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Last active December 27, 2015 17:19
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Save REAS/7361591 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MIT License - F1lT3R/Hyper-Metrix
Modifed by Casey Reas, 7 Nov 2013
Native Processing Compatible
// Set number of circles
int count = 90;
// Set maximum and minimum circle size
int maxSize = 180;
int minSize = 80;
// Build float array to store circle properties
float[][] e = new float[count][5];
// Set size of dot in circle center
float ds=2;
// Set drag switch to false
boolean dragging=false;
// integers showing which circle (the first index in e) that's locked, and its position in relation to the mouse
int lockedCircle;
int lockedOffsetX;
int lockedOffsetY;
// If user presses mouse...
void mousePressed () {
// Look for a circle the mouse is in, then lock that circle to the mouse
// Loop through all circles to find which one is locked
for (int j=0;j< count;j++) {
// If the circles are close...
if (sq(e[j][0] - mouseX) + sq(e[j][1] - mouseY) < sq(e[j][2]/2)) {
// Store data showing that this circle is locked, and where in relation to the cursor it was
lockedCircle = j;
lockedOffsetX = mouseX - (int)e[j][0];
lockedOffsetY = mouseY - (int)e[j][1];
// Break out of the loop because we found our circle
dragging = true;
// If user releases mouse...
void mouseReleased() {
// ..user is no-longer dragging
// Set up canvas
void setup() {
// Frame rate
// Size of canvas (width,height)
size(500, 500);
// Stroke/line/border thickness
// Initiate array with random values for circles
for (int j=0;j< count;j++) {
e[j][0]=random(width); // X
e[j][1]=random(height); // Y
e[j][2]=random(minSize, maxSize); // Radius
e[j][3]=random(-.5, .5); // X Speed
e[j][4]=random(-.5, .5); // Y Speed
// Begin main draw loop (called 25 times per second)
void draw() {
// Fill background black
// Begin looping through circle array
for (int j=0;j< count;j++) {
// Disable shape stroke/border
// Cache diameter and radius of current circle
float radi=e[j][2];
float diam=radi/2;
if (sq(e[j][0] - mouseX) + sq(e[j][1] - mouseY) < sq(e[j][2]/2))
fill(64, 187, 128, 100); // green if mouseover
fill(64, 128, 187, 100); // regular
if ((lockedCircle == j && dragging)) {
// Move the particle's coordinates to the mouse's position, minus its original offset
// Draw circle
//ellipse(e[j][0], e[j][1], radi, radi);
// Move circle
/* Wrap edges of canvas so circles leave the top
and re-enter the bottom, etc... */
if ( e[j][0] < -diam ) {
e[j][0] = width+diam;
if ( e[j][0] > width+diam ) {
e[j][0] = -diam;
if ( e[j][1] < 0-diam ) {
e[j][1] = height+diam;
if ( e[j][1] > height+diam) {
e[j][1] = -diam;
// If current circle is selected...
if ((lockedCircle == j && dragging)) {
// Set fill color of center dot to white..
fill(255, 255, 255, 255);
// ..and set stroke color of line to green.
stroke(128, 255, 0, 100);
else {
// otherwise set center dot color to black..
fill(0, 0, 0, 255);
// and set line color to turquoise.
stroke(64, 128, 128, 255);
// Loop through all circles
for (int k=0;k< count;k++) {
// If the circles are close...
if ( sq(e[j][0] - e[k][0]) + sq(e[j][1] - e[k][1]) < sq(diam) ) {
// Stroke a line from current circle to adjacent circle
line(e[j][0], e[j][1], e[k][0], e[k][1]);
// Turn off stroke/border
// Draw dot in center of circle
rect(e[j][0]-ds, e[j][1]-ds, ds*2, ds*2);
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