μs        0.38 μs
wanton72                   4209.73 K        0.24 μs    ±39.10%        0.25 μs        0.38 μs
100phlecs                  1413.34 K        0.71 μs  ±1352.57%        0.58 μs        0.92 μs
wanton7                     756.03 K        1.32 μs   ±897.87%        1.21 μs        1.46 μs
nikiiv                      750.64 K        1.33 μs   ±563.77%        1.25 μs        1.58 μs
tomekowal                   734.15 K        1.36 μs   ±497.97%        1.25 μs        1.54 μs
qqwy_okasaki_erlang         345.05 K        2.90 μs   ±352.25%        2.67 μs        4.33 μs
qqwy_okasaki_amortized      336.25 K        2.97 μs   ±250.51%        2.88 μs        3.21 μs
nikiiv2                     295.09 K        3.39 μs    ±67.50%        3.29 μs        3.83 μs
qqwy_okasaki_constant       270.46 K        3.70 μs   ±319.20%        3.42 μs        4.92 μs
eksperimental               113.38 K        8.82 μs   ±154.92%        8.17 μs          40 μs
stefanluptak                  1.48 K      677.72 μs    ±16.20%      667.33 μs      818.48 μs
qqwy_nx                    0.0477 K    20956.23 μs     ±5.44%    20558.48 μs    25253.79 μs

qqwy                       4272.33 K
wanton72                   4209.73 K - 1.01x slower +0.00348 μs
100phlecs                  1413.34 K - 3.02x slower +0.47 μs
wanton7                     756.03 K - 5.65x slower +1.09 μs
nikiiv                      750.64 K - 5.69x slower +1.10 μs
tomekowal                   734.15 K - 5.82x slower +1.13 μs
qqwy_okasaki_erlang         345.05 K - 12.38x slower +2.66 μs
qqwy_okasaki_amortized      336.25 K - 12.71x slower +2.74 μs
nikiiv2                     295.09 K - 14.48x slower +3.15 μs
qqwy_okasaki_constant       270.46 K - 15.80x slower +3.46 μs
eksperimental               113.38 K - 37.68x slower +8.59 μs
stefanluptak                  1.48 K - 2895.44x slower +677.49 μs
qqwy_nx                    0.0477 K - 89531.96x slower +20956.00 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                           average  deviation         median         99th %
qqwy                              0 KB     ±0.00%           0 KB           0 KB
wanton72                          0 KB     ±0.00%           0 KB           0 KB
100phlecs                      5.20 KB     ±0.00%        5.20 KB        5.20 KB
wanton7                        1.16 KB     ±0.00%        1.16 KB        1.16 KB
nikiiv                        13.52 KB     ±0.00%       13.52 KB       13.52 KB
tomekowal                     13.52 KB     ±0.00%       13.52 KB       13.52 KB
qqwy_okasaki_erlang            9.34 KB     ±0.00%        9.34 KB        9.34 KB
qqwy_okasaki_amortized         9.62 KB     ±0.00%        9.62 KB        9.62 KB
nikiiv2                           0 KB     ±0.00%           0 KB           0 KB
qqwy_okasaki_constant         11.13 KB     ±0.00%       11.13 KB       11.13 KB
eksperimental                 57.15 KB     ±0.00%       57.15 KB       57.15 KB
stefanluptak                 387.20 KB     ±0.00%      387.20 KB      387.20 KB
qqwy_nx                   12714.51 KB     ±0.02%    12715.55 KB    12719.06 KB

qqwy                              0 KB
wanton72                          0 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB
100phlecs                      5.20 KB - ∞ x memory usage +5.20 KB
wanton7                        1.16 KB - ∞ x memory usage +1.16 KB
nikiiv                        13.52 KB - ∞ x memory usage +13.52 KB
tomekowal                     13.52 KB - ∞ x memory usage +13.52 KB
qqwy_okasaki_erlang            9.34 KB - ∞ x memory usage +9.34 KB
qqwy_okasaki_amortized         9.62 KB - ∞ x memory usage +9.62 KB
nikiiv2                           0 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB
qqwy_okasaki_constant         11.13 KB - ∞ x memory usage +11.13 KB
eksperimental                 57.15 KB - ∞ x memory usage +57.15 KB
stefanluptak                 387.20 KB - ∞ x memory usage +387.20 KB
qqwy_nx                   12714.51 KB - ∞ x memory usage +12714.51 KB

Reduction count statistics:

Name                           average  deviation         median         99th %
qqwy                                77     ±0.00%             77             77
wanton72                            76     ±0.00%             76             76
100phlecs                          475     ±0.00%            475            475
wanton7                            896     ±0.00%            896            896
nikiiv                             324     ±0.00%            324            324
tomekowal                          325     ±0.00%            325            325
qqwy_okasaki_erlang               1414     ±0.00%           1414           1414
qqwy_okasaki_amortized            1173     ±0.00%           1173           1173
nikiiv2                            439     ±0.00%            439            439
qqwy_okasaki_constant             1139     ±0.00%           1139           1139
eksperimental                     5109     ±0.00%           5109           5109
stefanluptak                    121249     ±0.00%         121249         121249
qqwy_nx                     811508.05     ±0.13%         811185         815392

qqwy                                77
wanton72                            76 - 0.99x reduction count -1
100phlecs                          475 - 6.17x reduction count +398
wanton7                            896 - 11.64x reduction count +819
nikiiv                             324 - 4.21x reduction count +247
tomekowal                          325 - 4.22x reduction count +248
qqwy_okasaki_erlang               1414 - 18.36x reduction count +1337
qqwy_okasaki_amortized            1173 - 15.23x reduction count +1096
nikiiv2                            439 - 5.70x reduction count +362
qqwy_okasaki_constant             1139 - 14.79x reduction count +1062
eksperimental                     5109 - 66.35x reduction count +5032
stefanluptak                    121249 - 1574.66x reduction count +121172
qqwy_nx                     811508.05 - 10539.07x reduction count +811431.05

##### With input 10_000 #####
Name                             ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
wanton72                   5403.52 K       0.185 μs    ±38.37%       0.167 μs        0.29 μs
qqwy                       5305.83 K       0.188 μs    ±84.23%       0.167 μs        0.29 μs
100phlecs                  2157.44 K        0.46 μs  ±1217.80%        0.42 μs        0.58 μs
wanton7                     958.76 K        1.04 μs  ±1150.24%        0.92 μs        1.13 μs
nikiiv                      929.89 K        1.08 μs   ±668.00%           1 μs        1.29 μs
tomekowal                   678.60 K        1.47 μs   ±599.21%        1.04 μs        5.21 μs
qqwy_okasaki_erlang         471.32 K        2.12 μs   ±384.63%           2 μs        2.33 μs
qqwy_okasaki_amortized      421.06 K        2.37 μs   ±442.91%        2.29 μs        2.63 μs
qqwy_okasaki_constant       330.69 K        3.02 μs   ±502.10%        2.75 μs        3.83 μs
eksperimental               134.32 K        7.44 μs   ±234.34%        6.67 μs       38.67 μs
nikiiv2                      26.69 K       37.46 μs    ±61.26%          39 μs       51.71 μs
stefanluptak                  0.26 K     3853.09 μs     ±6.45%     3823.07 μs     4040.31 μs
qqwy_nx                    0.0564 K    17733.98 μs     ±5.05%    17346.58 μs    21416.13 μs

wanton72                   5403.52 K
qqwy                       5305.83 K - 1.02x slower +0.00341 μs
100phlecs                  2157.44 K - 2.50x slower +0.28 μs
wanton7                     958.76 K - 5.64x slower +0.86 μs
nikiiv                      929.89 K - 5.81x slower +0.89 μs
tomekowal                   678.60 K - 7.96x slower +1.29 μs
qqwy_okasaki_erlang         471.32 K - 11.46x slower +1.94 μs
qqwy_okasaki_amortized      421.06 K - 12.83x slower +2.19 μs
qqwy_okasaki_constant       330.69 K - 16.34x slower +2.84 μs
eksperimental               134.32 K - 40.23x slower +7.26 μs
nikiiv2                      26.69 K - 202.42x slower +37.28 μs
stefanluptak                  0.26 K - 20820.23x slower +3852.90 μs
qqwy_nx                    0.0564 K - 95825.89x slower +17733.80 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                           average  deviation         median         99th %
wanton72                          0 KB     ±0.00%           0 KB           0 KB
qqwy                              0 KB     ±0.00%           0 KB           0 KB
100phlecs                      3.96 KB     ±0.00%        3.96 KB        3.96 KB
wanton7                        0.92 KB     ±0.00%        0.92 KB        0.92 KB
nikiiv                        11.02 KB     ±0.00%       11.02 KB       11.02 KB
tomekowal                     11.02 KB     ±0.00%       11.02 KB       11.02 KB
qqwy_okasaki_erlang            7.24 KB     ±0.00%        7.24 KB        7.24 KB
qqwy_okasaki_amortized         7.48 KB     ±0.00%        7.48 KB        7.48 KB
qqwy_okasaki_constant          9.13 KB     ±0.00%        9.13 KB        9.13 KB
eksperimental                 46.35 KB     ±0.00%       46.35 KB       46.35 KB
nikiiv2                           0 KB     ±0.00%           0 KB           0 KB
stefanluptak                2967.06 KB     ±0.00%     2967.06 KB     2967.06 KB
qqwy_nx                   11293.81 KB     ±0.01%    11293.92 KB    11296.37 KB

wanton72                          0 KB
qqwy                              0 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB
100phlecs                      3.96 KB - ∞ x memory usage +3.96 KB
wanton7                        0.92 KB - ∞ x memory usage +0.92 KB
nikiiv                        11.02 KB - ∞ x memory usage +11.02 KB
tomekowal                     11.02 KB - ∞ x memory usage +11.02 KB
qqwy_okasaki_erlang            7.24 KB - ∞ x memory usage +7.24 KB
qqwy_okasaki_amortized         7.48 KB - ∞ x memory usage +7.48 KB
qqwy_okasaki_constant          9.13 KB - ∞ x memory usage +9.13 KB
eksperimental                 46.35 KB - ∞ x memory usage +46.35 KB
nikiiv2                           0 KB - 1.00x memory usage +0 KB
stefanluptak                2967.06 KB - ∞ x memory usage +2967.06 KB
qqwy_nx                   11293.81 KB - ∞ x memory usage +11293.81 KB

Reduction count statistics:

Name                           average  deviation         median         99th %
wanton72                            61     ±0.00%             61             61
qqwy                                62     ±0.00%             62             62
100phlecs                          219     ±0.00%            219            219
wanton7                            706     ±0.00%            706            706
nikiiv                             101     ±0.00%            101            101
tomekowal                          102     ±0.00%            102            102
qqwy_okasaki_erlang                814     ±0.00%            814            814
qqwy_okasaki_amortized             620     ±0.00%            620            620
qqwy_okasaki_constant              772     ±0.00%            772            772
eksperimental                     3814     ±0.00%           3814           3814
nikiiv2                           3687     ±0.00%           3687           3687
stefanluptak                    923069     ±0.00%         923069         923069
qqwy_nx                     825682.49     ±0.19%         825310         830201

wanton72                            61
qqwy                                62 - 1.02x reduction count +1
100phlecs                          219 - 3.59x reduction count +158
wanton7                            706 - 11.57x reduction count +645
nikiiv                             101 - 1.66x reduction count +40
tomekowal                          102 - 1.67x reduction count +41
qqwy_okasaki_erlang                814 - 13.34x reduction count +753
qqwy_okasaki_amortized             620 - 10.16x reduction count +559
qqwy_okasaki_constant              772 - 12.66x reduction count +711
eksperimental                     3814 - 62.52x reduction count +3753
nikiiv2                           3687 - 60.44x reduction count +3626
stefanluptak                    923069 - 15132.28x reduction count +923008
qqwy_nx                     825682.49 - 13535.78x reduction count +825621.49

##### With input 1_000_000 #####
Name                             ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
wanton72                     13.49 K       74.14 μs     ±2.81%       74.13 μs       79.95 μs
qqwy                         12.67 K       78.90 μs     ±4.57%       79.33 μs       83.04 μs
tomekowal                     6.51 K      153.59 μs    ±37.01%      149.58 μs      224.16 μs
nikiiv                        6.51 K      153.62 μs    ±36.85%      152.21 μs      177.45 μs
100phlecs                     5.59 K      178.82 μs    ±33.56%      177.46 μs      198.25 μs
wanton7                       4.35 K      229.73 μs    ±30.08%      224.58 μs      310.48 μs
eksperimental                 1.73 K      577.66 μs    ±35.37%         497 μs     1121.22 μs
qqwy_okasaki_amortized        1.25 K      801.76 μs    ±17.34%      792.71 μs      907.51 μs
qqwy_okasaki_constant         1.11 K      900.52 μs    ±16.05%      889.00 μs     1001.37 μs
qqwy_okasaki_erlang           0.89 K     1120.28 μs    ±23.66%     1078.62 μs     1518.26 μs
nikiiv2                       0.21 K     4661.71 μs    ±16.51%     4206.83 μs     7317.24 μs
qqwy_nx                   0.00015 K  6882592.79 μs     ±0.00%  6882592.79 μs  6882592.79 μs
stefanluptak               0.00000 K336956857.20 μs     ±0.00%336956857.20 μs336956857.20 μs

wanton72                     13.49 K
qqwy                         12.67 K - 1.06x slower +4.76 μs
tomekowal                     6.51 K - 2.07x slower +79.44 μs
nikiiv                        6.51 K - 2.07x slower +79.48 μs
100phlecs                     5.59 K - 2.41x slower +104.68 μs
wanton7                       4.35 K - 3.10x slower +155.59 μs
eksperimental                 1.73 K - 7.79x slower +503.52 μs
qqwy_okasaki_amortized        1.25 K - 10.81x slower +727.62 μs
qqwy_okasaki_constant         1.11 K - 12.15x slower +826.38 μs
qqwy_okasaki_erlang           0.89 K - 15.11x slower +1046.14 μs
nikiiv2                       0.21 K - 62.88x slower +4587.57 μs
qqwy_nx                   0.00015 K - 92831.87x slower +6882518.65 μs
stefanluptak               0.00000 K - 4544847.56x slower +336956783.06 μs

Memory usage statistics:

Name                      Memory usage
wanton72                          0 MB
qqwy                              0 MB - 1.00x memory usage +0 MB
tomekowal                      0.40 MB - ∞ x memory usage +0.40 MB
nikiiv                         0.40 MB - ∞ x memory usage +0.40 MB
100phlecs                      1.18 MB - ∞ x memory usage +1.18 MB
wanton7                        0.30 MB - ∞ x memory usage +0.30 MB
eksperimental                  2.21 MB - ∞ x memory usage +2.21 MB
qqwy_okasaki_amortized         2.54 MB - ∞ x memory usage +2.54 MB
qqwy_okasaki_constant          2.88 MB - ∞ x memory usage +2.88 MB
qqwy_okasaki_erlang            2.37 MB - ∞ x memory usage +2.37 MB
nikiiv2                           0 MB - 1.00x memory usage +0 MB
qqwy_nx                    3235.34 MB - ∞ x memory usage +3235.34 MB
stefanluptak              148456.41 MB - ∞ x memory usage +148456.41 MB

**All measurements for memory usage were the same**

Reduction count statistics:

Name                           average  deviation         median         99th %
wanton72                       19.56 K     ±0.00%        19.56 K        19.56 K
qqwy                           19.56 K     ±0.00%        19.56 K        19.56 K
tomekowal                      29.34 K     ±0.00%        29.34 K        29.34 K
nikiiv                         29.34 K     ±0.00%        29.34 K        29.34 K
100phlecs                      79.94 K     ±0.32%        79.97 K        80.73 K
wanton7                       163.27 K     ±0.00%       163.27 K       163.27 K
eksperimental                 239.54 K     ±0.21%       239.65 K       240.88 K
qqwy_okasaki_amortized        218.31 K     ±0.10%       218.28 K       218.95 K
qqwy_okasaki_constant         272.71 K     ±0.16%       272.56 K       274.43 K
qqwy_okasaki_erlang           265.57 K     ±0.08%       265.45 K       266.45 K
nikiiv2                        99.64 K     ±0.88%        99.53 K       106.20 K
qqwy_nx                   213890.61 K     ±0.00%    213890.61 K    213890.61 K
stefanluptak             49206910.82 K     ±0.00%  49206910.82 K  49206910.82 K

wanton72                       19.56 K
qqwy                           19.56 K - 1.00x reduction count +0.00100 K
tomekowal                      29.34 K - 1.50x reduction count +9.78 K
nikiiv                         29.34 K - 1.50x reduction count +9.78 K
100phlecs                      79.94 K - 4.09x reduction count +60.38 K
wanton7                       163.27 K - 8.35x reduction count +143.72 K
eksperimental                 239.54 K - 12.25x reduction count +219.98 K
qqwy_okasaki_amortized        218.31 K - 11.16x reduction count +198.75 K
qqwy_okasaki_constant         272.71 K - 13.94x reduction count +253.15 K
qqwy_okasaki_erlang           265.57 K - 13.58x reduction count +246.01 K
nikiiv2                        99.64 K - 5.09x reduction count +80.08 K
qqwy_nx                   213890.61 K - 10936.78x reduction count +213871.05 K
stefanluptak             49206910.82 K - 2516076.64x reduction count +49206891.26 K

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