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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 26 15:00:36 2015
@author: assa
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
import time
from math import sqrt
# Black and Scholes
def d1(S0, K, r, sigma, T):
return (np.log(S0/K) + (r + sigma**2 * .5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T))
def d2(S0, K, r, sigma, T):
return (np.log(S0/K) + (r - sigma**2 * .5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T))
def dplus(F, K, sigma, T):
return (np.log(F/K) + (sigma**2 * .5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T))
def dminus(F, K, sigma, T):
return (np.log(F/K) - (sigma**2 * .5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T))
def BlackScholes(Otype, S0, K, r, sigma, T):
if Otype == "C":
return S0 * ss.norm.cdf(d1(S0,K,r,sigma,T)) - K * np.exp(-r*T) * ss.norm.cdf(d2(S0,K,r,sigma,T))
elif Otype == "P":
return K * np.exp(-r * T) * ss.norm.cdf(-d2(S0, K, r, sigma, T)) - S0 * ss.norm.cdf(-d1(S0, K, r, sigma, T))
raise ValueError("not Otype 'C' or 'P'")
return ''
def BlackFormula(Otype, F, K, r, sigma, T):
if Otype == "C":
return np.exp(-r*T) * (F * ss.norm.cdf(dplus(F, K, sigma, T)) - K * ss.norm.cdf(dminus(F, K, sigma, T)))
elif Otype == "P":
return np.exp(-r*T) * (K * ss.norm.cdf(-dminus(F, K, sigma, T)) - F * ss.norm.cdf(-dplus(F, K, sigma, T)))
raise ValueError("not Otype 'C' or 'P'")
return ''
def CalcImpliedVolatility(Otype, S0, K, r, T, price, eps, Vol):
for i in xrange(5):
pricev = BlackScholes(Otype, S0, K, r, Vol, T)
if abs(price-pricev) < eps:
td1 = d1(S0, K, r, Vol, T)
NPrime = ((2*np.pi)**(-0.5))*np.exp(-0.5*(td1)**2)
vega = S0*NPrime*np.sqrt(T)
if vega == 0.0:
return np.nan
# raise ValueError("vega is zero, Otype: %s, K: %.2f, price: %.4f, Vol: %f"%(Otype,K,price,Vol))
Vol += (price-pricev) / vega
return Vol
def CalcImpliedVolatility_Black(Otype, F, K, r, T, price, eps, Vol):
for i in xrange(5):
pricev = BlackFormula(Otype, F, K, r, Vol, T)
if abs(price-pricev) < eps:
td1 = dplus(F, K, Vol, T)
NPrime = ((2*np.pi)**(-0.5))*np.exp(-0.5*(td1)**2)
vega = S0*NPrime*np.sqrt(T)
if vega == 0.0:
return np.nan
# raise ValueError("vega is zero, Otype: %s, K: %.2f, price: %.4f, Vol: %f"%(Otype,K,price,Vol))
Vol += (price-pricev) / vega
return Vol
def CalcBiSectionImpliedInterestRate(S0, K, r_low,r_high, T, callprice,putprice, eps, Vol):
count = 0
while True:
r_mid = (r_low + r_high) * 0.5
CallImVol = CalcImpliedVolatility('C', S0, K, r_mid, T, callprice, 0.000001, Vol)
PutImVol = CalcImpliedVolatility('P', S0, K, r_mid, T, putprice, 0.000001, Vol)
dVol = CallImVol - PutImVol
if abs(dVol) < eps:
if dVol < 0:
r_high = r_mid
r_low = r_mid
count += 1
if count > 1000: break
print CallImVol, PutImVol
return r_mid
def CalcExplicitImpliedInterestRate(callprice, putprice, futureprice, strike, T_option, T_future):
c = callprice
p = putprice
F = futureprice
K = strike
T1 = T_option
T2 = T_future
if not(callprice - putprice):
r = (F*T1 - K*T2 - T1*c + T1*p - T2*c + T2*p + sqrt(F**2*T1**2 - 2*F*K*T1*T2 - 2*F*T1**2*c + 2*F*T1**2*p + 2*F*T1*T2*c - 2*F*T1*T2*p + K**2*T2**2 - 2*K*T1*T2*c + 2*K*T1*T2*p + 2*K*T2**2*c - 2*K*T2**2*p + T1**2*c**2 - 2*T1**2*c*p + T1**2*p**2 - 2*T1*T2*c**2 + 4*T1*T2*c*p - 2*T1*T2*p**2 + T2**2*c**2 - 2*T2**2*c*p + T2**2*p**2))/(2*T1*T2*(c - p))
return r
r = (K - F) / (F * T1 - K * T2)
return r
class optionGreek:
def __init__(self):
self.S0 = 0
self.K = 0
self.r = 0
self.sigma = 0
self.T = 0
self.OptionType = ''
def BlackScholesGreek(self):
if self.OptionType == '':
raise ValueError("only availalbe 'C' & 'P'")
td1 = d1(self.S0, self.K, self.r, self.sigma, self.T)
td2 = d2(self.S0, self.K, self.r, self.sigma, self.T)
NPrime = ((2*np.pi)**(-1/2))*np.exp(-0.5*(td1)**2)
if self.OptionType == 'C':
self.price = S0 * ss.norm.cdf(td1) - K * np.exp(-r * T) * ss.norm.cdf(td2) = ss.norm.cdf(td1)
self.theta = (NPrime)*(-S0*sigma*0.5/np.sqrt(T))-r*K * np.exp(-r * T) * ss.norm.cdf(td2)
elif self.OptionType == 'P':
self.price = K * np.exp(-r * T) * ss.norm.cdf(-td2) - S0 * ss.norm.cdf(-td1) = ss.norm.cdf(td1)-1
self.theta = (NPrime)*(-S0*sigma*0.5/np.sqrt(T))+r*K * np.exp(-r * T) * ss.norm.cdf(-td2)
self.gamma = (NPrime/(S0*sigma*T**(0.5)))
self.vega = S0*NPrime*np.sqrt(T)
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = 7.13775634766e-06
T = 6.25 * 10 + 11 * 9 - 0.5
# S0 = 252.48 * np.exp(-r*T)
S0 = 252.19
K = 252.5
sigma = 0.001791864
Otype = 'P'
print '-' * 20
t = time.time()
r_high = 0.000009
r_low = 0.000005
r = CalcImpliedInterestRate(S0, K, r_low, r_high, T, 1.995, 2.015, 0.000000001, 0.0017)
elapsed = time.time()-t
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes ImR:", r
print "Elapsed:", elapsed
option = optionGreek()
option.S0 = S0
option.K = K
option.r = r
option.sigma = sigma
option.T = T
option.OptionType = Otype
print '-' * 20
print "S0\tstock price at time 0:", S0
print "K\tstrike price:", K
print "r\tcontinuously compounded risk-free rate:", r
print "sigma\tvolatility of the stock price per hour:", sigma
print "T\ttime to maturity in trading hours:", T
print '-' * 20
# c_BS = BlackScholes(Otype,S0, K, r, sigma, T)
elapsed = time.time()-t
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes price:", option.price
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes delta:",
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes gamma:", option.gamma
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes theta:", option.theta
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes vega:", option.vega
print "Elapsed:", elapsed
print '-' * 20
t = time.time()
CallImVol = CalcImpliedVolatility('C',S0,K,r,T,1.995,0.0001,0.0017)
PutImVol = CalcImpliedVolatility('P',S0,K,r,T,2.015,0.0001,0.0017)
elapsed = time.time()-t
print "Option\tBlack-Scholes ImVol:", CallImVol, PutImVol
print "Elapsed:", elapsed
print '-' * 20
imvol = CalcImpliedVolatility('P', S0, 225.0, r, T, 0.015, 0.0001, 0.0035)
print imvol
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