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Last active February 18, 2022 08:01
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Different path tracer
import networkx
import angr
import tracer
import sys
import os
import logging
import pickle
import argparse
from collections import Counter
from bingraphvis import *
from bingraphvis.angr import *
from bingraphvis.angr.x86 import *
CFG_CACHE_DIR = "cache"
OUTPUT_DIR = "outd"
CFG_CACHE = CFG_CACHE_DIR + "/" + "cfg_cache_%s_%s.pickle"
OUTPUT = OUTPUT_DIR + "/" + "input_trace_%s_%s"
colors = ["red", "blue"]
plot_all_cfg = False
class AngrRemainDiffs(Transformer):
def __init__(self, traces):
self.traces = traces
def trace_idx(self, addr):
idx = ()
if len(self.traces) < 2:
return ()
for i, t in enumerate(self.traces):
if addr in t:
idx = idx + (i, )
return idx
def transform(self, graph):
remove = []
for n in graph.nodes:
all_idx = self.trace_idx(n.obj.addr)
if len(all_idx) == 0:
if len(all_idx) == len(self.traces): # exist in all traces or empty
if plot_all_cfg == True:
n.color = "black"
if len(all_idx) == 1: # exist in an only one trace
idx = all_idx[0]
n.color = colors[idx]
# print(hex(n.obj.addr), ' ', idx)
# print([hex(r.obj.addr) for r in remove])
for r in remove:
print("Graph len= %d" % len(graph.nodes))
def check_env():
with open("/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space",'r') as rfd:
b =
if int(b) != 0:
print("ASLR is not disabled. Run: echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space")
def get_full_cfg(cache_path, start_addr, start_state=None):
if os.path.isfile(cache_path):
print("[+] CFG Cache found ")
cfg_full = proj.analyses.CFGEmulated(fail_fast=True, starts=[start_addr], initial_state=start_state, no_construct = True)
with open(cache_path, 'rb') as fp:
cfg_full._graph = pickle.load(fp) # XXX: Dirty hack (due to derivied class serialization problem)
print("[+] Creating CFG ....")
cfg_full = proj.analyses.CFGEmulated(fail_fast=True, starts=[start_addr], initial_state=start_state, show_progressbar=True)
with open(cache_path, 'wb') as fp:
pickle.dump(cfg_full.graph, fp)
return cfg_full
def plot_cfg_with_trace(cfg, fname, traces, format="raw"):
vis = AngrVisFactory().default_cfg_pipeline(cfg, asminst=True, vexinst=False)
vis.set_output(DotOutput(fname, format=format))
def get_traces(proj, bin_path, input_paths):
_traces = []
for ipath in input_paths:
print("[+] Tracing .... %s" % (ipath))
runner = tracer.QEMURunner(project=proj, input=b'', trace_log_limit=2**34, argv=[bin_path, ipath])
#print([hex(r) for r in runner.trace])
print("Size: %d" % (len(runner.trace)))
return _traces
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Input Tracer option')
parser.add_argument('-b','--binary', help='Binary path',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-i','--inputs', help='Inputs aginst binaries',required=True)
parser.add_argument('-f','--func', help='Dump per functions', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='Plot entire CFG', action='store_true', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
bin_path = args.binary
plot_all_cfg = args.verbose
input_paths = [p for p in args.inputs.split(',')]
bin_name = bin_path.split('/')[-1]
# Check Environment
# Crate Directories for Input and CFG Cache
except OSError:
print("[+] Opening binary %s" % (bin_path))
proj = angr.Project(bin_path,load_options={'auto_load_libs': False})
if args.func:
print("[+] Searching for all the functions (using CFGFast)")
fast_cfg = proj.analyses.CFGFast(show_progressbar=True)
# we want to only keep functions defined in the main binary
functions = []
for addr,func in fast_cfg.functions.items():
if proj.loader.main_object.contains_addr(addr) and addr not in proj.loader.main_object.reverse_plt:
nb_functions = len(functions)
print(" ==> %d functions to process." % nb_functions)
traces = get_traces(proj, bin_path, input_paths)
print ("[+] CFG processing ....")
i = 0
for addr,func in functions:
cache = CFG_CACHE % (bin_name,
output = OUTPUT % (bin_name,
print("[+] (%d/%d) Computing Accurate CFG for function %s (0x%x)" % (i, nb_functions,,addr))
cfg_func = get_full_cfg(cache, addr)
plot_cfg_with_trace(cfg_func, output, traces)
print ("[+] Complete! Saved to %s.png" % (output))
i += 1
cache = CFG_CACHE % (bin_path.split('/')[-1], "entire")
output = OUTPUT % (bin_name, "entire")
main = proj.loader.main_object.get_symbol("main")
start_state = proj.factory.blank_state(addr=main.rebased_addr)
cfg_full = get_full_cfg(cache, main.rebased_addr, start_state)
print ("CFG size = %d" % (len(cfg_full.graph)))
traces = get_traces(proj, bin_path, input_paths)
print ("[+] CFG processing ....")
plot_cfg_with_trace(cfg_full, output, traces)
print ("[+] Complete! Saved to %s.png" % (output))
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