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Created September 23, 2017 10:30
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stegbreak 'rules.ini' file
# This file is part of John the Ripper password cracker,
# Copyright (c) 1996-98 by Solar Designer
# Wordlist mode rules
# Try words as they are
# Lowercase every pure alphanumeric word
-c >3!?XlQ
# Capitalize every pure alphanumeric word
-c >2(?a!?XcQ
# Lowercase and pluralize pure alphabetic words
# Lowercase pure alphabetic words and append '1'
# Capitalize pure alphabetic words and append '1'
-c <*>2!?Ac$1
# Duplicate reasonably short pure alphabetic words (fred -> fredfred)
# Lowercase and reverse pure alphabetic words
# Prefix pure alphabetic words with '1'
# Uppercase pure alphanumeric words
-c >2!?XuQ
# Lowercase pure alphabetic words and append a digit or simple punctuation
# Words containing punctuation, which is then squeezed out, lowercase
# Words with vowels removed, lowercase
# Words containing whitespace, which is then squeezed out, lowercase
# Capitalize and duplicate short pure alphabetic words (fred -> FredFred)
-c <7>1!?Acd
# Capitalize and reverse pure alphabetic words (fred -> derF)
-c <+>2!?Acr
# Reverse and capitalize pure alphabetic words (fred -> Derf)
-c >2!?AMrQc
# Lowercase and reflect pure alphabetic words (fred -> fredderf)
# Uppercase the last letter of pure alphabetic words (fred -> freD)
-c <+>2!?AMrQcr
# Prefix pure alphabetic words with '2' or '4'
# Capitalize pure alphabetic words and append a digit or simple punctuation
-c <*>2!?Ac$[2!3957468.?0]
# Prefix pure alphabetic words with digits
# Capitalize and pluralize pure alphabetic words of reasonable length
-c <*>2!?Acp
# Lowercase/capitalize pure alphabetic words of reasonable length and convert:
# crack -> cracked, crack -> cracking
-c <*>2!?Ac[PI]
# Try the second half of split passwords
-s x**
-s-c x**MlQ
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