- Custom Values
- Displays
- Distance
- Timers
- Aura
- COMBAT_LOG Functions
- Spell Info
- Talents/Specializations
- Miscellaneous
- Grid
-- SetValue('MyNewValue', ...)
-- SetValue(1234, 'firstKey', 'secondKey')
-- SetValue({5,6,7}, 'firstKey', 'secondKey', 'thirdKey')
-- @value any - Any value to assign to the CustomValues table at the level indicated by the child keys
-- @... list - Any number of listed table ordered sub-child table keys of which to set the value
local SetValue = function(value, ...)
if not WeakAuras.CustomValues then WeakAuras.CustomValues = {} end
if not ... then return end
local count, data = #{...}
for i,v in pairs({...}) do
if i==1 then if count and count == 1 then WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] = value else
WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] or {}
data = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] end
else if i ~= count then if not data[v] then data[v] = {} end data = data[v] else data[v] = value end end
-- ... = GetValue(...)
-- ... = GetValue('firstKey', 'secondKey')
-- @... list - Any number of listed table ordered sub-child table keys of which to retrieve the value
-- return any - Any returned value matching the CustomValues table and sub-children keys
local GetValue = function(...)
if not WeakAuras.CustomValues then WeakAuras.CustomValues = {} end
if not ... then return end
local count, data = #{...}
if count and (count > 1) then
for i,v in pairs({...}) do
if i==1 then WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] or {} data = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v]
else if i ~= count then if not data[v] then data[v] = {} else data = data[v] end else data = data[v] end end
else data = WeakAuras.CustomValues[select(1, ...)] end
return data
-- GetRegion('my-arrow') - Retrieve the Region WeakAura table.
-- @name string - name of the WeakAura Display to retrieve Region.
-- return table - WeakAura Display Region
local GetRegion = function(name)
local DisplayType = function(name)
if WeakAuras then
if WeakAuras.auras and WeakAuras.auras[name] then return 'auras' end
if WeakAuras.regions and WeakAuras.regions[name] then return 'regions' end
local displayType = DisplayType(name)
if not displayType then return end
if displayType == 'auras' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region']
elseif displayType == 'regions' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region']
-- RotateDisplayByDegrees('my-arrow', 90) - Rotate the Display named 'my-arrow' 90 degrees
-- RotateDisplayByDegrees('my-arrow', 180) - Rotate the 'my-arrow' 180 degrees (flip it)
-- RotateDisplayByDegrees('my-arrow', 400) - Rotate the 'my-arrow' 400 degrees (equivalent to 40 degrees)
-- @display string - Name of the WeakAura Display to be modified.
-- @degrees number - Degrees to rotate
local RotateDisplayByDegrees = function(name, degrees)
local GetRegion = function(name)
local DisplayType = function(name)
if WeakAuras then
if WeakAuras.auras and WeakAuras.auras[name] then return 'auras' end
if WeakAuras.regions and WeakAuras.regions[name] then return 'regions' end
local displayType = DisplayType(name)
if not displayType then return end
if displayType == 'auras' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region']
elseif displayType == 'regions' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region']
local region = GetRegion(name)
if not region
or not region['Rotate']
or not (type(region['Rotate']) == 'function') then return end
region['Rotate'](0, degrees and degrees or 0)
-- RotateDisplayToPoint('my-arrow', 500, 1250) - Rotate the Display named 'my-arrow' to face towards the point 500, 1250
-- RotateDisplayToPoint('my-arrow', UnitPosition('party1')) - Rotate the 'my-arrow' to face towards the position of the 'party1' unit
-- RotateDisplayToPoint('my-arrow', UnitPosition('raid15')) - Rotate the 'my-arrow' to face towards the position of the 'raid15' unit
-- RotateDisplayToPoint('my-arrow', 500, 1250, 180) - Rotate the 'my-arrow' to face towards the point 500, 1250 with a rotational offset of 180 degrees
-- @name string - Name of the WeakAura Display to be modified.
-- @pointX number - X coordinate of target point
-- @pointY number - Y coordinate of target point
-- [@offset] number - (Optional) Rotational degrees offset (Default: 0)
local RotateDisplayToPoint = function(name, pointX, pointY, offset)
local GetRegion = function(name)
local DisplayType = function(name)
if WeakAuras then
if WeakAuras.auras and WeakAuras.auras[name] then return 'auras' end
if WeakAuras.regions and WeakAuras.regions[name] then return 'regions' end
local displayType = DisplayType(name)
if not displayType then return end
if displayType == 'auras' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region']
elseif displayType == 'regions' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region']
if name and pointX and pointY then
local playerX, playerY = UnitPosition('player')
offset = offset or 0
local degrees = math.deg(math.atan2((playerY - pointY), (playerX - pointX)) - GetPlayerFacing()) + offset
local region = GetRegion(name)
if not region
or not region['Rotate']
or not (type(region['Rotate']) == 'function') then return end
region['Rotate'](0, degrees and degrees or 0)
-- GetDisplayColor('info') - Get the color of the 'info' display
-- @name string - Name of the WeakAura Display to be queried.
-- return table - Display's color values
local GetDisplayColor = function(name)
local GetRegion = function(name)
local DisplayType = function(name)
if WeakAuras then
if WeakAuras.auras and WeakAuras.auras[name] then return 'auras' end
if WeakAuras.regions and WeakAuras.regions[name] then return 'regions' end
local displayType = DisplayType(name)
if not displayType then return end
if displayType == 'auras' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region']
elseif displayType == 'regions' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region']
local region = GetRegion(name)
if not region
or not region['color_r']
or not region['color_g']
or not region['color_b']
or not region['color_a'] then return end
return {r = region['color_r'], g = region['color_g'], b = region['color_b'], a = region['color_a']}
-- SetDisplayColor('info', 1, 0, 0, 1) - Set the color for the 'info' display to red using 0..1 rgba values
-- SetDisplayColor('info', 'red') - Set the color for the 'info' display to red using the 'red' keyword syntax
-- @name string - Name of the WeakAura Display to be modified.
-- @r string/number - The (number) of the red rgb value OR the (string) color keyword (black, blue, green, orange, purple, red, white, yellow)
-- [@g] number - (Optional) The green rgb value
-- [@b] number - (Optional) The blue rgb value
-- [@a] number - (Optional) The alpha value (Default: 1)
local SetDisplayColor = function(name, r, g, b, a)
local GetRegion = function(name)
local DisplayType = function(name)
if WeakAuras then
if WeakAuras.auras and WeakAuras.auras[name] then return 'auras' end
if WeakAuras.regions and WeakAuras.regions[name] then return 'regions' end
local displayType = DisplayType(name)
if not displayType then return end
if displayType == 'auras' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region']
elseif displayType == 'regions' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region']
local colors = {
{ name = 'black', r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1, },
{ name = 'blue', r = 0, g = 0.2, b = 1, a = 1, },
{ name = 'green', r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1, },
{ name = 'orange', r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0, a = 1, },
{ name = 'purple', r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, a = 1, },
{ name = 'red', r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1, },
{ name = 'white', r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1, },
{ name = 'yellow', r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1, },
-- Convert
if tonumber(r) == nil and type(r) == 'string' then
for i,v in pairs(colors) do
if v.name == strlower(r) then r = v.r g = v.g b = v.b a = v.a end
elseif type(r) == 'table' and (r.r or r.g or r.b) then
g = r.g or 1
b = r.b or 1
a = r.a or 1
r = r.r or 1
if r and b and g then
a = a or 1
local region = GetRegion(name)
if not region
or not region['Color']
or not (type(region['Color']) == 'function') then return end
-- Add space for self parameter if progress bar
if region.bar or region.texture then
region['Color'](region, r, g, b, a)
region['Color'](r, g, b, a)
-- SetDisplayText('info', 'hello') - Set the text for the 'info' display to 'hello'
-- @name string - Name of the WeakAura Display to be modified.
-- @text string/number - Text to show
local SetDisplayText = function(name, text)
local GetRegion = function(name)
local DisplayType = function(name)
if WeakAuras then
if WeakAuras.auras and WeakAuras.auras[name] then return 'auras' end
if WeakAuras.regions and WeakAuras.regions[name] then return 'regions' end
local displayType = DisplayType(name)
if not displayType then return end
if displayType == 'auras' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name][0]['region']
elseif displayType == 'regions' then
if WeakAuras
and WeakAuras[displayType]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]
and WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region'] then
return WeakAuras[displayType][name]['region']
local region = GetRegion(name)
if not region or not region['text'] then return end
region['text']:SetText(text or '')
-- DistanceBetweenPoints(100, 200, 500, 1200) - Get the distance (in yards) the points 100,200 and 500,1200
-- DistanceBetweenPoints(UnitPosition('raid3'), UnitPosition('player')) - Get the distance between the player and the 'raid3' unit
-- @ax number - Point A x-coordinate
-- @ay number - Point A y-coordinate
-- @bx number - Point B x-coordinate
-- @by number - Point B y-coordinate
-- return number - Distance (in yards) between both points.
local DistanceBetweenPoints = function(ax, ay, bx, by)
if ax and ay and by and by then
local dx = ax - bx
local dy = ay - by
return (dx * dx + dy * dy) ^ 0.5
return nil
-- DistanceBetweenUnits('raid3', 'player') - Get the distance (in yards) between the player and the third raid member.
-- DistanceBetweenUnits('raid3') - Same as above (default unit is 'player').
-- DistanceBetweenUnits('raid19, 'party4') - Distance between raid member nineteen and player's party member four.
-- [@unitA] string - (Optional) Friendly unit A to check. Defaults to 'player'.
-- [@unitB] string - (Optional) Friendly unit B to check. Defaults to 'player'.
-- return number - Distance (in yards) between both units.
local DistanceBetweenUnits = function(unitA, unitB)
unitA = unitA or 'player'
unitB = unitB or 'player'
local ax, ay = UnitPosition(unitA)
local bx, by = UnitPosition(unitB)
if ax and bx then
local dx = ax - bx
local dy = ay - by
return (dx * dx + dy * dy) ^ 0.5
return nil
-- DistanceToPoint(200, 500) - Get the distance (in yards) between the player and the point 200,500.
-- DistanceToPoint(UnitPosition('party4')) - Get the distance between player and the fourth party member of the player.
-- @x number - x-coordinate
-- @y number - y-coordinate
-- return number - Distance (in yards) between player and specified point.
local DistanceToPoint = function(x, y)
local playerX, playerY = UnitPosition('player')
if x and y and playerX and playerY then
local dx = playerX - x
local dy = playerY - y
return (dx * dx + dy * dy) ^ 0.5
-- DistanceToUnit('raid3') - Get the distance (in yards) between the player and the third raid member.
-- DistanceToUnit('party4') - Get the distance between player and the fourth party member of the player.
-- @unit string - Friendly unit to check.
-- return number - Distance (in yards) between player and specified unit.
local DistanceToUnit = function(unit)
local distanceSquared = UnitDistanceSquared(unit)
if distanceSquared then return distanceSquared ^ 0.5 end
return nil
-- NearestPlayer() - Get the unitId of the nearest player in party/raid
-- return string - UnitId string of nearest player OR nil if invalid
local NearestPlayer = function()
local numPlayers = GetNumGroupMembers()
if numPlayers == 0 then return nil end
local DistanceToUnit = function(unit)
local distanceSquared = UnitDistanceSquared(unit)
if distanceSquared then return distanceSquared ^ 0.5 end
return nil
local distance, nearestUnit, nearestDistance
for i = 1, numPlayers do
local unitId = IsInRaid() and "raid"..i or "party"..i
distance = DistanceToUnit(unitId)
if UnitExists(unitId) and not UnitIsUnit(unitId, 'player') and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unitId) then
if nearestUnit then
-- Shorter
if distance < nearestDistance then
nearestUnit = unitId
nearestDistance = distance
nearestUnit = unitId
nearestDistance = distance
return nearestUnit
-- Useful for Trigger > Every Frame Displays in WeakAuras.
-- HasTimeElapsed(2.5, 'my-display') - Return true if 2.5 seconds have elapsed
-- HasTimeElapsed(0.75, 'my-display') - Return true if 0.75 seconds have elapsed
-- @interval number - Time (in seconds) to elapsed before true
-- return boolean - Has specified time elapsed
local HasTimeElapsed = function(interval, id)
local GetValue = function(...)
if not WeakAuras.CustomValues then WeakAuras.CustomValues = {} end
if not ... then return end
local count, data = #{...}
if count and (count > 1) then
for i,v in pairs({...}) do
if i==1 then WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] or {} data = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v]
else if i ~= count then if not data[v] then data[v] = {} else data = data[v] end else data = data[v] end end
else data = WeakAuras.CustomValues[select(1, ...)] end
return data
local SetValue = function(value, ...)
if not WeakAuras.CustomValues then WeakAuras.CustomValues = {} end
if not ... then return end
local count, data = #{...}
for i,v in pairs({...}) do
if i==1 then if count and count == 1 then WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] = value else
WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] or {}
data = WeakAuras.CustomValues[v] end
else if i ~= count then if not data[v] then data[v] = {} end data = data[v] else data[v] = value end end
interval = interval or 1
local current_time = GetTime()
last_update = GetValue(id, 'LastUpdate')
SetValue(last_update or current_time, id, 'LastUpdate')
if (current_time - GetValue(id, 'LastUpdate')) >= interval then
SetValue(current_time, id, 'LastUpdate')
return true
Used for custom timer creation. ''Must'' be utilized in tandem with the GetValue and SetValue functions, and placed after these two functions in the execution stack.
local Timer_Cancel = function(id) SetValue(nil, id) end
local Timer_Create = function(id, start, expiration) start = start or GetTime() SetValue(start, id, 'start') SetValue(expiration, id, 'expiration') SetValue(false, id, 'fired') end
local Timer_Fire = function(id) SetValue(true, id, 'fired') return true end
local Timer_GetDuration = function(id) if not GetValue(id, 'start') or not GetValue(id, 'expiration') then return 0 else return (GetValue(id, 'expiration') - GetValue(id, 'start')) or 0 end end
local Timer_GetExpiration = function(id) if not GetValue(id, 'start') or not GetValue(id, 'expiration') then return 0 else return GetValue(id, 'expiration') or 0 end end
local Timer_GetStart = function(id) if not GetValue(id, 'start') or not GetValue(id, 'expiration') then return 0 else return GetValue(id, 'start') or 0 end end
local Timer_HasFired = function(id) return GetValue(id, 'fired') end
local Timer_IsActive = function(id)
if not GetValue(id, 'start') or not GetValue(id, 'expiration') then return false end
local currentTime, start, expiration = GetTime(), GetValue(id, 'start'), GetValue(id, 'expiration')
if (start <= currentTime) and (currentTime < expiration) then return true else return false end
-- GetUnitAuraValue(114908) - Get the default aura 'name' of Spirit Shell aura for default 'player' unitId
-- GetUnitAuraValue(114908, 'icon') - Get icon path value of Spirit Shell aura for default 'player' unitId
-- GetUnitAuraValue(114908, 'value2', 'mouseover') - Get value2 of Spirit Shell aura for 'mouseover' unitId
-- GetUnitAuraValue('Spirit Shell', 'duration', 'focus', 'player') - Get the duration value of Spirit Shell aura by name for 'focus' unitId from source unitId 'player'
-- GetUnitAuraValue({114908, 119611}, 'duration', 'focus', 'player') - Get the duration value of the first of two auras found (Spirit Shell or Renewing Mist) for 'focus' unitId from source unitId 'player'
-- @aura string/number - Any aura name or aura spell Id
-- [@valueType] string - (Optional) Value type ID to return, as found in the API_UnitAura return values. Default: 'name'
-- [@unit] string - (Optional) unitId to check for Aura. Default: 'player'
-- [@sourceUnit] string - (Optional) Specify the required source UnitId for the Aura. Default: N/A
-- return any - Returned value of found matching Aura
local GetUnitAuraValue = function(aura, valueType, unit, sourceUnit) -- v2
if not aura then
valueType, unit = valueType or "name", unit or "player"
if not UnitExists(unit) then
local v, value = {}
local GetAuraValues = function(unit, aura, filter)
local v, filter = {}, filter or "HELPFUL"
v.value3 = UnitAura(unit, aura, type(aura) == "number" and filter or nil, filter)
return v
local GetAuraValue = function(v, t, s)
if v[t] then
if s then
if v.unitCaster and UnitExists(s) and v.unitCaster == s then
return v[t]
return v[t]
local ScanAuras = function(aura, valueType, unit, sourceUnit)
local output = nil
if type(aura) == "string" then
v = GetAuraValues(unit, aura)
output = GetAuraValue(v, valueType, sourceUnit)
if output then
return output
v = GetAuraValues(unit, aura, "HARMFUL")
output = GetAuraValue(v, valueType, sourceUnit)
if output then
return output
elseif type(aura) == "number" then
for i = 1, 40 do
v = GetAuraValues(unit, i)
output = GetAuraValue(v, valueType, sourceUnit)
if v.spellId and v.spellId == aura then
if output then
return output
v = GetAuraValues(unit, i, "HARMFUL")
output = GetAuraValue(v, valueType, sourceUnit)
if v.spellId and v.spellId == aura then
if output then
return output
if type(aura) == "table" then
local output = nil
for iAura, vAura in pairs(aura) do
output = ScanAuras(vAura, valueType, unit, sourceUnit)
if output then
return output
return ScanAuras(aura, valueType, unit, sourceUnit)
--GetUnitAuraValueByIndex('Vengeance', 15) - Get the Vengeance current value (index 15 of API_UnitBuff return) for the 'player' unit
--GetUnitAuraValueByIndex('Vengeance', 15, 'focus') - Get the Vengeance current value for the 'focus' unit
--GetUnitAuraValueByIndex('Immolate', 7, 'target', true) - Get the expiration time value (index 7 of API_UnitDebuff) of the Immolate debuff for the 'target' unit
local GetUnitAuraValueByIndex = function(spell, index, unit, isDebuff)
if not spell or not index then return end
if not type(index) == 'number' then return end
unit = unit or 'player'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
if isDebuff then return select(index, UnitDebuff(unit, spell)) end
return select(index, UnitBuff(unit, spell))
-- name, rank, ... = GetAuraByType('target', 'Disease')
-- name, rank, ... = GetAuraByType('boss3', 'Magic')
-- @unit string - UnitID to check for Aura
-- [@type] string - (Optional) Aura type to check for (e.g. 'Magic', 'Poison', etc). Defaults to 'Magic'.
-- return list - Matching list values from API_UnitAura() of first found aura that matches criteria. Returns nil if no match.
local GetAuraByType = function(unit, type)
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
type = type or 'Magic'
for i=1,40 do
local name, rank, icon, count, auraType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitAura(unit, i, 'HELPFUL')
if auraType and auraType == type then
return name, rank, icon, count, auraType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3
-- UnitShouldRefreshAura(115798) -- Check if Weakened Blows aura on TARGET unit is missing or has less than 4.5 (default) seconds remaining duration
-- UnitShouldRefreshAura('Weakened Blows', 5, 1) -- Same as above, but check for 6 (5 margin + 1 gcd) seconds remaining
-- UnitShouldRefreshAura(115789, 5, 1, 6348) -- Same as above, but check for 6 + THUNDER_CLAP_COOLDOWN seconds remaining
-- UnitShouldRefreshAura('Weakened Blows', 5, 1, 'Thunder Clap', 'focus') -- Same as above but check FOCUS unit
-- @aura string/number - Aura to check
-- [@margin] number - (Optional) Seconds of safety margin to add to duration before expiration to ensure refresh can occur in time. DEFAULT: 3
-- [@gcd] number - (Optional) Seconds of typical global cooldown. DEFAULT: 1.5
-- [@spell] string/number - (Optional) Spell that triggers tracked aura. Useful if spell has a cooldown, which will be applied to required duration to trigger refresh.
-- [@unit] string - (Optional) UnitId to check. DEFAULT: target
-- return boolean - Determines if the Aura is missing or has a duration less than the allowance time based on GCD, Margin, and applying Spell cooldown.
local UnitShouldRefreshAura = function(aura, margin, gcd, spell, unit)
if not aura then return end
margin, gcd, unit = margin or 3, gcd or 1.5, unit or 'target'
local GetSpellCooldown = function(spell, getDuration)
if not spell then return end local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(spell)
if not start then return start end if getDuration then return duration end if start == 0 then return start end
return (start + duration - GetTime())
local GetUnitAuraValue = function(aura, valueType, unit, sourceUnit)
if not aura then return end valueType, unit = valueType or 'name', unit or 'player' if not UnitExists(unit) then return end local v, value = {}
local GetAuraValues = function(unit, aura, filter)
local v, filter = {}, filter or 'HELPFUL'
v.name, v.rank, v.icon, v.count, v.auraType, v.duration, v.expirationTime, v.unitCaster, v.isStealable, v.shouldConsolidate, v.spellId, v.canApplyAura, v.isBossDebuff, v.value1, v.value2, v.value3 = UnitAura(unit, aura, type(aura)=='number' and filter or nil, filter)
return v
local GetAuraValue = function(v, t, s) if v[t] then if s then if v.unitCaster and UnitExists(s) and v.unitCaster == s then return v[t] end else return v[t] end end end
if type(aura) == 'string' then
v = GetAuraValues(unit, aura)
if GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) then return GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) end
v = GetAuraValues(unit, aura, 'HARMFUL')
if GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) then return GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) end
elseif type(aura) == 'number' then
for i=1,40 do v = GetAuraValues(unit, i)
if v.spellId and v.spellId == aura then if GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) then return GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) end end
v = GetAuraValues(unit, i, 'HARMFUL')
if v.spellId and v.spellId == aura then if GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) then return GetAuraValue(v,valueType,sourceUnit) end end
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local expiration = GetUnitAuraValue(aura, 'expirationTime', unit)
if not expiration then return true end
local duration, allowance = expiration - GetTime(), (gcd or 0) + (GetSpellCooldown(spell) or 0) + (margin or 0)
if duration <= allowance then return true end
The following functions are intended for use with the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED trigger event.
To utilize these code snippets, create a WeakAura Display and set Trigger > Type: Custom, Event Type: Event
to the Event(s)
Within any of the Custom Function
fields for the Trigger be sure the parent function accepts a [[http://www.lua.org/pil/5.2.html|variable number of arguments]] using only the ...
Now simply copy and paste any of the below COMBAT_LOG
snippets into the top of the parent function, then make calls to those snippet functions within your code as illustrated in the examples.
-- Example Custom Trigger Function
function(...) -- Accepts a variable number of arguments from the COMBAT_LOG event
-- AuraStack('Destabilize', ...) - Get the stack size for Destabilize aura
-- AuraStack(123059, ...) - Get the stack size for Destabilize aura
-- @value string/number - SpellName or SpellId
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return number - Stack size of aura if exists
local AuraStack = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local event, comparison = select(3, ...)
if not event or not string.find(event, '_AURA_') then return end
if type(value) == 'string' then comparison = select(14, ...)
elseif type(value) == 'number' then
local comparisonNumber = select(13, ...)
comparison = tonumber(comparisonNumber)
else return end
if not comparison or not (value == comparison) then return end
local stack = select(17, ...)return stack
-- HasDestinationFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_NPC, ...) - Check if destination is an NPC type
-- HasDestinationFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TARGET, ...) - Check if destination is player's current target
-- @value CONSTANT - Unit flag (see: http://wow.gamepedia.com/UnitFlag)
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether specified Flag matches for destination unit
local HasDestinationFlag = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local flags = select(11, ...)
if not flags then return end
return (bit.band(flags, value) ~= 0)
-- HasDestinationRaidFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_RAIDTARGET_MASK, ...) - Check if destination is marked with a raid marker
-- HasDestinationRaidFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_RAIDTARGET1, ...) - Check if destination is marked with the 'Star' raid marker
-- @value CONSTANT - Raid flag (see: http://wow.gamepedia.com/RaidFlag)
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether specified Flag matches for destination unit
local HasDestinationRaidFlag = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local flags = select(12, ...)
if not flags then return end
return (bit.band(flags, value) ~= 0)
-- HasSourceFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_NPC, ...) - Check if source is an NPC type
-- HasSourceFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TARGET, ...) - Check if source is player's current target
-- @value CONSTANT - Unit flag (see: http://wow.gamepedia.com/UnitFlag)
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether specified Flag matches for destination unit
local HasSourceFlag = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local flags = select(7, ...)
if not flags then return end
return (bit.band(flags, value) ~= 0)
-- HasSourceRaidFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_RAIDTARGET_MASK, ...) - Check if source is marked with a raid marker
-- HasSourceRaidFlag(COMBATLOG_OBJECT_RAIDTARGET1, ...) - Check if source is marked with the 'Star' raid marker
-- @value CONSTANT - Raid flag (see: http://wow.gamepedia.com/RaidFlag)
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether specified Flag matches for destination unit
local HasSourceRaidFlag = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local flags = select(8, ...)
if not flags then return end
return (bit.band(flags, value) ~= 0)
-- GetAmount('amount', ...) - Get the amount value of the combat log event
-- GetAmount('amount', ...) - Get the amount value of the combat log event
-- GetAmount('healing', ...) - Get the effective healing value of the combat log event
-- @returnType string - Type of amount value to return: 'amount', 'damage', 'overhealing', 'overkill', 'healing', 'effective-healing'
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return number - Amount value
local GetAmount = function(returnType, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' then return end
returnType = returnType or 'amount'
local amount, overkill, absorbed = select(16, ...)
if returnType == 'amount' or returnType == 'damage' then
return amount
elseif returnType == 'overhealing' or returnType == 'overkill' then
return overkill
elseif returnType == 'healing' or returnType == 'effective-healing' then
if amount then return (amount - overkill) end
-- GetDestination('name', ...) - Get the name of the destination
-- GetDestination('unit-id', ...) - Get the unitId of the destination
-- GetDestination('id', ...) - Get the NPC ID (if applicable) of the destination
-- GetDestination('guid', ...) - Get the guid of the destination
-- @value string - ReturnType (name, unit-id, id, guid)
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return string - Destination value
local GetDestination = function(returnType, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' then return end
local GetUnitId = function(unit)
local id
if not unit then return end
if type(unit) == 'string' then -- name or unitId
if UnitInRaid(unit) then return 'raid'..UnitInRaid(unit) end -- Player in raid
for i=1,10 do id = 'boss'..i if id == unit then return unit end if UnitExists(id) and UnitName(id) == unit then return id end end
if UnitExists('player') and UnitName('player') == unit then return 'player' end
if UnitExists('pet') and UnitName('pet') == unit then return 'pet' end
if UnitExists('target') and UnitName('target') == unit then return 'target' end
if UnitExists('focus') and UnitName('focus') == unit then return 'focus' end
if UnitExists('mouseover') and UnitName('mouseover') == unit then return 'mouseover' end
local ParseGUID = function(value, returnType)
local objectType
local returnType = returnType or 'unitType'
local validObjectTypes = {"Creature", "GameObject", "Pet", "Player", "Vehicle", "Vignette"}
for _,v in pairs(validObjectTypes) do if string.match(value, ("^%s%%-"):format(v)) then objectType = v end end
if not objectType then return end
local r = {}
if objectType == 'Creature' or objectType == 'GameObject' or objectType == 'Pet' or objectType == 'Vehicle' then
r.unitType, r.zero, r.serverId, r.instanceId, r.zoneId, r.id, r.spawnId = strsplit('-', value)
elseif objectType == 'Player' then
r.unitType, r.serverId, r.playerId = strsplit('-', value)
elseif objectType == 'Vignette' then
r.unitType, r.zero, r.serverId, r.instanceId, r.zoneId, r.zero, r.spawnId = strsplit('-', value)
return r[returnType]
returnType = returnType or 'name'
local GUID = select(9, ...)
if not GUID then return end
local name = select(10, ...)
if returnType == 'name' then return name end
if returnType == 'guid' then return GUID end
if returnType == 'unit-id' or returnType == 'unitId' then return GetUnitId(name) end
return ParseGUID(GUID, returnType)
-- GetSource('name', ...) - Get the name of the source
-- GetSource('unit-id', ...) - Get the unitId of the source
-- GetSource('id', ...) - Get the NPC ID (if applicable) of the source
-- GetSource('guid', ...) - Get the GUID of the source
-- @value string - ReturnType (name, unit-id, id, guid)
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return string - Source value
local GetSource = function(returnType, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' then return end
local GetUnitId = function(unit)
local id
if not unit then return end
if type(unit) == 'string' then -- name or unitId
if UnitInRaid(unit) then return 'raid'..UnitInRaid(unit) end -- Player in raid
for i=1,10 do id = 'boss'..i if id == unit then return unit end if UnitExists(id) and UnitName(id) == unit then return id end end
if UnitExists('player') and UnitName('player') == unit then return 'player' end
if UnitExists('pet') and UnitName('pet') == unit then return 'pet' end
if UnitExists('target') and UnitName('target') == unit then return 'target' end
if UnitExists('focus') and UnitName('focus') == unit then return 'focus' end
if UnitExists('mouseover') and UnitName('mouseover') == unit then return 'mouseover' end
local ParseGUID = function(value, returnType)
local objectType
local returnType = returnType or 'unitType'
local validObjectTypes = {"Creature", "GameObject", "Pet", "Player", "Vehicle", "Vignette"}
for _,v in pairs(validObjectTypes) do if string.match(value, ("^%s%%-"):format(v)) then objectType = v end end
if not objectType then return end
local r = {}
if objectType == 'Creature' or objectType == 'GameObject' or objectType == 'Pet' or objectType == 'Vehicle' then
r.unitType, r.zero, r.serverId, r.instanceId, r.zoneId, r.id, r.spawnId = strsplit('-', value)
elseif objectType == 'Player' then
r.unitType, r.serverId, r.playerId = strsplit('-', value)
elseif objectType == 'Vignette' then
r.unitType, r.zero, r.serverId, r.instanceId, r.zoneId, r.zero, r.spawnId = strsplit('-', value)
return r[returnType]
returnType = returnType or 'name'
local GUID = select(9, ...)
if not GUID then return end
local name = select(10, ...)
if returnType == 'name' then return name end
if returnType == 'guid' then return GUID end
if returnType == 'unit-id' or returnType == 'unitId' then return GetUnitId(name) end
return ParseGUID(GUID, returnType)
-- IsDestination('Boss Name', ...) -- Check if destination unit name matches 'Boss Name'
-- IsDestination('boss3', ...) -- Check if destination unit-id matches boss3
-- IsDestination('0xF130C3030000037F2', ...) -- Check if destination unit GUID matches '0xF130C3030000037F2'
-- IsDestination(84235, ...) -- Check if destination NPC id matches 84235
-- @value string/number - UnitName, UnitID, GUID, or numerical ID
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether param value matches logged destination.
local IsDestination = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local comparison
local GUID = select(9, ...)
if type(value) == 'string' then comparison = select(10, ...)
if value == GUID then return true end
for i,v in pairs({'player', 'target', 'focus', 'raid'}) do
if type(value) == 'string' and string.find(value, v) then value = UnitExists(value) and UnitName(value) end
elseif type(value) == 'number' then
if GUID then comparison = tonumber(GUID:sub(6,10), 16) end
else return end
if not comparison then return end
return (value == comparison)
-- IsEventType('SPELL_AURA_APPLIED', ...)
-- IsEventType('UNIT_DIED', ...)
-- @value string - Event type
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether param value matches logged event type.
local IsEventType = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value or type(value) ~= 'string' then return end
local event = select(3, ...)
if not event then return end
if event == value then return true end
-- IsSource('Boss Name', ...) -- Check if source unit name matches 'Boss Name'
-- IsSource('boss3', ...) -- Check if source unit-id matches boss3
-- IsSource('0xF130C3030000037F2', ...) -- Check if source unit GUID matches '0xF130C3030000037F2'
-- IsSource(84235, ...) -- Check if source NPC id matches 84235
-- @value string/number - UnitName, UnitID, GUID, or numerical ID
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether param value matches logged source.
local IsSource = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local comparison
local GUID = select(5, ...)
if type(value) == 'string' then comparison = select(6, ...)
if value == GUID then return true end
for i,v in pairs({'player', 'target', 'focus', 'raid'}) do
if type(value) == 'string' and string.find(value, v) then value = UnitExists(value) and UnitName(value) end
elseif type(value) == 'number' then
if GUID then comparison = tonumber(GUID:sub(6,10), 16) end
else return end
if not comparison then return end
return (value == comparison)
-- IsSpell('Moonfire', ...)
-- IsSpell(54982, ...)
-- @value string/number - SpellName or numerical SpellID
-- @... list - Value list from CLEU function
-- return boolean - Whether param value matches logged spell.
local IsSpell = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED' or not value then return end
local comparison
if type(value) == 'string' then comparison = select(14, ...)
elseif type(value) == 'number' then local n = select(13, ...) comparison = tonumber(n)
else return end
if not comparison then return end
return (value == comparison)
-- GetSpellCooldown('Guard') - Get the current time remaining on Guard's cooldown.
-- GetSpellCooldown(115295) - Get the current time remaining on Guard's cooldown.
-- GetSpellCooldown(115295, true) - Get the total duration of Guard's cooldown.
-- @spell string/number - Spell name, spell Id, or slot ID of spell to query
-- [@getDuration] boolean - Determine if return value should be cooldown total duration instead of cooldown remaining time.
-- return number - The cooldown remaining or total duration, if appropriate. Return of 0 (zero) indicates ability not on cooldown. Return of nil indicates ability not found.
local GetSpellCooldown = function(spell, getDuration)
if not spell then return end local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(spell)
if not start then return start end if getDuration then return duration end if start == 0 then return start end
return (start + duration - GetTime())
-- IsSpellChanneled('Soothing Mist', ...) - Determines if Soothing Mist channel has started
-- IsSpellChanneled(115175, ...) - Determines if Soothing Mist channel has started
-- @value string/number - SpellName or SpellId
-- @... list - Value list from UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START event returns
-- return string - UnitId of unit firing channeled spell start event
local IsSpellChanneled = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START' or not value then return end
if type(value) == 'string' then comparison = select(3, ...) else comparison = select(6, ...) end
if not comparison then return end
return (value == comparison) and select(2, ...)
-- IsSpellChannelStopped('Soothing Mist', ...) - Determines if Soothing Mist channel has stopped
-- IsSpellChannelStopped(115175, ...) - Determines if Soothing Mist channel has stopped
-- @value string/number - SpellName or SpellId
-- @... list - Value list from UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP event returns
-- return string - UnitId of unit firing channeled spell stop event
local IsSpellChannelStopped = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or select(1, ...) ~= 'UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP' or not value then return end
if type(value) == 'string' then comparison = select(3, ...) else comparison = select(6, ...) end
if not comparison then return end
return (value == comparison) and select(2, ...)
local UnitCastingTime = function(spell, unit, remaining)
local UnitIsCasting = function(spell, unit)
unit = unit or 'player'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local spellName, _, _, _, spellStart, spellEnd, _, spellId = UnitCastingInfo(unit)
if not spellName then return end
if spell then
if type(spell) == 'string' then
if spellName == spell then return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd end
elseif type(tonumber(spell)) == 'number' then
if tonumber(spell) == spellId then return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd end
return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd
local _, startTime, endTime = UnitIsCasting(spell, unit)
if startTime and endTime then
if remaining then
return ((endTime - (GetTime() * 1000)) / 1000)
return (((GetTime() * 1000) - startTime) / 1000)
local UnitChannelingTime = function(spell, unit, remaining)
local UnitIsChanneling = function(spell, unit)
unit = unit or 'player'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local spellName, _, _, _, spellStart, spellEnd = UnitChannelInfo(unit)
if not spellName then return end
if spell then
if type(spell) == 'string' then
if spellName == spell then return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd end
return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd
local _, startTime, endTime = UnitIsChanneling(spell, unit)
if startTime and endTime then
if remaining then
return ((endTime - (GetTime() * 1000)) / 1000)
return (((GetTime() * 1000) - startTime) / 1000)
local UnitIsCasting = function(spell, unit)
unit = unit or 'player'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local spellName, _, _, _, spellStart, spellEnd, _, spellId = UnitCastingInfo(unit)
if not spellName then return end
if spell then
if type(spell) == 'string' then
if spellName == spell then return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd end
elseif type(tonumber(spell)) == 'number' then
if tonumber(spell) == spellId then return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd end
return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd
local UnitIsChanneling = function(spell, unit)
unit = unit or 'player'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local spellName, _, _, _, spellStart, spellEnd = UnitChannelInfo(unit)
if not spellName then return end
if spell then
if type(spell) == 'string' then
if spellName == spell then return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd end
return spellName, spellStart, spellEnd
-- HasTalent(2) - Determine if the player is using the Talent with an index of 2.
-- HasTalent('Momentum') - Determine if the player is using the Talent named 'Momentum'.
-- @talent string/integer - The Talent name (string) or Talent index (integer) to check for.
-- return boolean - Whether the talent was found and is active or not.
local HasTalent = function(tier, column)
if not tier then return end
local selected
local specGroup = GetActiveSpecGroup()
if type(tier) == 'number' then -- Index
selected = select(5, GetTalentInfo(tier, column, specGroup))
return selected
elseif type(tier) == 'string' then
local name, talentTier, talentColumn
local talentCount = 18
if select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 60000 then
talentCount = 21
for i=1,talentCount do
talentTier = math.floor((i-1)/3) + 1
talentColumn = (i % 3) == 0 and 3 or i % 3
id, name, _, _, selected = GetTalentInfo(talentTier, talentColumn, specGroup)
if name and name == tier then return selected end
return false
Generally used to extract the NPC/creature Id from a GUID string or to identify the unitType
of a particular object from GUID.
-- ParseGUID("Player-976-0002FD64") - Return the default parse value (unitType of 'Player') from the passed in Player GUID
-- ParseGUID(UnitGUID('player')) - Return the default parse value (unitType of 'Player') from the passed in Player GUID
-- ParseGUID(UnitGUID('player'), 'serverId') - Return the server ID of the passed in Player GUID
-- ParseGUID(UnitGUID('target'), 'id') - Return the 'id' (creature/NPC id, pet ID, etc) if applicable of target unit
-- @value string - A valid GUID string to parse
-- [@returnType] string - (Optional) Type of value to return if applicable (id, instanceId, playerId, serverId, spawnId, unitType, zoneId). Default: 'unitType'
-- return string - Requested 'returnType' value
local ParseGUID = function(value, returnType)
local objectType
local returnType = returnType or 'unitType'
local validObjectTypes = {"Creature", "GameObject", "Pet", "Player", "Vehicle", "Vignette"}
for _,v in pairs(validObjectTypes) do if string.match(value, ("^%s%%-"):format(v)) then objectType = v end end
if not objectType then return end
local r = {}
if objectType == 'Creature' or objectType == 'GameObject' or objectType == 'Pet' or objectType == 'Vehicle' then
r.unitType, r.zero, r.serverId, r.instanceId, r.zoneId, r.id, r.spawnId = strsplit('-', value)
elseif objectType == 'Player' then
r.unitType, r.serverId, r.playerId = strsplit('-', value)
elseif objectType == 'Vignette' then
r.unitType, r.zero, r.serverId, r.instanceId, r.zoneId, r.zero, r.spawnId = strsplit('-', value)
return r[returnType]
-- CompareUnitHP() - Determine if PLAYER_HP == TARGET_HP
-- CompareUnitHP('raid1', '<=') - Determine if RAID1_HP <= TARGET_HP
-- CompareUnitHP('target', '<=', 'boss1') - Determine if TARGET_HP <= BOSS1_HP
-- CompareUnitHP('player', '>=', 'target', true) - Determine if PLAYER_HP_MAX >= TARGET_HP
-- CompareUnitHP('player', '<', 'target', true, true) - Determine if PLAYER_HP_MAX < TARGET_HP_MAX
-- [@unit1] string - (Optional) First UnitId to compare. Default: 'player'
-- [@compareType] string - (Optional) Type of mathematical comparison. Default: '==' or equal.
-- [@unit2] string - (Optional) Second UnitId to compare. Default: 'target'
-- [@unit1Max] boolean - (Optional) Determine if Unit1 should be compared using Max health instead of current health. Default: false
-- [@unit2Max] boolean - (Optional) Determine if Unit2 should be compared using Max health instead of current health. Default: false
-- return boolean - The outcome of the comparison.
local CompareUnitHP = function(unit1, compareType, unit2, unit1Max, unit2Max)
unit1, unit2 = unit1 or 'player', unit2 or 'target'
if not UnitExists(unit1) or not UnitExists(unit2) then return false end
compareType = compareType or '=='
local unit1Health, unit2Health = unit1Max and UnitHealthMax(unit1) or UnitHealth(unit1), unit2Max and UnitHealthMax(unit2) or UnitHealth(unit2)
local value = (unit1Health == unit2Health)
if compareType == '<' then value = (unit1Health < unit2Health)
elseif compareType == '>' then value = (unit1Health > unit2Health)
elseif compareType == '<=' then value = (unit1Health <= unit2Health)
elseif compareType == '>=' then value = (unit1Health >= unit2Health) end
return value
-- GetSpellPower() - Get the current spell power for the player.
-- GetSpellPower('fire') - Get the current spell power for the 'fire' school for the player.
-- [@school] string - (Optional) Specify the school of magic for which to return the spell power value. Default: nil, returning the base spell power value.
-- return number - The Spell Power value.
local GetSpellPower = function(school)
local schools, spellPower = {'physical', 'holy', 'fire', 'nature', 'frost', 'shadow', 'arcane'}
local GetIndex = function(table, value) for i,v in pairs(table) do if v == value then return i end end end
if school and tContains(schools, school) then spellPower = GetSpellBonusDamage(GetIndex(schools, school)) else
local holySchool = 2
minModifier, holySchool = GetSpellBonusDamage(holySchool), 2
for i=(holySchool+1), MAX_SPELL_SCHOOLS do
local bonusDamage = GetSpellBonusDamage(i)
minModifier = min(minModifier, bonusDamage)
spellPower = bonusDamage
return spellPower
local GetVengeanceCapValue = function(unit)
unit = unit or 'player'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local unitHealthMax = UnitHealthMax(unit)
-- Get interface build
local build = select(4, GetBuildInfo())
if (build >= 50400) then -- Patch 5.4
if IsInRaid() and (GetNumGroupMembers() >= 20) then
return 0.5 * unitHealthMax
return 0.3 * unitHealthMax
return 1 * unitHealthMax
-- GetUnitAttackPower() - Get the current attack power for the current player
-- GetUnitAttackPower('raid2') - Get the current attack power for the 'raid2' UnitId player
-- GetUnitAttackPower('focus', 'negative') - Get the negative attack power value (from debuffs) for the 'focus' UnitId player
-- [@unit] string - (Optional) UnitId from which to obtain Attack Power value. Default: 'player'
-- [@type] string - (Optional) Attack Power value type ID, to return unique parts of the Attack Power makeup. Default: 'current'
-- return number - The Attack Power value.
local GetUnitAttackPower = function(unit, type)
unit, type = unit or 'player', type or 'current'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
local base, positive, negative = UnitAttackPower(unit)
local current = base + positive + negative
if type == 'base' then return base
elseif type == 'positive' then return positive
elseif type == 'negative' then return negative
else return current end
-- InZone('Orgrimmar') - Determine if player is currently in the zone or subzone "Orgrimmar"
-- InZone('Orgrimmar', 'zone') - Determine if player is currently in the zone "Orgrimmar"
-- InZone('Orgrimmar', 'subzone') - Determine if player is currently in the subzone "Orgrimmar"
-- [@zone] string - Name of the zone or subzone to check
-- [@zoneType] string - (Optional) Determines the type of zone to be checked. Valid: 'any', 'zone', 'subzone', or 'zone' Default: 'any'
-- return boolean - The player is in the specified zone.
local InZone = function(zone, zoneType)
if not zone then return end
zone, zoneType = string.lower(zone), zoneType and string.lower(zoneType) or 'any'
local zoneText, subZoneText = string.lower(GetRealZoneText()), string.lower(GetSubZoneText() or "")
if zoneType == 'any' then
return ((zone == zoneText) or (zone == subZoneText))
elseif zoneType == 'zone' then
return (zone == zoneText)
elseif (zoneType == 'sub' or zoneType == 'subzone') then
return (zone == subZoneText)
-- IsEvent('PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED', ...) - Determine if the passed in event matches 'PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED
local IsEvent = function(value, ...)
if not select(1, ...) or not value or type(value) ~= 'string' then return end
local event = select(1, ...)
return event == value
-- ShortenNumber(12345.67) - Return shortened, rounded value of 12345.67 (12k)
-- ShortenNumber(12345.67, 1) - Return 12345.67 shortened, with 1 decimal place (12.6k)
-- ShortenNumber(12345.67, 1, '%s - %s') - Return 12345.67 shortened, with 1 decimal place using format string '%s - %s' (12.6 - k)
-- @value number - Numeric value to format, shorten, or round.
-- [@decimal] number - (Optional) Number of decimal places to round (default 0)
-- [@pattern] string - (Optional) String pattern value to create output string (default '%s%s')
-- return string - Formatted value
local ShortenNumber = function(value, decimal, pattern)
if (not value) or not (type(value) == 'number') then return end
pattern = pattern or '%s%s'
function round(val, decimal)
if (decimal) then
return math.floor( (val * 10^decimal) + 0.5) / (10^decimal)
return math.floor(val+0.5)
if(value > 999999999) then return (pattern):format(round(value/1000000000, decimal), 'b') end
if(value > 999999) then return (pattern):format(round(value/1000000, decimal), 'm') end
if(value > 999) then return (pattern):format(round(value/1000, decimal), 'k') end
return (pattern):format(round(value, decimal), '')
-- TimeToEnergy() - Return time (in seconds) until player reaches 100 energy.
-- TimeToEnergy(70) - Return time until player reaches 70 energy.
-- [@energy] integer - (Optional) Max energy value to calculate time to reach. Default: 100
-- return number - Time (in seconds) for energy to reach specified value.
local TimeToEnergy = function(energy) return ((energy and energy or 100) - UnitPower('player')) / GetPowerRegen() end
-- UnitIsMinClassification('target', 'elite')
-- UnitIsMinClassification('boss3')
-- @unit string - UnitID to determine classification for
-- [@classification] string - (Optional) Minimum classification to check for (e.g. 'elite','rareelite','worldboss' etc). Defaults to 'elite'.
-- return boolean - Whether param unit is equal to or greater in classification to param classification value.
local UnitIsMinClassification = function(unit, classification)
local VALID_CLASSIFICATIONS = {'trivial','normal','rare','elite','rareelite','worldboss',}
classification = classification or 'elite'
if not UnitExists(unit) then return end
if not tContains(VALID_CLASSIFICATIONS, classification) then return end
local unitIndex, classIndex
for i,v in ipairs(VALID_CLASSIFICATIONS) do
if v == UnitClassification(unit) then unitIndex = i end
if v == classification then classIndex = i end
if unitIndex and classIndex then if unitIndex >= classIndex then return true end end
return false
-- IsClassInParty('Death Knight') - Determine if a Death Knight is in group
-- IsClassInParty('MONK') - Determine if a Monk is in group
-- IsClassInParty(4) - Determine if a Rogue is in the group (using ClassID number identifier: http://www.wowpedia.org/ClassId)
-- @class string/number - English class name or numeric ClassID to check.
-- return boolean - Whether class in question was found in the group
local IsClassInParty = function(class)
if not class or (not IsInRaid() and not IsInGroup()) then return end
local name, id, classDisplayName, className, classID
if type(class) == 'string' then name = string.upper(string.gsub(class, '(%s+)', '')) elseif type(class) == 'number' then id = class end
for i=1,GetNumGroupMembers() do
local unit = IsInRaid() and ('raid%s'):format(i) or IsInGroup() and ('party%s'):format(i)
if UnitExists(unit) then
classDisplayName, className, classID = UnitClass(unit)
if name then if name == className then return true end elseif id then if id == classID then return true end end
local StringSubstitution = function(text, ...)
for iLists,list in pairs({...}) do
for iItem,item in pairs(list) do
if item.pattern then
if type(item.pattern) == 'table' then
for iPattern,pattern in pairs(item.pattern) do
text = string.gsub(text, ("{%s}"):format(pattern), item.color and ('|cFF%s%s|r'):format(item.color, item.replacement) or item.replacement)
elseif type(item.pattern) == 'string' then
text = string.gsub(text, ("{%s}"):format(item.pattern), item.color and ('|cFF%s%s|r'):format(item.color, item.replacement) or item.replacement)
return text
Retrieve the Grid frame associated with a particular unit for modification.
-- Grid_GetUnitFrame('player') - Retrieve the Grid unit frame for 'player' unit.
-- Grid_GetUnitFrame('Player-3661-06DB7142') - Retrieve the Grid unit frame for 'player' unit (using example GUID).
-- Grid_GetUnitFrame('raid3') - Retrieve the Grid unit frame for 'raid2' unit.
-- @unit string [UnitId or GUID] - Unit to retrieve Grid frame for
-- return frame - Grid unit frame
local Grid_GetUnitFrame = function(unit)
if not IsAddOnLoaded("Grid2") then
local GridFrame = Grid2:GetModule("Grid2Frame")
local GUID = unit
if not (ParseGUID(unit) == "player") then
GUID = UnitGUID(unit)
if not GUID then
if GetPlayerInfoByGUID(unit) then
GUID = unit
if not GUID then
for _, frame in pairs(GridFrame.registeredFrames) do
if frame.unit and GUID == UnitGUID(frame.unit) then
return frame
end -- match
Alter the backdrop color of a Grid unit frame.
local Grid_SetUnitFrameBackdropColor = function(unit, r, g, b, a)
local Grid_GetUnitFrame = function(unit)
if not IsAddOnLoaded("Grid2") then
local GridFrame = Grid2:GetModule("Grid2Frame")
local GUID = unit
if not (ParseGUID(unit) == "player") then
GUID = UnitGUID(unit)
if not GUID then
if GetPlayerInfoByGUID(unit) then
GUID = unit
if not GUID then
for _, frame in pairs(GridFrame.registeredFrames) do
if frame.unit and GUID == UnitGUID(frame.unit) then
return frame
end -- match
local frame = Grid_GetUnitFrame(unit)
if not frame then
local colors = {
{name = "black", r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "blue", r = 0, g = 0.2, b = 1, a = 1},
{name = "green", r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "orange", r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "purple", r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, a = 1},
{name = "red", r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "white", r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1},
{name = "yellow", r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1}
-- Convert
if tonumber(r) == nil and type(r) == "string" then
for _, v in pairs(colors) do
if v.name == strlower(r) then
r = v.r
g = v.g
b = v.b
a = v.a
elseif type(r) == "table" and (r.r or r.g or r.b) then
g = r.g or 1
b = r.b or 1
a = r.a or 1
r = r.r or 1
if r and b and g then
frame:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, a or 1)
Alter the border color of a Grid unit frame.
local Grid_SetUnitFrameBorderColor = function(unit, r, g, b, a)
local Grid_GetUnitFrame = function(unit)
if not IsAddOnLoaded("Grid2") then
local GridFrame = Grid2:GetModule("Grid2Frame")
local GUID = unit
if not (ParseGUID(unit) == "player") then
GUID = UnitGUID(unit)
if not GUID then
if GetPlayerInfoByGUID(unit) then
GUID = unit
if not GUID then
for _, frame in pairs(GridFrame.registeredFrames) do
if frame.unit and GUID == UnitGUID(frame.unit) then
return frame
end -- match
local frame = Grid_GetUnitFrame(unit)
if not frame then
local colors = {
{name = "black", r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "blue", r = 0, g = 0.2, b = 1, a = 1},
{name = "green", r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "orange", r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "purple", r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, a = 1},
{name = "red", r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1},
{name = "white", r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1},
{name = "yellow", r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1}
-- Convert
if tonumber(r) == nil and type(r) == "string" then
for _, v in pairs(colors) do
if v.name == strlower(r) then
r = v.r
g = v.g
b = v.b
a = v.a
elseif type(r) == "table" and (r.r or r.g or r.b) then
g = r.g or 1
b = r.b or 1
a = r.a or 1
r = r.r or 1
if r and b and g then
frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, a or 1)