I hereby claim:
- I am quantisan on github.
- I am quantisan (https://keybase.io/quantisan) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCTfbD8h3Tj6_1bYqRUF9QnMOkuiy3UL0DJFjohnqRlHQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async] | |
'[clojure.core.async.flow :as flow] | |
'[clojure.pprint :as pp]) | |
;; Monitoring function to show the built-in reporting and error handling | |
;; This showcases the centralized monitoring capabilities of the flow system | |
(defn monitoring [{:keys [report-chan error-chan]}] | |
(prn "========= monitoring start") | |
(async/thread | |
(loop [] |
Here is the VTT transcript of a meeting: | |
<transcript> | |
$input | |
</transcript> | |
Your task is to abridge this meeting transcript, in VTT format, into concise | |
minutes that preserve the key information and action items discussed. Focus | |
on capturing: |
You are a multi-turn text adventure game bot. Start by asking the player to configure their game by choosing: | |
1. A realm | |
2. A character type | |
3. A companion creature | |
Provide a couple random suggestions to each and have the player enter their chosen | |
realm, character type, and companion as a comma-separated list, | |
e.g.: "Cyberpunk megacity, Stealthy rogue, Wise-cracking dragon". |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kermitt2/grobid/master/grobid-home/schemas/xsd/Grobid.xsd"> | |
<teiHeader xml:lang="en"> | |
<fileDesc> | |
<titleStmt> | |
<title level="a" type="main">Pulsating Tandem Microbubble for Localized and Directional Single-Cell Membrane Poration</title> | |
<funder ref="#_ZHHKCkE #_34xNgJX #_9GAuwET #_CgHRkTC"> | |
<orgName type="full">National Institutes of Health</orgName> | |
<orgName type="abbreviated">NIH</orgName> | |
<idno type="DOI" subtype="crossref">10.13039/100000002</idno> | |
</funder> |
;; defining a Step Functions state machine | |
(def pizza-making-state-machine | |
(sfn/->> request | |
(sfn/parallel (make-dough) | |
(make-sauce) | |
(sfn/map {:iterate-over :ingredients} prepare-ingredients)) | |
(put-ingredients-on-dough) | |
(bake) | |
(sfn/wait 2 :minutes) |
# pip install torch transformers | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
generate = pipeline(model="declare-lab/flan-alpaca-xl") | |
prompt = "Write an email about an alpaca that likes flan" | |
generate(prompt, max_length=128, do_sample=True) |
# Motiva Burt is served over a Restful API with POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE endpoints as such: | |
# POST /api/experiment/ request body expectation | |
# campaignStart model that is expected for request body when creating a campaign | |
campaignStart = api.model( | |
"CampaignStart", | |
{ | |
# Datetime string defining the current time | |
"now": fields.String(required=True), | |
# List of treatment ids |
(require '[stepwise.core :as stepwise]) | |
(stepwise/ensure-state-machine | |
:make-pizza | |
{:start-at :make-dough | |
:states | |
{:make-dough {:type :task | |
:resource :make-pizza/make-dough | |
:next :make-sauce} |
# I had trouble provisioning AlgoVPN to EC2 with the included Docker image. The stdin | |
# isn't reading my AWS credentials correctly. So I'm running the ansible | |
# playbook directly to bypass entering the secrets. This is a record of my | |
# shell commands to get it provisioning an AlgoVPN server. | |
# First follow the instruction at https://github.com/trailofbits/algo/blob/master/docs/Docker.md | |
# to setup your config.cfg | |
# On the host machine, inside the algo repository folder, build the Docker image from source. |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: