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Created July 27, 2024 18:19
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# This documents how you would take a Debian 12 cloud image and make a Proxmox template out of it.
# This script isn't really meant to be executed, but more as a reference and copy/paste for each step.
# Enjoy!
# Download the image
mkdir -p ~/debian-bookworm-build/original && cd ~/debian-bookworm-build/original
wget ''
cd ..
# This is what the file systems in that image look like, for reference:
# $ virt-filesystems --long --parts --blkdevs -h -a debian-12-genericcloud-amd64-20240717-1811.qcow2
# Name Type MBR Size Parent
# /dev/sda1 partition - 1.9G /dev/sda
# /dev/sda14 partition - 3.0M /dev/sda
# /dev/sda15 partition - 124M /dev/sda
# /dev/sda device - 2.0G -
# Resize the image, to give us more space to work with.
# The image is 2GB by default (seen above), but I'd like at least 8GB
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G.qcow2 8G
virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 original/debian-12-genericcloud-amd64-20240717-1811.qcow2 bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G.qcow2
# Setup the image
# This will do a few things...
# * Reinstall grub, required because virt-resize messes up the partitions and the image won't boot, see:
# * Install cloud guest packages
# * Install the qemu guest agent (so Proxmox can communicate to the guest), and enable it.
# * And install a base layer of packages that I like...
# * cifs-utils are for connecting to my SMB file share
# * htop and tmux are nice to have
virt-customize -a bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G.qcow2 \
--run-command 'grub-install /dev/sda' \
--install cloud-guest-utils,cloud-initramfs-growroot \
--install qemu-guest-agent \
--run-command 'systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent' \
--install cifs-utils,htop,tmux
# Re-shrink the image after we made our changes:
virt-sparsify --compress bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G.qcow2 bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G-small.qcow2
rm bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G.qcow2
# Now the image is ready to go, and we can add it to Proxmox as a template!
# *** From root user on the Proxmox host: ***
# Create the VM
qm create 9020 \
--name 'Debian-12-20240717-ready' \
--ostype l26 \
--memory 2048 \
--cores 2 \
--net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 \
--scsihw virtio-scsi-single \
--agent enabled=1,fstrim_cloned_disks=1
# Copy over image
qm set 9020 --scsi0 local-vmdata:0,import-from=/home/ryan/debian-bookworm-build/bookworm-cloudimg-amd64-8G-small.qcow2
# Start configuring cloud-init data
qm set 9020 --ide2 local-vmdata:cloudinit --boot order=scsi0 --serial0 socket --vga serial0
# Convert VM to template to begin using
qm template 9020
# Now you can clone it from the Proxmox web UI and make VMs :)
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