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Last active June 20, 2024 17:30
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  • Save Quodss/a14381cc42ac278a057685069613dac6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Quodss/a14381cc42ac278a057685069613dac6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
:: Brainfuck interpreter in Hoon with Nock 13 virtual operator
:: (
:: ++bink-mem is assumed as a virtual Nock interpreter for this code
:: .% (dotcen) is compiled:
:: (compile .%(p)) -> [%13 (compile p)]
:: .> (dotgar) desugars:
:: .>(p q) ->
:: =+ .%(p)
:: => +
:: q
(run code "21+21=")
++ add
|= [a=@ b=@]
^- @
?: =(a 0) b
?: =(b 0) a
=+ c=0
|- ^- @
?: =(c b) a
$(c +(c), a +(a))
++ mem-read %1
++ mem-write %2
++ parse
|= source=tape
^- @
=/ edge=@ 0
|- ^- @
?~ source edge
?: ?| =(i.source ',')
=(i.source '.')
=(i.source '<')
=(i.source '>')
=(i.source '+')
=(i.source '-')
.> [mem-write edge 1 i.source]
$(source t.source, edge +(edge))
?: |(=('[' i.source) =(']' i.source))
.> [mem-write edge 1 i.source]
$(source t.source, edge (add edge 5)) :: allocate 4 bytes for jump pointer
$(source t.source)
++ fill-jumps
|= edge=@
^- ~
=/ ptr=@ 0
|- ^- ~
=* outer $
?: =(ptr edge) ~
=+ rid=.%([mem-read ptr 1])
?: =(']' rid)
~|(%ser-not-open !!)
?. =('[' rid)
outer(ptr +(ptr))
=/ depf 1
=. ptr (add 5 ptr)
=/ start=@ ptr
|- ^- ~
=* search-end $
?: =(ptr edge) ~|(%sel-not-closed !!)
=. rid .%([mem-read ptr 1])
?: =('[' rid)
search-end(ptr (add 5 ptr), depf +(depf))
?. =(']' rid)
search-end(ptr +(ptr))
=. depf (dec depf)
?. =(0 depf)
search-end(ptr (add 5 ptr))
=. ptr (add 5 ptr)
=/ end=@ ptr
.> [mem-write (sub start 4) 4 end] :: 4 byte jump pointer after closing ]
.> [mem-write (sub end 4) 4 start] :: 4 byte jump pointer after opening [
=+ outer(ptr start, edge (sub end 5)) :: fill nested []
++ run
|= [source=tape input=tape]
^- tape
=| output=tape
=/ tape-start=@ (parse source)
=+ (fill-jumps tape-start) => +
=/ tape-ptr=@ tape-start
=/ prog-ptr=@ 0
|- ^- tape
?: =(prog-ptr tape-start) (flop output)
=+ instr=.%([mem-read prog-ptr 1])
?+ instr ~|(%weird-instr !!)
=+ char=.%([mem-read tape-ptr 1])
?^ char ~|(%weird-result !!)
=+ ?: =(char 255)
.> [mem-write tape-ptr 1 0]
.> [mem-write tape-ptr 1 +(char)]
$(prog-ptr +(prog-ptr))
=+ char=.%([mem-read tape-ptr 1])
?^ char ~|(%weird-result !!)
=+ ?: =(char 0)
.> [mem-write tape-ptr 1 255]
.> [mem-write tape-ptr 1 (dec char)]
$(prog-ptr +(prog-ptr))
?: =(tape-ptr tape-start) ~|(%out-of-bounds !!)
$(prog-ptr +(prog-ptr), tape-ptr (dec tape-ptr))
$(prog-ptr +(prog-ptr), tape-ptr +(tape-ptr))
?~ input ~|(%input-block !!)
.> [mem-write tape-ptr 1 i.input]
$(prog-ptr +(prog-ptr), input t.input)
=+ char=.%([mem-read tape-ptr 1])
$(prog-ptr +(prog-ptr), output [;;(@ char) output])
?: =(0 .%([mem-read tape-ptr 1]))
$(prog-ptr ;;(@ .%([mem-read +(prog-ptr) 4])))
$(prog-ptr (add 5 prog-ptr))
?: =(0 .%([mem-read tape-ptr 1]))
$(prog-ptr (add 5 prog-ptr))
$(prog-ptr ;;(@ .%([mem-read +(prog-ptr) 4])))
++ code
>> +
[- >,>+<
----- ----- ----- ----- ; checking with ascii 43 ie plus symbol
----- ----- ----- -----
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
< ] >>
; first input is over and terminated by a 'plus' symbol
[- >,>+<
----- ----- ----- ----- ; checking with ascii 61 ie = symbol
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ------
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++
< ] >>
; second input is over and terminated by an = symbol
; now the array looks like 0 0 0 49 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 53 0 0 1 0
; for an input 12'plus'15=
; filled with 1's in between
+ [<+>-<<[>-]>] ; This is a special loop to traverse LEFT through indefinite no of 0s
; Lets call it left traverse
; now the array looks like
; 0 0 1 49 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 49 1 53 0 0 1 for eg:12plus15
[->+> + [>+<->>[<-]<] ; Right traverse
>>[>]<+ [<]
+ [<+>-<<[>-]>] ; Left traverse
+ [>+<->>[<-]<]
>> [>] <<-<[<]
+ [<+>-<<[>-]>]
; now actual addition took place
; ie array is 00000000000000 98 0 103 0 0 1
+ [>+<->>[<-]<]
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ---
; minus 48 to get the addition correct as we add 2 ascii numbers
>-< ; well an undesired 1 was there 2 place after 103 right ? just to kill it
; now the array is 00000 00000 0000 50 0 55
; now comes the biggest task Carry shifting
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++
; we added a 48 before all the digits in case there is an overall carry
; to make the size n plus 1
; array : 00000 00000 00 48 0 50 0 55
[>>->[>]>+>>>> >>>+<<<< <<<<<[<]><<]
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++
; comparison loop: 0 1 0 a b 0
; (q) (p) (num) (58)
[->-[>]<<] ; comparison loop to check each digit with 58: greater means
; we need to minus 10 and add 1 to next significant digit
; n greater than or equal to 58 (at p)
<<<< <<<
----- ----- ; minus 10 to that digit
<<+ ; plus 1 to next digit
< [-<
; n less than 58 (at q)
; at (q)
<<<<< <<<<<
; Its all over now : something like 0 48 0 52 0 66 ( ie 0 4 18 )
; will turn into 0 48 0 53 0 56 (ie 0 5 8)
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ---
; here we are just checking first digit is 48 or not
; its weird to print 0 ahead but it is defenitely needed
; if it is 49 ie 1
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++
+++++ +++++
. ; to print nextline : ascii 10
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