###Set up a Repository on Github
- New Repo.
- Add a Readme to the Project.
- In terminal navigate to where you want the project to be.
- Clone your repo to your computer.
###HTML Practice
- Think of a topic you want for your website.
- Make a index.html page.
- Give the page a header, paragraphs, unordered/ordered list divs header footer.
- Add a photo.
- Add a link that goes to a external site and have it open in a new window.
###CSS Practice
- Commit your changes and push them to your github account.
- Add a css files to your project.
- Add css classes or ID's to your project.
- Change things like the background, font, hover state margins and padding.
###Linking Pages
- Commit your changes and push them to your github account.
- Make a new page. Add content.
- Make a navbar linking the pages together.
###Contact Form
- Commit your changes and push them to your github account.
- Make a new page Contact page.
- Add a form to the page.