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Created May 13, 2020 18:16
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tcpretrans - show TCP retransmts, with address and other details. Written using Linux ftrace.
# tcpretrans - show TCP retransmts, with address and other details.
# Written using Linux ftrace.
# This traces TCP retransmits, showing address, port, and TCP state information,
# and sometimes the PID (although usually not, since retransmits are usually
# sent by the kernel on timeouts). To keep overhead low, only
# tcp_retransmit_skb() calls are traced (this does not trace every packet).
# USAGE: ./tcpretrans [-hls]
# REQUIREMENTS: FTRACE and KPROBE CONFIG, tcp_retransmit_skb() kernel function,
# and tcp_send_loss_probe() when -l is used. You may have these already have
# these on recent kernels. And Perl.
# This was written as a proof of concept for ftrace, for older Linux systems,
# and without kernel debuginfo. It uses dynamic tracing of tcp_retransmit_skb(),
# and reads /proc/net/tcp for socket details. Its use of dynamic tracing and
# CPU registers is an unstable platform-specific workaround, and may require
# modifications to work on different kernels and platforms. This would be better
# written using a tracer such as SystemTap, and will likely be rewritten in the
# future when certain tracing features are added to the Linux kernel.
# When -l is used, this also uses dynamic tracing of tcp_send_loss_probe() and
# a register.
# Currently only IPv4 is supported, on x86_64. If you try this on a different
# architecture, you'll likely need to adjust the register locations (search
# for %di).
# OVERHEAD: The CPU overhead is relative to the rate of TCP retransmits, and is
# designed to be low as this does not examine every packet. Once per second the
# /proc/net/tcp file is read, and a buffer of retransmit trace events is
# retrieved from the kernel and processed.
# From perf-tools:
# See the tcpretrans(8) man page (in perf-tools) for more info.
# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2014 Brendan Gregg.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (
# 28-Jul-2014 Brendan Gregg Created this.
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Getopt::Long;
my $tracing = "/sys/kernel/debug/tracing";
my $flock = "/var/tmp/.ftrace-lock";
my $interval = 1;
local $SIG{INT} = \&cleanup;
local $SIG{QUIT} = \&cleanup;
local $SIG{TERM} = \&cleanup;
local $SIG{PIPE} = \&cleanup;
local $SIG{HUP} = \&cleanup;
$| = 1;
### options
my ($help, $stacks, $tlp);
GetOptions("help|h" => \$help,
"stacks|s" => \$stacks,
"tlp|l" => \$tlp)
or usage();
usage() if $help;
sub usage {
print STDERR "USAGE: tcpretrans [-hls]\n";
print STDERR " -h # help message\n";
print STDERR " -l # trace TCP tail loss probes\n";
print STDERR " -s # print stack traces\n";
print STDERR " eg,\n";
print STDERR " tcpretrans # trace TCP retransmits\n";
# delete lock and die
sub ldie {
unlink $flock;
die @_;
# end tracing (silently) and die
sub edie {
print STDERR "@_\n";
close STDOUT;
close STDERR;
sub writeto {
my ($string, $file) = @_;
open FILE, ">$file" or return 0;
print FILE $string or return 0;
close FILE or return 0;
sub appendto {
my ($string, $file) = @_;
open FILE, ">>$file" or return 0;
print FILE $string or return 0;
close FILE or return 0;
# kprobe functions
sub create_kprobe {
my ($kname, $kval) = @_;
appendto "p:$kname $kval", "kprobe_events" or return 0;
sub enable_kprobe {
my ($kname) = @_;
writeto "1", "events/kprobes/$kname/enable" or return 0;
sub remove_kprobe {
my ($kname) = @_;
writeto "0", "events/kprobes/$kname/enable" or return 0;
appendto "-:$kname", "kprobe_events" or return 0;
# tcp socket cache
my %tcp;
sub cache_tcp {
undef %tcp;
open(TCP, "/proc/net/tcp") or ldie "ERROR: reading /proc/net/tcp.";
while (<TCP>) {
next if /^ *sl/;
my ($sl, $local_address, $rem_address, $st, $tx_rx, $tr_tm,
$retrnsmt, $uid, $timeout, $inode, $jf, $sk) = split;
$sk =~ s/^0x//;
$tcp{$sk}{laddr} = $local_address;
$tcp{$sk}{raddr} = $rem_address;
$tcp{$sk}{state} = $st;
close TCP;
my @tcpstate;
sub map_tcp_states {
push @tcpstate, "NULL";
for (<DATA>) {
s/[, ].*$//;
push @tcpstate, $_;
# /proc/net/tcp hex addr to dotted quad decimal
sub inet_h2a {
my ($haddr) = @_;
my @addr = ();
for my $num ($haddr =~ /(..)(..)(..)(..)/) {
unshift @addr, hex($num);
return join(".", @addr);
### check permissions
chdir "$tracing" or die "ERROR: accessing tracing. Root? Kernel has FTRACE?" .
"\ndebugfs mounted? (mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug)";
### ftrace lock
if (-e $flock) {
open FLOCK, $flock; my $fpid = <FLOCK>; chomp $fpid; close FLOCK;
die "ERROR: ftrace may be in use by PID $fpid ($flock)";
writeto "$$", $flock or die "ERROR: unable to write $flock.";
# Setup and begin tracing.
# Use of ldie() and edie() ensures that if an error is encountered, the
# kernel is not left in a partially configured state.
writeto "nop", "current_tracer" or ldie "ERROR: disabling current_tracer.";
my $kname_rtr = "tcpretrans_tcp_retransmit_skb";
my $kname_tlp = "tcpretrans_tcp_send_loss_probe";
create_kprobe $kname_rtr, "tcp_retransmit_skb sk=%di" or
ldie "ERROR: creating kprobe for tcp_retransmit_skb().";;
if ($tlp) {
create_kprobe $kname_tlp, "tcp_send_loss_probe sk=%di" or
edie "ERROR: creating kprobe for tcp_send_loss_probe(). " .
"Older kernel version?";
if ($stacks) {
writeto "1", "options/stacktrace" or print STDERR "WARNING: " .
"unable to enable stacktraces.\n";
enable_kprobe $kname_rtr or edie "ERROR: enabling $kname_rtr probe.";
if ($tlp) {
enable_kprobe $kname_tlp or edie "ERROR: enabling $kname_tlp probe.";
printf "%-8s %-6s %-20s -- %-20s %-12s\n", "TIME", "PID", "LADDR:LPORT",
# Read and print event data. This loop waits one second then reads the buffered
# trace data, then caches /proc/net/tcp, then iterates over the buffered trace
# data using the cached state. While this minimizes CPU overheads, it only
# works because sockets that are retransmitting are usually long lived, and
# remain in /proc/net/tcp for at least our sleep interval.
while (1) {
sleep $interval;
# buffer trace data
open TPIPE, "trace" or edie "ERROR: opening trace_pipe.";
my @trace = ();
while (<TPIPE>) {
next if /^#/;
push @trace, $_;
close TPIPE;
writeto "0", "trace" or edie "ERROR: clearing trace";
# cache /proc/net/tcp state
if (scalar @trace) {
# process and print events
for (@trace) {
if ($stacks && /^ *=>/) {
print $_;
my ($taskpid, $rest) = split ' ', $_, 2;
my ($task, $pid) = $taskpid =~ /(.*)-(\d+)/;
my ($skp) = $rest =~ /sk=([0-9a-fx]*)/;
next unless defined $skp and $skp ne "";
$skp =~ s/^0x//;
my ($laddr, $lport, $raddr, $rport, $state);
if (defined $tcp{$skp}) {
# convert /proc/net/tcp hex to dotted quads
my ($hladdr, $hlport) = split /:/, $tcp{$skp}{laddr};
my ($hraddr, $hrport) = split /:/, $tcp{$skp}{raddr};
$laddr = inet_h2a($hladdr);
$raddr = inet_h2a($hraddr);
$lport = hex($hlport);
$rport = hex($hrport);
$state = $tcpstate[hex($tcp{$skp}{state})];
} else {
# socket closed too quickly
($laddr, $raddr) = ("-", "-");
($lport, $rport) = ("-", "-");
$state = "-";
my $now = strftime "%H:%M:%S", localtime;
my $thispid = (defined $pid) ? $pid : '';
printf "%-8s %-6s %-20s %s> %-20s %-12s\n", $now, $thispid,
"$laddr:$lport", $rest =~ /$kname_tlp/ ? "L" : "R",
"$raddr:$rport", $state,
### end tracing
sub cleanup {
print "\nEnding tracing...\n";
close TPIPE;
if ($stacks) {
writeto "0", "options/stacktrace" or print STDERR "WARNING: " .
"unable to disable stacktraces.\n";
remove_kprobe $kname_rtr
or print STDERR "ERROR: removing kprobe $kname_rtr\n";
if ($tlp) {
remove_kprobe $kname_tlp
or print STDERR "ERROR: removing kprobe $kname_tlp\n";
writeto "", "trace";
unlink $flock;
# from /usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:
TCP_CLOSING /* now a valid state */
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