use homebrew
brew install zsh
const { execSync } = require("child_process"); | |
const fs = require("fs"); | |
const pattern = /\D{3}_(\d{8})_.*/; | |
fs.readdir("./", (err, files) => { | |
files.forEach((file) => { | |
const match = pattern.exec(file); | |
const yyyymmdd = match?.[1]; | |
if (yyyymmdd) { | |
const output = execSync(`touch -d ${yyyymmdd} -f ${file}`, { encoding: "utf-8" }); |
import { AxiosError, AxiosInstance } from "axios"; | |
// using react-native-logger here | |
import { Logger } from "@/utils/logger"; | |
export function registerDebugLogger(instance: AxiosInstance) { | |
Logger.debug("registering debug loggers"); | |
instance.interceptors.request.use( | |
(config) => { | |
Logger.debug( |
// MacOS agents in Azure don't come with base64 installed, so we use node to convert our p8 file to base64 so we can use it in the deployment task | |
const fs = require("fs"); | |
// 0 is node | |
// 1 is location of this file | |
const filePath = process.argv[2]; | |
if (!filePath) { | |
throw new Error("no file path given"); | |
} |
//put this inside ~/.config/brave-flags.conf | |
--enable-features=TouchpadOverscrollHistoryNavigation |
{ | |
"manifest_version": 2, | |
"name": "Everforest", | |
"version": "1.0.0", | |
"applications": { | |
"gecko": { | |
"id": "[email protected]", | |
"strict_min_version": "60.0" | |
} | |
}, |
# add to ~/.config/spicetify/Themes/text/color.ini | |
[Everforest] | |
accent = a7c080 | |
accent-active = 98BB6C | |
accent-inactive = 2e383c | |
banner = a7c080 | |
border-active = a7c080 | |
border-inactive = 7A8478 | |
header = 9DA9A0 | |
highlight = 272e33 |
#!/bin/bash | |
# parse ticket number (if available) and prepend commit messge with it | |
# as we have a pound sign (#) at the start of our messages, we should probably edit the git comment character | |
# git config core.commentChar ';' | |
branchName=$(git branch --show-current) | |
# sed -n : quiet, s: substitute, /: delimiter | |
# match everything that is not a number before a number that is at least 5 digits long |
trying to follow this tutorial, i was not able to get fail2ban to work in my setup, so here is a gist in case I forget.
sudo apt install fail2ban
kudos to this guide
npm i -D @commitlint/config-conventional @commitlint/cli