- .gitignore is versionned.
- .gitignore does not contain any IDE or system exclusions.
- Files are encoded in UTF-8 without BOM (PSR-1).
- End of lines are LF (PSR-2).
- PSR-1 is applied.
- PSR-2 is applied.
- .editorconfig is versionned.
- Travis hook is added in GitHub.
- .travis.yml is versionned.
- .travis.yml has been checked with Travis lint.
- .travis.yml contains all the supported PHP versions.
- Scrutinizer hook is added in GitHub.
- .scrutinizer.yml is versionned.
- Insight hook is added in GitHub.
- composer.json is versionned.
- composer.json is valid.
- vendor folder is not versionned.
- composer.lock is not versionned.
- composer install command is added to .travis.yml.
- Autoloading method is specified in composer.json.
- All dependancies are specified in composer.json.
- PHP version is specified in composer.json.
- All used extensions are specified in composer.json.
- composer.phar is not versionned.
- Your current version number is valid with the Semantic verisonning 2.0.0.
- Your current version is a git tag.
- Your current version is not in composer.json.
- Your library is added to Packagist.
- Packagist hook is added in GitHub.