//helper functions, it turned out chrome doesn't support Math.sgn() |
function signum(x) { |
return (x < 0) ? -1 : 1; |
} |
function absolute(x) { |
return (x < 0) ? -x : x; |
} |
function drawPath(svg, path, startX, startY, endX, endY) { |
// get the path's stroke width (if one wanted to be really precize, one could use half the stroke size) |
var stroke = parseFloat(path.attr("stroke-width")); |
// check if the svg is big enough to draw the path, if not, set heigh/width |
if (svg.attr("height") < endY) svg.attr("height", endY); |
if (svg.attr("width" ) < (startX + stroke) ) svg.attr("width", (startX + stroke)); |
if (svg.attr("width" ) < (endX + stroke) ) svg.attr("width", (endX + stroke)); |
var deltaX = (endX - startX) * 0.15; |
var deltaY = (endY - startY) * 0.15; |
// for further calculations which ever is the shortest distance |
var delta = deltaY < absolute(deltaX) ? deltaY : absolute(deltaX); |
// set sweep-flag (counter/clock-wise) |
// if start element is closer to the left edge, |
// draw the first arc counter-clockwise, and the second one clock-wise |
var arc1 = 0; var arc2 = 1; |
if (startX > endX) { |
arc1 = 1; |
arc2 = 0; |
} |
// draw tha pipe-like path |
// 1. move a bit down, 2. arch, 3. move a bit to the right, 4.arch, 5. move down to the end |
path.attr("d", "M" + startX + " " + startY + |
" V" + (startY + delta) + |
" A" + delta + " " + delta + " 0 0 " + arc1 + " " + (startX + delta*signum(deltaX)) + " " + (startY + 2*delta) + |
" H" + (endX - delta*signum(deltaX)) + |
" A" + delta + " " + delta + " 0 0 " + arc2 + " " + endX + " " + (startY + 3*delta) + |
" V" + endY ); |
} |
function connectElements(svg, path, startElem, endElem) { |
var svgContainer= $("#svgContainer"); |
// if first element is lower than the second, swap! |
if(startElem.offset().top > endElem.offset().top){ |
var temp = startElem; |
startElem = endElem; |
endElem = temp; |
} |
// get (top, left) corner coordinates of the svg container |
var svgTop = svgContainer.offset().top; |
var svgLeft = svgContainer.offset().left; |
// get (top, left) coordinates for the two elements |
var startCoord = startElem.offset(); |
var endCoord = endElem.offset(); |
// calculate path's start (x,y) coords |
// we want the x coordinate to visually result in the element's mid point |
var startX = startCoord.left + 0.5*startElem.outerWidth() - svgLeft; // x = left offset + 0.5*width - svg's left offset |
var startY = startCoord.top + startElem.outerHeight() - svgTop; // y = top offset + height - svg's top offset |
// calculate path's end (x,y) coords |
var endX = endCoord.left + 0.5*endElem.outerWidth() - svgLeft; |
var endY = endCoord.top - svgTop; |
// call function for drawing the path |
drawPath(svg, path, startX, startY, endX, endY); |
} |
function connectAll() { |
// connect all the paths you want! |
connectElements($("#svg1"), $("#path1"), $("#teal"), $("#orange")); |
connectElements($("#svg1"), $("#path2"), $("#red"), $("#orange")); |
connectElements($("#svg1"), $("#path3"), $("#teal"), $("#aqua") ); |
connectElements($("#svg1"), $("#path4"), $("#red"), $("#aqua") ); |
connectElements($("#svg1"), $("#path5"), $("#purple"), $("#teal") ); |
connectElements($("#svg1"), $("#path6"), $("#orange"), $("#green") ); |
} |
$(document).ready(function() { |
// reset svg each time |
$("#svg1").attr("height", "0"); |
$("#svg1").attr("width", "0"); |
connectAll(); |
}); |
$(window).resize(function () { |
// reset svg each time |
$("#svg1").attr("height", "0"); |
$("#svg1").attr("width", "0"); |
connectAll(); |
}); |
your work greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat