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Created September 25, 2010 16:32
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Modest Maps JS</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Modest Maps JS v0.13.2X (fork for gist)
* Copyright (c) 2010 Stamen Design, All Rights Reserved.
* Open source under the BSD License.
* Versioned using Semantic Versioning (v.major.minor.patch)
* See CHANGELOG and for more details.
// namespacing!
//if (!com) {
var com = { };
// if (!com.modestmaps) {
com.modestmaps = {};
// }
(function(MM) {
//////////////////////////// Make inheritance bearable
MM.extend = function(child, parent) {
for (var property in parent.prototype) {
if (typeof child.prototype[property] == "undefined") {
child.prototype[property] = parent.prototype[property];
return child;
/////////////////////////// Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevents
MM.cancelEvent = function(e) {
//console.log('cancel: ' + e);
// there's more than one way to skin this cat
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.cancel = true;
e.returnValue = false;
if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); }
if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
return false;
// see for the originals
MM.addEvent = function(obj, type, fn) {
if (obj.attachEvent) {
obj['e'+type+fn] = fn;
obj[type+fn] = function(){ obj['e'+type+fn](window.event); };
obj.attachEvent('on'+type, obj[type+fn]);
else {
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
if (type == 'mousewheel') {
obj.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', fn, false);
MM.removeEvent = function( obj, type, fn ) {
if ( obj.detachEvent ) {
obj.detachEvent('on'+type, obj[type+fn]);
obj[type+fn] = null;
else {
obj.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
if (type == 'mousewheel') {
obj.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', fn, false);
MM.getStyle = function(el,styleProp) {
if (el.currentStyle)
var y = el.currentStyle[styleProp];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp);
return y;
//////////////////////////// Core
MM.Point = function(x, y) {
this.x = parseFloat(x);
this.y = parseFloat(y);
MM.Point.prototype = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
toString: function() {
return "(" + this.x.toFixed(3) + ", " + this.y.toFixed(3) + ")";
MM.Point.distance = function(p1, p2) {
var dx = (p2.x - p1.x);
var dy = (p2.y - p1.y);
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
MM.Point.interpolate = function(p1, p2, t) {
var px = p1.x + (p2.x - p1.x) * t;
var py = p1.y + (p2.y - p1.y) * t;
return new MM.Point(px, py);
MM.Coordinate = function(row, column, zoom) {
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
this.zoom = zoom;
MM.Coordinate.prototype = {
row: 0,
column: 0,
zoom: 0,
toString: function() {
return "(" + this.row.toFixed(3) + ", "
+ this.column.toFixed(3) + " @"
+ this.zoom.toFixed(3) + ")";
/* hopfully/somewhat optimized because firebug
said we were spending a lot of time in toString() */
toKey: function() {
var a = Math.floor(this.row);
var b = Math.floor(this.column);
var c = Math.floor(this.zoom);
a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c >>> 13);
b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a << 8);
c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b >>> 13);
a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c >>> 12);
b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a << 16);
c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b >>> 5);
a=a-b; a=a-c; a=a^(c >>> 3);
b=b-c; b=b-a; b=b^(a << 10);
c=c-a; c=c-b; c=c^(b >>> 15);
return c;
copy: function() {
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row, this.column, this.zoom);
container: function() {
// using floor here (not parseInt, ~~) because we want -0.56 --> -1
return new MM.Coordinate(Math.floor(this.row),
zoomTo: function(destination) {
var power = Math.pow(2, destination - this.zoom);
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row * power,
this.column * power,
zoomBy: function(distance) {
var power = Math.pow(2, distance);
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row * power,
this.column * power,
this.zoom + distance);
up: function(dist) {
if (dist === undefined) dist = 1;
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row - dist, this.column, this.zoom);
right: function(dist) {
if (dist === undefined) dist = 1;
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row, this.column + dist, this.zoom);
down: function(dist) {
if (dist === undefined) dist = 1;
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row + dist, this.column, this.zoom);
left: function(dist) {
if (dist === undefined) dist = 1;
return new MM.Coordinate(this.row, this.column - dist, this.zoom);
//////////////////////////// Geo
MM.Location = function(lat, lon) { = parseFloat(lat);
this.lon = parseFloat(lon);
MM.Location.prototype = {
lat: 0,
lon: 0,
toString: function() {
return "(" + + ", " + this.lon.toFixed(3) + ")";
* returns approximate distance between start and end locations
* default unit is meters
* you can specify different units by optionally providing the
* earth's radius in the units you desire
* Default is 6,378,000 metres, suggested values are:
* + 3963.1 statute miles
* + 3443.9 nautical miles
* + 6378 km
* see
MM.Location.distance = function(l1, l2, r) {
if (!r) {
// default to meters
r = 6378000;
var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180.0,
a1 = * deg2rad,
b1 = l1.lon * deg2rad,
a2 = * deg2rad,
b2 = l2.lon * deg2rad,
c = Math.cos(a1)*Math.cos(b1)*Math.cos(a2)*Math.cos(b2),
d = Math.cos(a1)*Math.sin(b1)*Math.cos(a2)*Math.sin(b2),
e = Math.sin(a1)*Math.sin(a2);
return Math.acos(c + d + e) * r;
// interpolates along a great circle, f between 0 and 1
// FIXME: could be heavily optimized (lots of trig calls to cache)
// FIXME: could be inmproved for calculating a full path
MM.Location.interpolate = function(l1, l2, f) {
var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180.0,
lat1 = * deg2rad,
lon1 = l1.lon * deg2rad,
lat2 = * deg2rad,
lon2 = l2.lon * deg2rad;
var d = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin((lat1-lat2)/2),2) + Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.pow(Math.sin((lon1-lon2)/2),2)));
var bearing = Math.atan2(Math.sin(lon1-lon2)*Math.cos(lat2), Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2)-Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(lon1-lon2)) / -(Math.PI/180);
bearing = bearing < 0 ? 360 + bearing : bearing;
var A = Math.sin((1-f)*d)/Math.sin(d);
var B = Math.sin(f*d)/Math.sin(d);
var x = A*Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lon1) + B*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(lon2);
var y = A*Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lon1) + B*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.sin(lon2);
var z = A*Math.sin(lat1) + B*Math.sin(lat2);
var latN = Math.atan2(z,Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)+Math.pow(y,2)));
var lonN = Math.atan2(y,x);
return new MM.Location(latN/deg2rad, lonN/deg2rad);
MM.Transformation = function(ax, bx, cx, ay, by, cy) { = ax;
this.bx = bx; = cx;
this.ay = ay; = by; = cy;
MM.Transformation.prototype = {
ax: 0,
bx: 0,
cx: 0,
ay: 0,
by: 0,
cy: 0,
transform: function(point) {
return new MM.Point(*point.x + this.bx*point.y +,
this.ay*point.x +*point.y +;
untransform: function(point) {
return new MM.Point((point.x* - point.y*this.bx
-* +*this.bx)
/ (* - this.ay*this.bx),
(point.x*this.ay - point.y*
-*this.ay +*
/ (this.bx*this.ay -*;
MM.deriveTransformation = function(a1x, a1y, a2x, a2y,
b1x, b1y, b2x, b2y,
c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y) {
// Generates a transform based on three pairs of points,
// a1 -> a2, b1 -> b2, c1 -> c2.
var x = MM.linearSolution(a1x, a1y, a2x,
b1x, b1y, b2x,
c1x, c1y, c2x);
var y = MM.linearSolution(a1x, a1y, a2y,
b1x, b1y, b2y,
c1x, c1y, c2y);
return new MM.Transformation(x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2]);
MM.linearSolution = function(r1, s1, t1, r2, s2, t2, r3, s3, t3) {
/* Solves a system of linear equations.
t1 = (a * r1) + (b + s1) + c
t2 = (a * r2) + (b + s2) + c
t3 = (a * r3) + (b + s3) + c
r1 - t3 are the known values.
a, b, c are the unknowns to be solved.
returns the a, b, c coefficients.
// make them all floats
r1 = parseFloat(r1);
s1 = parseFloat(s1);
t1 = parseFloat(t1);
r2 = parseFloat(r2);
s2 = parseFloat(s2);
t2 = parseFloat(t2);
r3 = parseFloat(r3);
s3 = parseFloat(s3);
t3 = parseFloat(t3);
var a = (((t2 - t3) * (s1 - s2)) - ((t1 - t2) * (s2 - s3)))
/ (((r2 - r3) * (s1 - s2)) - ((r1 - r2) * (s2 - s3)));
var b = (((t2 - t3) * (r1 - r2)) - ((t1 - t2) * (r2 - r3)))
/ (((s2 - s3) * (r1 - r2)) - ((s1 - s2) * (r2 - r3)));
var c = t1 - (r1 * a) - (s1 * b);
return [ a, b, c ];
MM.Projection = function(zoom, transformation) {
if (!transformation) {
transformation = new MM.Transformation(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
this.zoom = zoom;
this.transformation = transformation;
MM.Projection.prototype = {
zoom: 0,
transformation: null,
rawProject: function(point) {
alert("Abstract method not implemented by subclass.");
rawUnproject: function(point) {
alert("Abstract method not implemented by subclass.");
project: function(point) {
point = this.rawProject(point);
if(this.transformation) {
point = this.transformation.transform(point);
return point;
unproject: function(point) {
if(this.transformation) {
point = this.transformation.untransform(point);
point = this.rawUnproject(point);
return point;
locationCoordinate: function(location) {
var point = new MM.Point(Math.PI * location.lon / 180.0,
Math.PI * / 180.0);
point = this.project(point);
return new MM.Coordinate(point.y, point.x, this.zoom);
coordinateLocation: function(coordinate) {
coordinate = coordinate.zoomTo(this.zoom);
var point = new MM.Point(coordinate.column, coordinate.row);
point = this.unproject(point);
return new MM.Location(180.0 * point.y / Math.PI,
180.0 * point.x / Math.PI);
MM.LinearProjection = function(zoom, transformation) {, zoom, transformation);
MM.LinearProjection.prototype = {
rawProject: function(point) {
return new MM.Point(point.x, point.y);
rawUnproject: function(point) {
return new MM.Point(point.x, point.y);
MM.extend(MM.LinearProjection, MM.Projection);
MM.MercatorProjection = function(zoom, transformation) {
// super!, zoom, transformation);
MM.MercatorProjection.prototype = {
rawProject: function(point) {
return new MM.Point(point.x,
Math.log(Math.tan(0.25 * Math.PI + 0.5 * point.y)));
rawUnproject: function(point) {
return new MM.Point(point.x,
2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(Math.E, point.y)) - 0.5 * Math.PI);
MM.extend(MM.MercatorProjection, MM.Projection);
//////////////////////////// Providers
MM.MapProvider = function(getTileUrl) {
if (getTileUrl) {
this.getTileUrl = getTileUrl;
MM.MapProvider.prototype = {
// defaults to Google-y Mercator style maps
projection: new MM.MercatorProjection( 0,
MM.deriveTransformation(-Math.PI, Math.PI, 0, 0,
Math.PI, Math.PI, 1, 0,
-Math.PI, -Math.PI, 0, 1) ),
tileWidth: 256,
tileHeight: 256,
// these are limits for available *tiles*
// panning limits will be different (since you can wrap around columns)
// but if you put Infinity in here it will screw up sourceCoordinate
topLeftOuterLimit: new MM.Coordinate(0,0,0),
bottomRightInnerLimit: new MM.Coordinate(1,1,0).zoomTo(18),
getTileUrl: function(coordinate) {
alert("Abstract method not implemented by subclass.");
locationCoordinate: function(location) {
return this.projection.locationCoordinate(location);
coordinateLocation: function(location) {
return this.projection.coordinateLocation(location);
outerLimits: function() {
return [ this.topLeftOuterLimit.copy(),
this.bottomRightInnerLimit.copy() ];
sourceCoordinate: function(coord) {
var TL = this.topLeftOuterLimit.zoomTo(coord.zoom);
var BR = this.bottomRightInnerLimit.zoomTo(coord.zoom);
var vSize = BR.row - TL.row;
if (coord.row < 0 | coord.row >= vSize) {
// it's too high or too low:
return null;
var hSize = BR.column - TL.column;
// assume infinite horizontal scrolling
var wrappedColumn = coord.column % hSize;
while (wrappedColumn < 0) {
wrappedColumn += hSize;
return new MM.Coordinate(coord.row, wrappedColumn, coord.zoom);
MM.TemplatedMapProvider = function(template, subdomains) {, function(coordinate) {
coordinate = this.sourceCoordinate(coordinate);
if (!coordinate) {
return null;
var base = template;
if (subdomains && subdomains.length && base.indexOf("{S}") >= 0) {
var subdomain = parseInt(coordinate.zoom + coordinate.row + coordinate.column) % subdomains.length;
base = base.replace('{S}', subdomains[subdomain]);
return base.replace('{Z}', coordinate.zoom.toFixed(0)).replace('{X}', coordinate.column.toFixed(0)).replace('{Y}', coordinate.row.toFixed(0));
MM.extend(MM.TemplatedMapProvider, MM.MapProvider);
//////////////////////////// Event Handlers
// map is optional here, use init if you don't have a map yet
MM.MouseHandler = function(map) {
if (map !== undefined) {
MM.MouseHandler.prototype = {
init: function(map) { = map;
MM.addEvent(map.parent, 'dblclick', this.getDoubleClick());
MM.addEvent(map.parent, 'mousedown', this.getMouseDown());
MM.addEvent(map.parent, 'mousewheel', this.getMouseWheel());
mouseDownHandler: null,
getMouseDown: function() {
if (!this.mouseDownHandler) {
var theHandler = this;
this.mouseDownHandler = function(e) {
MM.addEvent(document, 'mouseup', theHandler.getMouseUp());
MM.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', theHandler.getMouseMove());
theHandler.prevMouse = new MM.Point(e.clientX, e.clientY); = 'move';
return MM.cancelEvent(e);
return this.mouseDownHandler;
mouseMoveHandler: null,
getMouseMove: function() {
if (!this.mouseMoveHandler) {
var theHandler = this;
this.mouseMoveHandler = function(e) {
if (theHandler.prevMouse) { - theHandler.prevMouse.x, e.clientY - theHandler.prevMouse.y);
theHandler.prevMouse.x = e.clientX;
theHandler.prevMouse.y = e.clientY;
return MM.cancelEvent(e);
return this.mouseMoveHandler;
mouseUpHandler: null,
getMouseUp: function() {
if (!this.mouseUpHandler) {
var theHandler = this;
this.mouseUpHandler = function(e) {
MM.removeEvent(document, 'mouseup', theHandler.getMouseUp());
MM.removeEvent(document, 'mousemove', theHandler.getMouseMove());
theHandler.prevMouse = null; = '';
return MM.cancelEvent(e);
return this.mouseUpHandler;
mouseWheelHandler: null,
getMouseWheel: function() {
if (!this.mouseWheelHandler) {
var theHandler = this;
var prevTime = new Date().getTime();
this.mouseWheelHandler = function(e) {
var delta = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta) {
delta = e.wheelDelta;
else if (e.detail) {
delta = -e.detail;
// limit mousewheeling to once every 200ms
var timeSince = new Date().getTime() - prevTime;
if (Math.abs(delta) > 0 && (timeSince > 200)) {
var point = theHandler.getMousePoint(e); > 0 ? 1 : -1, point);
prevTime = new Date().getTime();
return MM.cancelEvent(e);
return this.mouseWheelHandler;
doubleClickHandler: null,
getDoubleClick: function() {
if (!this.doubleClickHandler) {
var theHandler = this;
this.doubleClickHandler = function(e) {
var point = theHandler.getMousePoint(e);
// use shift-double-click to zoom out ? -1 : 1, point);
return MM.cancelEvent(e);
return this.doubleClickHandler;
// interaction helper
getMousePoint: function(e)
// start with just the mouse (x, y)
var point = new MM.Point(e.clientX, e.clientY);
// correct for scrolled document
point.x += document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
point.y += document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// correct for nested offsets in DOM
for(var node =; node; node = node.offsetParent) {
point.x -= node.offsetLeft;
point.y -= node.offsetTop;
return point;
////////////////////////// Callback stuff... used by Map and RequestManager
MM.CallbackManager = function(owner, events) {
this.owner = owner;
this.callbacks = {};
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
this.callbacks[events[i]] = [];
MM.CallbackManager.prototype = {
owner: null,
callbacks: null,
addCallback: function(event, callback) {
if (typeof(callback) == 'function' && this.callbacks[event]) {
removeCallback: function(event, callback) {
if (typeof(callback) == 'function' && this.callbacks[event]) {
var cbs = this.callbacks[event],
len = cbs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (cbs[i] === callback) {
dispatchCallback: function(event, message) {
if(this.callbacks[event]) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.callbacks[event].length; i += 1) {
try {
this.callbacks[event][i](this.owner, message);
} catch(e) {
// meh
//////////////////////////// RequestManager is an image loading queue
MM.RequestManager = function(parent) {
// add an invisible div so that image.onload will have a srcElement in IE6
// TODO: can we do this with a DOM fragment?
this.loadingBay = document.createElement('div'); ='-loading-bay'; = 'none';
this.requestsById = {};
this.openRequestCount = 0;
this.maxOpenRequests = 4;
this.requestQueue = [];
this.callbackManager = new MM.CallbackManager(this, [ 'requestcomplete' ]);
MM.RequestManager.prototype = {
// DOM element, hidden, for making sure images dispatch complete events
loadingBay: null,
// all known requests, by ID
requestsById: null,
// current pending requests
requestQueue: null,
// current open requests (children of loadingBay)
openRequestCount: null,
maxOpenRequests: null,
// for dispatching 'requestcomplete'
callbackManager: null,
addCallback: function(event, callback) {
removeCallback: function(event, callback) {
dispatchCallback: function(event, message) {
// queue management:
clear: function() {
clearExcept: function(validKeys) {
// clear things from the queue first...
for (var i = 0; i < this.requestQueue.length; i++) {
var request = this.requestQueue[i];
if (request && !(request.key in validKeys)) {
this.requestQueue[i] = null;
// then check the loadingBay...
var openRequests = this.loadingBay.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var i = openRequests.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var img = openRequests[i];
if (!( in validKeys)) {
//console.log(this.openRequestCount + " open requests");
img.src = img.coord = img.onload = img.onerror = null;
// hasOwnProperty protects against prototype additions
// "The standard describes an augmentable Object.prototype.
// Ignore standards at your own peril."
// --
for (var id in this.requestsById) {
if (this.requestsById.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
if (!(id in validKeys)) {
var request = this.requestsById[id];
// whether we've done the request or not...
delete this.requestsById[id];
if (request != null) {
request = request.key = request.coord = request.url = null;
hasRequest: function(id) {
return (id in this.requestsById);
// TODO: remove dependency on coord (it's for sorting, maybe call it data?)
// TODO: rename to requestImage once it's not tile specific
requestTile: function(key, coord, url) {
if (!(key in this.requestsById)) {
var request = { key: key, coord: coord.copy(), url: url };
// if there's no url just make sure we don't request this image again
this.requestsById[key] = request;
if (url) {
//console.log(this.requestQueue.length + ' pending requests');
processQueue: function(sortFunc) {
if (sortFunc && this.requestQueue.length > 8) {
while (this.openRequestCount < this.maxOpenRequests && this.requestQueue.length > 0) {
var request = this.requestQueue.pop();
if (request) {
//console.log(this.openRequestCount + ' open requests');
// JSLitmus benchmark shows createElement is a little faster than
// new Image() in Firefox and roughly the same in Safari:
var img = document.createElement('img');
// FIXME: key is technically not unique in document if there
// are two Maps but toKey is supposed to be fast so we're trying
// to avoid a prefix ... hence we can't use any calls to
// document.getElementById() to retrieve images = request.key; = 'absolute';
// FIXME: store this elsewhere to avoid scary memory leaks?
// FIXME: call this 'data' not 'coord' so that RequestManager is less Tile-centric?
img.coord = request.coord;
// add it to the DOM in a hidden layer, this is a bit of a hack, but it's
// so that the event we get in image.onload has srcElement assigned in IE6
// set these before img.src to avoid missing an img that's already cached
img.onload = img.onerror = this.getLoadComplete();
img.src = request.url;
// keep things tidy
request = request.key = request.coord = request.url = null;
_loadComplete: null,
getLoadComplete: function() {
// let's only create this closure once...
if (!this._loadComplete) {
var theManager = this;
this._loadComplete = function(e) {
// this is needed because we don't use MM.addEvent for images
e = e || window.event;
// srcElement for IE, target for FF, Safari etc.
var img = e.srcElement ||;
// unset these straight away so we don't call this twice
img.onload = img.onerror = null;
// pull it back out of the (hidden) DOM
// so that draw will add it correctly later
delete theManager.requestsById[];
//console.log(theManager.openRequestCount + ' open requests');
// NB:- complete is also true onerror if we got a 404
if (img.complete ||
(img.readyState && img.readyState == 'complete')) {
theManager.dispatchCallback('requestcomplete', img);
else {
// if it didn't finish clear its src to make sure it
// really stops loading
// FIXME: we'll never retry because this id is still
// in requestsById - is that right?
img.src = null;
// keep going in the same order
return this._loadComplete;
//////////////////////////// Map
/* Instance of a map intended for drawing to a div.
parent (required DOM element)
Can also be an ID of a DOM element
provider (required MapProvider)
Provides tile URLs and map projections
dimensions (optional Point)
Size of map to create
eventHandlers (optional Array)
If empty or null MouseHandler will be used
Otherwise, each handler will be called with init(map)
MM.Map = function(parent, provider, dimensions, eventHandlers) {
if (typeof parent == 'string') {
parent = document.getElementById(parent);
this.parent = parent;
// we're no longer adding width and height to but we still
// need to enforce padding, overflow and position otherwise everything screws up
// TODO: maybe console.warn if the current values are bad? = '0'; = 'hidden';
var position = MM.getStyle(this.parent, 'position');
if (position != "relative" && position != "absolute") { = 'relative';
// if you don't specify dimensions we assume you want to fill the parent
// unless the parent has no w/h, in which case we'll still use a default
if (!dimensions) {
var w = this.parent.offsetWidth;
var h = this.parent.offsetHeight;
if (!w) {
w = 640; = w+'px';
if (!h) {
h = 480; = h+'px';
dimensions = new MM.Point(w, h);
// FIXME: listeners like this will stop the map being removed cleanly?
// when does removeEvent get called?
var theMap = this;
MM.addEvent(window, 'resize', function(event) {
// don't call setSize here because it sets
// and setting the height breaks percentages and default styles
theMap.dimensions = new MM.Point(theMap.parent.offsetWidth, theMap.parent.offsetHeight);
theMap.dispatchCallback('resized', [ theMap.dimensions ]);
else { = Math.round(dimensions.x)+'px'; = Math.round(dimensions.y)+'px';
this.dimensions = dimensions;
if (eventHandlers === undefined) {
this.eventHandlers = [];
this.eventHandlers.push(new MM.MouseHandler(this));
else {
this.eventHandlers = eventHandlers;
if (eventHandlers instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < eventHandlers.length; i++) {
// TODO: is it sensible to do this (could be more than one map on a page)
// add a style element so layer/tile styles can be class-based
// thanks to
var css = document.createElement('style');
css.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
var def = "div.modestmaps-layer {"
+ "position: absolute;"
+ "top: 0px; left: 0px;"
+ "width: 100%; height: 100%;"
+ "margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0;"
+ "}";
if (css.styleSheet) { // IE
css.styleSheet.cssText = def;
} else { // the world
this.requestManager = new MM.RequestManager(this.parent);
this.requestManager.addCallback('requestcomplete', this.getTileComplete());
this.layers = {};
this.layerParent = document.createElement('div'); ='-layers';
// this text is also used in createOrGetLayer = 'position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 0';
this.coordinate = new MM.Coordinate(0.5,0.5,0);
this.callbackManager = new MM.CallbackManager(this, [ 'zoomed', 'panned', 'centered', 'extentset', 'resized', 'drawn' ]);
MM.Map.prototype = {
parent: null,
provider: null,
dimensions: null,
coordinate: null,
tiles: null,
layers: null,
layerParent: null,
requestManager: null,
tileCacheSize: null,
maxTileCacheSize: null,
recentTiles: null,
recentTilesById: null,
callbackManager: null,
eventHandlers: null,
toString: function() {
return 'Map(#' + + ')';
// callbacks...
addCallback: function(event, callback) {
removeCallback: function(event, callback) {
dispatchCallback: function(event, message) {
// zooming
zoomBy: function(zoomOffset) {
this.coordinate = this.coordinate.zoomBy(zoomOffset);
this.dispatchCallback('zoomed', zoomOffset);
zoomIn: function() { this.zoomBy(1); },
zoomOut: function() { this.zoomBy(-1); },
setZoom: function(z) { this.zoomBy(z - this.coordinate.zoom); },
zoomByAbout: function(zoomOffset, point) {
var location = this.pointLocation(point);
var newPoint = this.locationPoint(location);
this.panBy(point.x - newPoint.x, point.y - newPoint.y);
// panning
panBy: function(dx, dy) {
this.coordinate.column -= dx / this.provider.tileWidth;
this.coordinate.row -= dy / this.provider.tileHeight;
this.dispatchCallback('panned', [dx, dy]);
panLeft: function() { this.panBy(100,0); },
panRight: function() { this.panBy(-100,0); },
panDown: function() { this.panBy(0,-100); },
panUp: function() { this.panBy(0,100); },
// positioning
setCenter: function(location) {
this.setCenterZoom(location, this.coordinate.zoom);
setCenterZoom: function(location, zoom) {
this.coordinate = this.provider.locationCoordinate(location).zoomTo(parseFloat(zoom) || 0);
this.dispatchCallback('centered', [location, zoom]);
setExtent: function(locations) {
var TL, BR;
for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
var coordinate = this.provider.locationCoordinate(locations[i]);
if (TL) {
TL.row = Math.min(TL.row, coordinate.row);
TL.column = Math.min(TL.column, coordinate.column);
TL.zoom = Math.min(TL.zoom, coordinate.zoom);
BR.row = Math.max(BR.row, coordinate.row);
BR.column = Math.max(BR.column, coordinate.column);
BR.zoom = Math.max(BR.zoom, coordinate.zoom);
else {
TL = coordinate.copy();
BR = coordinate.copy();
var width = this.dimensions.x + 1;
var height = this.dimensions.y + 1;
// multiplication factor between horizontal span and map width
var hFactor = (BR.column - TL.column) / (width / this.provider.tileWidth);
// multiplication factor expressed as base-2 logarithm, for zoom difference
var hZoomDiff = Math.log(hFactor) / Math.log(2);
// possible horizontal zoom to fit geographical extent in map width
var hPossibleZoom = TL.zoom - Math.ceil(hZoomDiff);
// multiplication factor between vertical span and map height
var vFactor = (BR.row - TL.row) / (height / this.provider.tileHeight);
// multiplication factor expressed as base-2 logarithm, for zoom difference
var vZoomDiff = Math.log(vFactor) / Math.log(2);
// possible vertical zoom to fit geographical extent in map height
var vPossibleZoom = TL.zoom - Math.ceil(vZoomDiff);
// initial zoom to fit extent vertically and horizontally
var initZoom = Math.min(hPossibleZoom, vPossibleZoom);
// additionally, make sure it's not outside the boundaries set by provider limits
// this also catches Infinity stuff
initZoom = Math.min(initZoom, this.provider.outerLimits()[1].zoom)
initZoom = Math.max(initZoom, this.provider.outerLimits()[0].zoom)
// coordinate of extent center
var centerRow = (TL.row + BR.row) / 2;
var centerColumn = (TL.column + BR.column) / 2;
var centerZoom = TL.zoom;
this.coordinate = new MM.Coordinate(centerRow, centerColumn, centerZoom).zoomTo(initZoom);
this.dispatchCallback('extentset', locations);
// map dimensions
setSize: function(dimensionsOrX, orY) {
if (dimensionsOrX.hasOwnProperty('x') && dimensionsOrX.hasOwnProperty('y')) {
this.dimensions = dimensionsOrX;
else if (orY !== undefined && !isNaN(orY)) {
this.dimensions = new MM.Point(dimensionsOrX, orY);
} = Math.round(this.dimensions.x) + 'px'; = Math.round(this.dimensions.y) + 'px';
this.dispatchCallback('resized', [ this.dimensions ]);
// projecting points on and off screen
coordinatePoint: function(coord)
/* Return an x, y point on the map image for a given coordinate. */
if(coord.zoom != this.coordinate.zoom) {
coord = coord.zoomTo(this.coordinate.zoom);
// distance from the center of the map
var point = new MM.Point(this.dimensions.x/2, this.dimensions.y/2);
point.x += this.provider.tileWidth * (coord.column - this.coordinate.column);
point.y += this.provider.tileHeight * (coord.row - this.coordinate.row);
return point;
pointCoordinate: function(point)
/* Return a coordinate on the map image for a given x, y point. */
// new point coordinate reflecting distance from map center, in tile widths
var coord = this.coordinate.copy();
coord.column += (point.x - this.dimensions.x/2) / this.provider.tileWidth;
coord.row += (point.y - this.dimensions.y/2) / this.provider.tileHeight;
return coord;
locationPoint: function(location)
/* Return an x, y point on the map image for a given geographical location. */
return this.coordinatePoint(this.provider.locationCoordinate(location));
pointLocation: function(point)
/* Return a geographical location on the map image for a given x, y point. */
return this.provider.coordinateLocation(this.pointCoordinate(point));
// inspecting
getExtent: function() {
var extent = [];
extent.push(this.pointLocation(new MM.Point(0,0)));
return extent;
getCenter: function() {
return this.provider.coordinateLocation(this.coordinate);
getZoom: function() {
return this.coordinate.zoom;
setProvider: function(newProvider) {
var firstProvider = false;
if (this.provider === null) {
firstProvider = true;
// if we already have a provider the we'll need to
// clear the DOM, cancel requests and redraw
if (!firstProvider) {
for (var name in this.layers) {
if (this.layers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var layer = this.layers[name];
while(layer.firstChild) {
// first provider or not we'll init/reset some values...
this.tiles = {};
this.tileCacheSize = 0;
this.maxTileCacheSize = 64;
this.recentTiles = [];
this.recentTilesById = {};
// for later: check geometry of old provider and set a new coordinate center
// if needed (now? or when?)
this.provider = newProvider;
if (!firstProvider) {
// stats
getStats: function() {
return {
'Request Queue Length': this.requestManager.requestQueue.length,
'Open Request Count': this.requestManager.requestCount,
'Tile Cache Size': this.tileCacheSize,
'Tiles On Screen': this.parent.getElementsByTagName('img').length
// limits
enforceLimits: function(coord) {
coord = coord.copy();
var limits = this.provider.outerLimits();
if (limits) {
var minZoom = limits[0].zoom;
var maxZoom = limits[1].zoom;
if (coord.zoom < minZoom) {
coord = coord.zoomTo(minZoom);
else if (coord.zoom > maxZoom) {
coord = coord.zoomTo(maxZoom);
// this generally does the *intended* thing,
// but it's not always desired behavior so it's disabled for now
var topLeftLimit = limits[0].zoomTo(coord.zoom);
var bottomRightLimit = limits[1].zoomTo(coord.zoom);
var currentTopLeft = this.pointCoordinate(new MM.Point(0,0));
var currentBottomRight = this.pointCoordinate(this.dimensions);
if (bottomRightLimit.row - topLeftLimit.row < currentBottomRight.row - currentTopLeft.row) {
// if the limit is smaller than the current view center it
coord.row = (bottomRightLimit.row + topLeftLimit.row) / 2;
else {
if (currentTopLeft.row < topLeftLimit.row) {
coord.row += topLeftLimit.row - currentTopLeft.row;
else if (currentBottomRight.row > bottomRightLimit.row) {
coord.row -= currentBottomRight.row - bottomRightLimit.row;
if (bottomRightLimit.column - topLeftLimit.column < currentBottomRight.column - currentTopLeft.column) {
// if the limit is smaller than the current view, center it
coord.column = (bottomRightLimit.column + topLeftLimit.column) / 2;
else {
if (currentTopLeft.column < topLeftLimit.column) {
coord.column += topLeftLimit.column - currentTopLeft.column;
else if (currentBottomRight.column > bottomRightLimit.column) {
coord.column -= currentBottomRight.column - bottomRightLimit.column;
return coord;
// rendering
draw: function() {
// make sure we're not too far in or out:
this.coordinate = this.enforceLimits(this.coordinate);
// if we're in between zoom levels, we need to choose the nearest:
var baseZoom = Math.round(this.coordinate.zoom);
// these are the top left and bottom right tile coordinates
// we'll be loading everything in between:
var startCoord = this.pointCoordinate(new MM.Point(0,0)).zoomTo(baseZoom).container();
var endCoord = this.pointCoordinate(this.dimensions).zoomTo(baseZoom).container().right().down();
// tiles with invalid keys will be removed from visible layers
// requests for tiles with invalid keys will be canceled
// (this object maps from a tile key to a boolean)
var validTileKeys = { };
// make sure we have a container for tiles in the current layer
var thisLayer = this.createOrGetLayer(startCoord.zoom);
// use this coordinate for generating keys, parents and children:
var tileCoord = startCoord.copy();
for (tileCoord.column = startCoord.column; tileCoord.column <= endCoord.column; tileCoord.column += 1) {
for (tileCoord.row = startCoord.row; tileCoord.row <= endCoord.row; tileCoord.row += 1) {
var tileKey = tileCoord.toKey();
validTileKeys[tileKey] = true;
if (tileKey in this.tiles) {
var tile = this.tiles[tileKey];
// ensure it's in the DOM:
if (tile.parentNode != thisLayer) {
else {
if (!this.requestManager.hasRequest(tileKey)) {
var tileURL = this.provider.getTileUrl(tileCoord);
this.requestManager.requestTile(tileKey, tileCoord, tileURL);
// look for a parent tile in our image cache
var tileCovered = false;
for (var pz = 1; pz <= 5; pz++) {
var parentCoord = tileCoord.zoomBy(-pz).container();
var parentKey = parentCoord.toKey();
// only mark it valid if we have it already
if (parentKey in this.tiles) {
validTileKeys[parentKey] = true;
tileCovered = true;
/* pyramid load would look like this:
validTileKeys[parentKey] = true;
var parentLayer = this.createOrGetLayer(parentCoord.zoom);
parentLayer.coordinate = parentCoord.copy();
if (parentKey in this.tiles) {
var parentTile = this.tiles[parentKey];
if (parentTile.parentNode != parentLayer) {
else if (!this.requestManager.hasRequest(parentKey)) {
var tileURL = this.provider.getTileUrl(tileCoord);
this.requestManager.requestTile(parentKey, parentCoord, tileURL);
// if we didn't find a parent, look at the children:
if (!tileCovered) {
var childCoord = tileCoord.zoomBy(1);
// mark everything valid whether or not we have it:
validTileKeys[childCoord.toKey()] = true;
childCoord.column += 1;
validTileKeys[childCoord.toKey()] = true;
childCoord.row += 1;
validTileKeys[childCoord.toKey()] = true;
childCoord.column -= 1;
validTileKeys[childCoord.toKey()] = true;
// i from i to zoom-5 are layers that would be scaled too big,
// i from zoom+2 to layers.length are layers that would be
// scaled too small (and tiles would be too numerous)
for (var name in this.layers) {
if (this.layers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var zoom = parseInt(name,10);
if (zoom >= startCoord.zoom-5 && zoom < startCoord.zoom+2) {
var layer = this.layers[name]; = 'none';
var visibleTiles = layer.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var j = visibleTiles.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
// for tracking time of tile usage:
var now = new Date().getTime();
// layers we want to see, if they have tiles in validTileKeys
var minLayer = startCoord.zoom-5;
var maxLayer = startCoord.zoom+2;
for (var i = minLayer; i < maxLayer; i++) {
var layer = this.layers[i];
if (!layer) {
// no tiles for this layer yet
var scale = 1;
var theCoord = this.coordinate.copy();
if (layer.childNodes.length > 0) { = 'block';
scale = Math.pow(2, this.coordinate.zoom - i);
theCoord = theCoord.zoomTo(i);
else { = 'none';
var tileWidth = this.provider.tileWidth * scale;
var tileHeight = this.provider.tileHeight * scale;
var center = new MM.Point(this.dimensions.x/2, this.dimensions.y/2);
var visibleTiles = layer.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var j = visibleTiles.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
var tile = visibleTiles[j];
if (!validTileKeys[]) {
else {
// position tiles
var tx = center.x + (tile.coord.column - theCoord.column) * tileWidth;
var ty = center.y + (tile.coord.row - theCoord.row) * tileHeight; = Math.round(tx) + 'px'; = Math.round(ty) + 'px';
tile.width = Math.ceil(tileWidth);
tile.height = Math.ceil(tileHeight);
// log last-touched-time of currently cached tiles
this.recentTilesById[].lastTouchedTime = now;
// cancel requests that aren't visible:
// get newly requested tiles, sort according to current view:
// make sure we don't have too much stuff:
_tileComplete: null,
getTileComplete: function() {
if (!this._tileComplete) {
var theMap = this;
this._tileComplete = function(manager, tile) {
// cache the tile itself:
theMap.tiles[] = tile;
// also keep a record of when we last touched this tile:
var record = {
lastTouchedTime: new Date().getTime()
theMap.recentTilesById[] = record;
// add tile to its layer:
var theLayer = theMap.layers[tile.coord.zoom];
// position this tile (avoids a full draw() call):
var theCoord = theMap.coordinate.zoomTo(tile.coord.zoom);
var scale = Math.pow(2, theMap.coordinate.zoom - tile.coord.zoom);
var tx = ((theMap.dimensions.x/2) + (tile.coord.column - theCoord.column) * theMap.provider.tileWidth * scale);
var ty = ((theMap.dimensions.y/2) + (tile.coord.row - theCoord.row) * theMap.provider.tileHeight * scale); = Math.round(tx) + 'px'; = Math.round(ty) + 'px';
tile.width = Math.ceil(theMap.provider.tileWidth * scale);
tile.height = Math.ceil(theMap.provider.tileHeight * scale);
// request a lazy redraw of all layers
// this will remove tiles that were only visible
// to cover this tile while it loaded:
return this._tileComplete;
_redrawTimer: undefined,
requestRedraw: function() {
// we'll always draw within 1 second of this request,
// sometimes faster if there's already a pending redraw
// this is used when a new tile arrives so that we clear
// any parent/child tiles that were only being displayed
// until the tile loads at the right zoom level
if (!this._redrawTimer) {
this._redrawTimer = setTimeout(this.getRedraw(), 1000);
_redraw: null,
getRedraw: function() {
// let's only create this closure once...
if (!this._redraw) {
var theMap = this;
this._redraw = function() {
theMap._redrawTimer = 0;
return this._redraw;
createOrGetLayer: function(zoom) {
if (zoom in this.layers) {
return this.layers[zoom];
//console.log('creating layer ' + zoom);
var layer = document.createElement('div'); ='-zoom-'+zoom; =; = zoom;
this.layers[zoom] = layer;
return layer;
* keeps cache below max size
* (called every time we receive a new tile and add it to the cache)
checkCache: function() {
var numTilesOnScreen = this.parent.getElementsByTagName('img').length;
var maxTiles = Math.max(numTilesOnScreen, this.maxTileCacheSize);
if (this.tileCacheSize > maxTiles) {
// sort from newest (highest) to oldest (lowest)
this.recentTiles.sort(function(t1, t2) {
return t2.lastTouchedTime < t1.lastTouchedTime ? -1 : t2.lastTouchedTime > t1.lastTouchedTime ? 1 : 0;
while (this.tileCacheSize > maxTiles) {
// delete the oldest record
var tileRecord = this.recentTiles.pop();
var now = new Date().getTime();
delete this.recentTilesById[];
//window.console.log('removing ' + +
// ' last seen ' + (now-tileRecord.lastTouchedTime) + 'ms ago');
// now actually remove it from the cache...
var tile = this.tiles[];
if (tile.parentNode) {
// I'm leaving this uncommented for now but you should never see it:
alert("Gah: trying to removing cached tile even though it's still in the DOM");
else {
delete this.tiles[];
// compares manhattan distance from center of
// requested tiles to current map center
// NB:- requested tiles are *popped* from queue, so we do a descending sort
getCenterDistanceCompare: function() {
var theCoord = this.coordinate.zoomTo(Math.round(this.coordinate.zoom));
return function(r1, r2) {
if (r1 && r2) {
var c1 = r1.coord;
var c2 = r2.coord;
if (c1.zoom == c2.zoom) {
var ds1 = Math.abs(theCoord.row - c1.row - 0.5) +
Math.abs(theCoord.column - c1.column - 0.5);
var ds2 = Math.abs(theCoord.row - c2.row - 0.5) +
Math.abs(theCoord.column - c2.column - 0.5);
return ds1 < ds2 ? 1 : ds1 > ds2 ? -1 : 0;
else {
return c1.zoom < c2.zoom ? 1 : c1.zoom > c2.zoom ? -1 : 0;
return r1 ? 1 : r2 ? -1 : 0;
<h2>Modest Maps 2</h2>
<div id="map"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider('{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png');
var map = new com.modestmaps.Map('map', provider, new com.modestmaps.Point(640,480));
map.setCenterZoom(new com.modestmaps.Location(37.804656, -122.263606), 14);
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