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{config, pkgs, ...}: let
domain = "";
mail-domain = "mail.${domain}";
sieve-data = let
stalwart-mail =;
in pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
pname = "stalwart-mail-sieve-data";
inherit (stalwart-mail) version src;
dontBuild = true;
mitchellh /
Last active January 28, 2025 09:49
Archive List

Planned Repo Archive

In the new year, I plan on archiving the repositories below. Because I plan on only archiving the repositories, any project that depends on any of these projects will continue to work. However, I will no longer be accepting issues or pull requests and will never tag a new release.

The reality of each of the projects listed below is that I've almost completely ignored issues and pull requests for

RGBCube /
Last active January 6, 2023 20:01
A CPython script to collect all self-links from a site.
ramunas / sum.cpp
Last active February 22, 2023 13:20
Sum/Either type in C++ 11
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template <typename A, typename B>
class Either {
// In a language with lambdas, a disjoint union can be implemented using
Rich-Harris /
Last active February 18, 2025 07:11
The truth about Svelte

I've been deceiving you all. I had you believe that Svelte was a UI framework — unlike React and Vue etc, because it shifts work out of the client and into the compiler, but a framework nonetheless.

But that's not exactly accurate. In my defense, I didn't realise it myself until very recently. But with Svelte 3 around the corner, it's time to come clean about what Svelte really is.

Svelte is a language.

Specifically, Svelte is an attempt to answer a question that many people have asked, and a few have answered: what would it look like if we had a language for describing reactive user interfaces?

A few projects that have answered this question:

Biswa96 / Remove_MIUI_Bloatware.CMD
Last active February 28, 2025 22:28
Remove bloatware applications from MIUI ROM in Xiaomi phones
@echo off
set /p Y=Enter adb.exe folder path:
cd /d %Y%
adb devices
for %%X in (
pvieito / gist:ee6d2c8934a8f84b9aeb467585277b8a
Last active October 13, 2024 18:06
Consumer keys of official Twitter clients

Twitter API Keys

Twitter for iPhone

Consumer key: IQKbtAYlXLripLGPWd0HUA
Consumer secret: GgDYlkSvaPxGxC4X8liwpUoqKwwr3lCADbz8A7ADU

Twitter for Android

Consumer key: 3nVuSoBZnx6U4vzUxf5w
Consumer secret: Bcs59EFbbsdF6Sl9Ng71smgStWEGwXXKSjYvPVt7qys

Twitter for Google TV

Consumer key: iAtYJ4HpUVfIUoNnif1DA

Changaco / btrfs-undelete
Last active February 28, 2025 03:28
# btrfs-undelete
# Copyright (C) 2013 Jörg Walter <[email protected]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the term of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
if [ ! -b "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <dev> <file/dir> <dest>" 1>&2