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Created April 20, 2011 05:12
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Save ROFISH/930427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Feature: Private Messages
In order for users to better collaborate or moderate,
Private Messages are used to send a message from one user to another.
# Hash tags in front mean a comment, so it's ignored in the text.
# @allow-rescue means that when an error is thrown (such as the ability to
# not log in), it does error handling instead of testing the error.
# Without @allow-rescue, instead the last line would be:
# Then I should get a LoginRequired error
# But the point is to actually test what joe user sees, not the code.
# Also as a random note, only some errors are 'rescued', like LoginRequired,
# or SecurityError or UserBanned. Other errors are just displayed to the user
# as a 'Horrible Error' and usually implies a programming typo error and not
# a rescuable error.
Scenario: No logged out users
Given I am not logged in
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should be on the login page
Scenario: PM Inbox loads and shows PMs
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And I have an unread PM with title "lol am a title" and body "deal with it 8)"
And I have 1 read PM
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should be on the pm inbox page
And I should see "lol am a title" within ".unseen"
When I follow "lol am a title"
#implies that the page loaded okay by seeing the text in a body we know about
Then I should see "deal with it"
Scenario: Should be able to write a PM
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And I am on the new pm page
When I fill in the following:
| PrivateMessage_sendto | ROFISH |
| PrivateMessage_title | sup yo |
| PrivateMessage_body_original | Hey there! :D |
And I press "Send PM!"
Then I should be on the pm inbox page
When I follow "Sent Box"
Then I should be on the pm sentbox page
And I should see "sup yo"
When I follow "sup yo"
Then I should see "Hey there! :D"
Scenario: Smilies work on PMs
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And the following smilie exists:
| name | regexp | url |
| ColonDee | :D | /include/images/smilies/colondee.png |
And I have an unread PM with title "this is a smilie" and body "cool man :D"
When I am on the pm inbox page
And I follow "this is a smilie"
Then I should have the image "/include/images/smilies/colondee.png" within ".post-body"
Scenario: Swears work on PMs
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And the following swear word exists:
| word | mask |
| ass | butt |
And I have an unread PM with title "i h8 u" and body "ur an ass"
When I am on the pm inbox page
And I follow "i h8 u"
Then I should see "ur an butt"
Scenario: Reading a PM marks it as read
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And I have 1 unread PM
And I have an unread PM with title "unread pm" and body "now it's not!"
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should see "unread pm" within any "tr.unseen a"
When I follow "unread pm"
And I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should not see "unread pm" within any "tr.unseen a"
Scenario: Clicking on mark as unread marks the PM as unread
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And I have a read PM with title "mark me as unread" and body "now it's not!"
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should not see "mark me as unread" within any "tr.unseen a"
When I press "Mark PM as Unread"
Then I should be on the pm inbox page
And I should see "mark me as unread" within any "tr.unseen a"
Scenario: Clicking on delete hides the PM
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And I have a read PM with title "delete me!" and body "now it's not!"
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should see "delete me" within any "tr a"
When I press "Delete PM"
Then I should be on the pm inbox page
And I should not see "delete me" within any "tr a"
# also check to be sure it didn't delete from the sender's sent box
# the default sender of PMs is "Administrator" or "ROFISH", so look
# in their sent box.
Given I am an Administrator
When I am on the pm sentbox page
Then I should see "delete me" within any "tr a"
Scenario: Shouldn't be able to read PMs that aren't yours
Given I am logged in as a regular user
And I have a read PM with title "dont look at me!" and body "super secret"
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should see "dont look at me!" within any "tr a"
When I am on the last created PM page
Then I should see "super secret"
# log in as a second user
Given I am logged in as a regular user
When I am on the pm inbox page
Then I should not see "dont look at me!" within any "tr a"
When I am on the last created PM page
Then I should be on the pm inbox page
Then I should see "That message can't be found. Perhaps you don't have access to read it?"
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