#Conway's Game of Life
- Create a program based on the rules of Conway's Game of Life.
- The goal of the program will be to track the changes of 'cells'.
- Cells can ether be 'Alive' or 'Dead'.
- The conditions AROUND the cell determine if it will die, remain the same or come to life.
- The 'grid' the cells live on is 'never ending'.
- ex: The top-left corner would be connected to the bottom-right corner.
- Each cycle/loop will be called a 'tick'.
- Births and deaths happen 'all' at the same time. At the tick.
- Once all the cells have died the game is over.
- Any live cell with 'fewer' than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
- Any live cell with two 'or' three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
- Any live cell with 'more' than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
- Any dead cell with 'exactly three' live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
###What Needs To Be Done
- Make the game end when all cells are dead.
- Look at each cell one at a time to see if its alive or dead.
- Check to see how many cells are alive around that cell.
- Kill or give life to a cell if one of the rules are true.
- Print out the grid of cells after each tick.
- Count the number of ticks.
- Different sizes of grids.