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Created January 10, 2022 17:18
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Genuary22_5 'Destroy a square' submission
# Genuary 2022 - u/LordTachankaMain (Discord: Falafel#3169)
# Coded on the 05/01/2022 from 4:00-6:30PM
# This is my submission for Genuary 2022_5, "Destroy a square"
# There is somehow a memory leak in this program, and it will use ~50mb
# of ram every time it's run, even when the program is stopped. Don't
# I have no clue. Just re-open Processing if it starts getting laggy.
actors = [] # location and vector of every point
def setup():
global actors
for i in range(10000): # initializing all the points
actor = [0,0,0,0,False] # 0 = x; 1 = y; 2 = delta x (velocity); 3 = delta y; 4 = wasTouchedByCursor.
actor[0] = int(random(0,3000))
actor[1] = int(random(0,2000))
def draw():
for actor in actors:
square(actor[0],actor[1],5) # draws the points
move(actor) # moves the points by a small amount
dis = tria(actor) # calculates the distance to cursor
if dis < 120000: # if point in radius around cursor...
disNew = tria(actor)
if disNew < dis: # if, after moving again, the point is closer to the cursor...
factor = int(60/(float(dis*0.0002))) # the closer the point is to the cursor,
if actor[2] > 0: # the more biased it is to turn around
actor[2] -= factor
actor[2] += factor
if actor[3] > 0:
actor[3] -= factor
actor[3] += factor
actor[4] = True
if actor[4] == False: # if actor was affected by cursor, make it unaffected by square borders
if actor[0] > 2000: # all of the 'out of square' checks
actor[0] = 1000
actor[2] *= 0.5 # slows the points down so they don't keep getting faster
actor[3] *= 0.5
if actor[0] < 1000:
actor[0] = 2000
actor[2] *= 0.5
actor[3] *= 0.5
if actor[1] > 1500:
actor[1] = 500
actor[2] *= 0.5
actor[3] *= 0.5
if actor[1] < 500:
actor[1] = 1500
actor[2] *= 0.5
actor[3] *= 0.5
def tria(actor): # uses pythogoras for the distance
global actors
dist = (actor[0] - mouseX)**2 + (actor[1] - mouseY)**2
return dist
def move(actor): # adds or subtracts to the velocity in a random direction
x = int(random(-2,2)) + actor[2]
y = int(random(-2,2)) + actor[3]
actor[0] += x
actor[1] += y
actor[2] = x
actor[3] = y
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